Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 92: Second inning


don't! If you throw back the gift card, wouldn't I be scalded for nothing? Wu Zhe was shocked and rushed forward to get the sign.

"What's the trouble here?" Another old man who played the piano, who made the question, had already reached out to catch the gifted woman card thrown at him, and stood up and handed the card to Wu Zhe: "Miss Xiao, at such a young age, for the sake of my companion, I have such a resolute and courageous attitude." Heart, you can't abandon this brand just because of your injury."

Wu Zhe took the talented woman card with his left hand, and greeted the old man playing the piano: "Thank you, senior."

The old man said with a smile: "You don't need to say thank you, you earned this with flesh and blood."

Are you the one who earns it with flesh and blood? ! Wu Zhe was suddenly unhappy.

But Wu Zhe also understood in his heart that there was nothing wrong with what the other party said. Maybe it was because the former otaku himself was too evil in his heart

"Ah... that's not what I meant..." Seeing Wu Zhe rushing over, Hu Yunjiao suddenly felt that she had behaved improperly.

But seeing that the burnt flesh of Wu Zhe was still on the copper stove over there, the flames were still lingering, and he glared at the inspector Li Daoming angrily.

The offended Inspector Li Daoming still didn't say anything, just sat quietly.

This guy is good at pretending to be cool, Wu Zhe complained. It's impossible not to be angry with him, who wouldn't be angry if his hand was hurt like this? Even though the pain nerve has been reduced to an extremely low level, the burning pain still makes Wu Zhe feel so painful that the nerves twitch.

Wu Zhe put up the sign again. When Hu Yunjiao saw Wu Zhe's action, which was still dripping with medicine foam, she hurried over to help, and hung the sign on Hu Daomen's logo knife again.

Another female doctor from Shangyao Valley, who came up with the question, smoothed things over with a smile: "Miss Hu, although this question is indeed painful, it really tests whether your team is united. This Miss Xiao can solve the problem in an instant. Ruthlessly earned honor for you, as the leader of the team, Miss Hu, don't let down her courageous heart."

These words made Hu Yunjiao extremely embarrassed, she quickly apologized, then pulled Wu Zhe by the corner of her clothes and returned to her seat.

Mu Qingya and the girls hurriedly took care of Wu Zhe like a seriously ill patient.

"I'm sorry just now, I didn't mean that..." Hu Yunjiao apologized to Wu Zhe in a low voice.

"I should be grateful. You dare to reprimand the inspector because you care too much about me." Wu Zhe secretly sighed in his heart.

If she is not a woman now, I am afraid that Hu Yunjiao may have some secret promises, wishing to repay her with her body

Of course, this is just an otaku's ambition.

There are still discussions in the audience.

Some people think that the black-box testimony in the first round is too vicious, and it is not appropriate for the test of talented women.

There are also some people who think that this is how the Zongmen's talent competition should be, and the bloody storm in the rivers and lakes, this little burn is really nothing. If you don't even have this ambition, you can't be called a talented woman in the sect.

But at least, everyone has a standard of measurement in mind: Hu Daomen won the first round... well deserved!

On Lin Jianmen's side, the Xuanwu female general and the talented woman Mo Dacai snorted secretly, unconvinced that Hudaomen had won the top spot.

With the help of the two question creators, the slightly turbulent atmosphere of the scene due to the harshness of the first game was finally suppressed.

The old man in charge stood up again and said loudly: "The first round is over, the winner is Hu Daomen! Next, please come up with the questions for the second round!"

Among the three questioners, the Inspector remained silent. He had completed his task.

"Second round, use literature to celebrate martial arts." The old man playing the piano named Hong Shouting stood up, went to the side of the stage and said, "I spent most of my life as a soldier, and in my later years, I like to play with stringed instruments. Let both parties show their talents and compose songs and inscriptions." For the sake of examination, but it needs to match the rhythm with the score. Considering the presence of Mo Cainv, for the sake of fairness, in order to prevent the influence of old works, I will presumptuously limit the theme... "

Hong Shouting's words paused here, and his eyes drifted to Lin Jianmen's side.

"Don't laugh at the little girl, old general." Mo Xichou, Lin Jianmen's foreign aid and a talented girl, got up and bowed.

"Hehe, it's mainly because of your reputation. If you come up with an ordinary topic, I'm afraid it will be said to be unfair." The old general Hong Shouting laughed at himself: "I think that you little girls who recite poems and odes on weekdays must be Flowers and willows and so on. Hehe, don’t blame me for not paying attention to your ordinary songs.”

"What the old general taught me is that the poems and songs in our daughter's house are indeed small things about flowers, birds, fish and insects." Although Mo Dacai was secretly high-spirited, she didn't dare to make mistakes in front of the old general of Qi. The mouth was very humble: "I don't know what subject the old general is deciding on at this time?"

"The subject matter is limited to stories about heroes and wars. As the old man's deceased brothers, we should pay tribute to them with poems and songs." The old general swung his fists and pulled out a posture of gold and iron horses: "Then please come out from both sides. The title of the poem is based on this, accompanied by the melody. The old man plays the piano and composes a song on the spot, let’s compete!"

Hearing that the second questioner is Wen Songwu, many people feel a little relieved. People like Hu Yunshang are really afraid that he will also create a test that hurts the girl.

"Recite poems and compose Fu, and then sing them out with rhythm?" Lin Chaoying immediately beamed with joy.

Most of the poems can be sung with rhythm, which is the preference of many refined scholars.

Xuanwu female general Wei Ling also smiled and said: "Hehehe, this is the specialty of our talented women."

"The two younger sisters are absurd." Mo Dacai replied, and began to frown slightly to consider the sentence.

Lin Jianmen in the audience began to feel complacent. The failure of the first game raised their depressed mood just now.

"Okay! This is the content of the competition for talented women!"

"With a talented woman in charge, Lin Jianmen will surely win!"

The old general suddenly remembered again, and said with a smile: "Looking at my memory, I should have set a time limit. Let's use a stick of incense as the limit."

A servant sword quickly brought an incense burner.

The old general burned incense, his eyes were like water, looking through the years, he really missed his comrades who passed away.

"Quick, let's think about it." Hu Yunjiao pulled Mu Qingya to think of a way. Her best friend also quickly brought a pen and paper.

Mu Qingya frowned slightly, and wrote some intermittent sentences on the paper from time to time.

Wu Zhe came up with an idea: "There's not much time, so don't overemphasize the mediocrity. And it's better to make the poems praising war generals rough, but I want to overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum."

She didn't intend to help plagiarize Tang and Song poems or anything. Judging from Mu Qingya's writing, her literary attainments are not low. When it's time to make people shine, don't steal the limelight too much.

Speaking of it, it is really not easy to compose poems and compose songs in public with only one stick of incense time.

This is not an atmosphere in a small building where you can write poems with peace of mind. Many well-educated people find it difficult to write poems in front of others, but they can be inspired like a wave when they are alone.

Or many people are good at modifying poems for a long time, but they are not very neat when they are allowed to write in a short time.

Halfway through the burning of the incense, Mu Qingya's poems had a rough outline, but Lin Chaoying suddenly called out from Lin Jianmen's side: "Our side is ready!"

So fast! Hu Yunjiao and the others were taken aback.

The old general Hong Shouting said happily: "As expected of a talented woman Mo, show me quickly."

He had already put the piano on the table and got ready, and now he read the poems with music scores that Lin Chaoying sent up, and couldn't help being moved.

The old general's rough fingers touched the strings, and the sound of the piano gradually rose, and the rough old man's voice slowly chanted:

"The hussars rushed bloody and sweaty, broke their arms, reined in their reins, and made their bones firm. Holding their knives, they boldly waved the ground, and raised their guns to break the sky. The Qi people have eight thousand soldiers, and they dare to attack the twelve cities of the Wu Kingdom. Thousands of troops rushed into chaos. Ten mountain views, thousands of horses smashing the ice of hundreds of rivers. This life is not enough to shed blood, but in the next life, I still want to be a star... "

Although this section is flat and not neat, but it can be played within half a stick of incense, and with the rhythm, Mo Xichou's talent is really outstanding.

Mu Qingya was stunned when she heard the poems and songs made by the other party, and the brush in her hand fell to the ground with a snap.

Seeing Wu Zhe looking at her, Mu Qingya gestured sadly with her hands: "As expected of a talented poems... can't compare..."

Hu Yunjiao and the girls also turned pale.

Seeing Mu Qingya like this, Wu Zhe couldn't help being embarrassed.

You won't let Ben travel through the crowd again to become a thief in the literary world, right? That's so cheesy...


Baa: Discussing this plot with readers in the penguin group, it took two hours of public and private chats, not counting the coding time. This poem by talented girl Mo Xichou was written in a short period of time, and there are many opinions, so I just uploaded it directly. At the level of baa, that's about it...

Ask for a ticket! I also want to thank Mo Ling for the ten thousand coins reward. ;