No Escape From A Loving Wife

Chapter 20: Last night, it was too intense


When Xue Jinyan came to the door of the company, a figure suddenly flashed by her side.

"Jinyan, were you okay last night?"

The strong smell of perfume on Yang Momo caused Xue Jinyan to sneez and push her away with a dark face: "Pay attention to the image, this is the door of our company."

Yang Momo stared at a pair of panda eyes with a look of annoyance on his face: "Yesterday you couldn't come back after you went out. We went to the toilet and turned upside down, almost wanting to see if you flushed down the sewer."

Xue Jinyan twitched the corners of her mouth.

This sister, can you still be more mindless.

"But, something happened last night. It's the Chen Minhao, you know, fell in a box, and the police also found that he was taking drugs. Now he is arrested. Old Mr. Chen Yaowu was hospitalized this morning. Angry."

Xue Jinyan was taken aback for a moment, and she didn't expect such a dramatic change to happen in just one night.

"And I also heard that he used to play double-flying in the box, but as a result, I don’t know what happened, and then he fainted. Didn’t you see, the ambulance came, and the nurses carried him onto the stretcher. It's almost exhausted, so funny."

"Huh, deserve it, retribution."

"Yes." Yang Momo immediately agreed: "That bitch always plays with women, so let me play with myself. But then again, what did you do yesterday? Even if you leave early, you should tell us. ."

Xue Jinyan opened her mouth, and finally sighed: "It's hard to say a word. Anyway, I'm too fate."

Yang Momo was so heartbroken that he couldn't close his mouth.

"You just pierced your leg with a glass bottle, you two, does it hurt?"

Xue Jinyan gave her an angry look: "Can it hurt? But if I don't do that, I won't be able to wake up. That bastard actually gave me that kind of medicine. The important thing is that he was fainted and bloody. I knew it earlier. I frightened him with a bucket of pig blood and sheep blood."

"Yes." Yang Momo patted his chest and sighed: "It's really thrilling. I didn't expect you to almost let the trash man outside. It's great to get it in this time. Keep it closed for a while and don't come out."

Xue Jinyan held a straw and raised her eyebrows: "I can only hope so."

Yang Momo turned around, and suddenly smiled ambiguously: "You said that Ling Yue took you away and took care of you all night. I said, if you were given that kind of medicine, you just..."

"Stop, the nasty thing you thought didn't happen a little bit." Xue Jinyan whispered with a black face: "The effect of the medicine is not very strong, you don't know how ruthless the guy Ling Yue made it, I hurt my leg. He just threw me on the ground of their garden and flushed with the faucet."

"Wow, such a heavy mouth adds excitement."

Xue Jinyan was speechless: "Sister, your thinking can be normal. In short, Lianxiangxiyu hasn't happened at all. Besides, he hates me so much. At that time, I couldn't resist. I just took the opportunity to take revenge.

Yang Momo nodded, propped his chin, and frowned: "Let's say, this Ling Yue is really a superb man. His appearance, talent, family background, and his own career are all so good. And more importantly, , He didn't even have a scandal, do you think he was a..."

Xue Jinyan rolled her eyes and suddenly thought of something: "Don't tell me, I didn't go looking for him last time. I ran into a very good man outside the office. The temperament is similar to that of ancient poets and paintings. Like, he went to find Ling Yue."

Xue Jinyan and Yang Momo were silent at the same time.

Then the eyes of both of them instantly ignited infinite heat.

Xue Jinyan's heartbeat accelerated with excitement, and she didn't expect that she actually held Ling Yue's handle.

If the man dared to speak sarcastically or act, she would directly use this handle to pinch him.

"No, didn't he like that little white lotus at the beginning? Is it because he was given up and changed his sex?" Yang Momo curiously asked.

Xue Jinyan thought for a while and shook her head: "I don't know, but maybe we have all misunderstood, Ling Yue, this man, may be born with a kind of chivalrous heart, because I was really bad for Su Xiaonuan at the time. So it aroused his desire to protect, but the desire to protect is not love."

The more Yang Momo listened, the more he felt right: "Yes, otherwise, why would he not give up when looking at Su Xiaonuan and feel so uncomfortable. Moreover, last time you were drunk, the gentleman sent him home." It’s the same this time. It’s not what a normal man should do.”

"Yes, yes, that's right." Xue Jinyan patted the table excitedly: "Momo, it's really a happy event today. I discovered this hidden secret. In short, I must keep my distance with this guy in the future. If he doesn't offend me, I won’t provoke him, but if he offends me, hum, then don’t blame me for my big mouth."


Ling Yue took a piece of tissue, sneezing non-stop since just now.

It must have been the woman Xue Jinyan tossed last night, and she had caught a cold.

Thinking of Xue Jinyan, her quiet sleeping face suddenly appeared in her mind, with long eyelashes, a small nose, and slightly opened lips.

Stop it!

Ling Yue was stunned, stood up, how could he think of that woman.

He shook his head. It must be the nervous breakdown that caused this woman to toss last night, although the feeling of bullying her is indeed very interesting.

Ji Changfeng pushed open the door of the president's room and joked: "What do you think, the smile is so sweet."

Ling Yue was clever, and said straightforwardly: "What are you talking about? I'm looking at financial statements now."

"Oh? Financial statements." Ji Changfeng leaned forward curiously, and said ambiguously: "I thought it was a love letter written by a little lover that made you so happy."

Ling Yue's face was hot: "Nonsense."

Ji Changfeng squinted at him: "How was the lady yesterday?"

"How about it." Ling Yue grabbed a financial magazine, not salty or indifferent: "If you have nothing to do, you can paint, don't come to me to make trouble."

"I'm not making trouble. I came with a mission." Ji Changfeng blinked mysteriously: "The most beautiful lady in the world asked me to ask you, are you going to be irresponsible to other girls?"

Ling Yue was one of the first two big ones: "Grandma even looked for you, so you didn't help me explain it well."

"I can't help it." Ji Changfeng looked innocent: "Grandma said she saw you and the young lady walking downstairs early in the morning. As for you, it was obvious that you didn't sleep well last night, and she was walking, too. Very problematic. It seems that the leg is still injured, and it is suspected to be too intense."


Grandma is really... Ling Yue's mouth twitched, her imagination was too rich.

(End of this chapter)