No Escape From A Loving Wife

Chapter 67: An ambiguous trial


Xue Jinyan felt a pain in her heart after hearing what he said.

She turned her head away and said coldly: "I never let you wait for me."

Ling Yue stared at her with an unusually ugly expression.

The air seemed to stagnate, and each other couldn't even hear each other breathing.

But she didn't want to show weakness, didn't want to admit defeat.

She just tried to be as calm as possible and looked at the man in front of her flatly.

The corner of Ling Yue's mouth seemed to be pulled, as if sighed, and whispered: "I think it will happen if there is a will."

Xue Jinyan didn't understand what he meant, but raised her eyebrows, but made no sound.

Ling Yue stood up and sighed, "You have a good rest."

After he finished speaking, he walked straight out.

Xue Jinyan only felt a little chill in her heart.

She looked at Ling Yue's somewhat lonely figure, but she was somewhat determined.

Inexplicably flustered.

She opened her mouth, but made no sound.

Ling Yue stopped when he reached the door, but he didn't turn around.

Just like this, two people stood in tandem.

But it seems to have isolated too many feelings.

Time goes by every second, every second is a kind of suffering.

Xue Jinyan even felt that he wanted to surrender.

She wants to say Ling Yue, you can make it clear, what exactly do you mean, she wants to say, in fact, she can walk with him.

It's just that these thoughts wandered around in his mind, only to see that Ling Yue had already walked out the door, and then gently closed the door.


Xue Jinyan stared at the closed door with red eyes.

He rushed in with the madman and said some inexplicable things. She never told him to wait. Now what is this, after making her uncomfortable, he is now leaving comfortably!

After tossing and turning all night, I seemed to be asleep, but I didn't seem to be asleep again. There always seemed to be something stuck in my heart, which was extremely uncomfortable.

In the morning, I opened my eyes and saw the black halo on the pale face of the mirror, and Xue Jinyan's nose was sore.

Someone said something inexplicable, and now she has dark circles under her eyes.

I didn't feel much energy all morning, and the phone didn't respond.

Xue Jinyan squinted at the phone, her eyes gradually reddening.

"Sister Xue, Ms. Gu is here." Lena knocked on the door and saw Xue Jinyan's face inside slightly startled: "Are you okay?"

Xue Jinyan shook her head and stood up: "I'm okay, I will pass now."

When I came to the reception room, I saw Gu Qingwei sitting with a somewhat ugly face. When she walked in, her expression seemed to soften a little: "Jin Yan."

"Auntie, why are you here?" Xue Jinyan sat beside her casually, a little surprised: "What happened so early?"

Gu Qingwei's face changed again and again, she seemed to say a little hard: "Jinyan, Auntie wants to make a request with you, I don't know if you agree or not?"

Xue Jinyan became a little nervous, and said quickly: "You speak."

"Live at Jing Yang's house."

Xue Jinyan was taken aback, she just thought it was funny, but when she looked at Gu Qingwei's expression, she knew she was serious.

"Auntie, what are you?"

She was a little at a loss, what is she, living in Zhuo Jingyang's home, this is too joking.

Gu Qingwei's eyes drenched: "I know that my request is indeed a bit too much, but Jinyan and Auntie can't help it. Su Xiaonuan, I feel sick when I see it."

Xue Jinyan's lips moved.

She wants to say that if you don't want to see her, you can just move away.

In fact, in the final analysis, Su Xiaonuan is also Zhuo Jingyang's daughter-in-law, and it is the two of them who solve it by themselves. The more you participate in it now, you can only make yourself unhappy.

But seeing the disgust in Gu Qingwei's eyes, she didn't say anything.

"I have never seen such a nasty woman!" Gu Qingwei said angrily, slapped her palm on the table.

Xue Jinyan licked her lips, and stopped talking.

Gu Qingwei squinted her eyes and frowned, "I saw this woman was uneasy and kind. Jing Yang didn't know if she was blinded by her. Why did I disagree? He just wanted to marry her."

"That, after all, Jing Yang decided by herself, auntie, actually I think..."

"I just can't understand her face, as if I always bully her, making Jing Yang feel that I am a vicious mother, but she is actually not a good person. When Jing Yang was away, she was so pitiful. Her face immediately became hateful. Do you know what she said to me? She said Jing Yang liked her, she would rather drive me away than her. Listen, this is what someone said. "

Xue Jinyan widened her eyes in surprise.

"Auntie, are you sure that Su Xiaonuan said it?"

"Of course." Gu Qingwei said angrily: "I am the most fair person. Although I can't understand her, I will not slander her. Now that she wears so sexy every day, isn't it just to seduce Jing Yang? "

Xue Jinyan didn't know what to say.

Just suddenly a little sympathy for Zhuo Jingyang came.

No wonder he doesn't want to go home very much, and feels tired, the house is so violent, he must be annoying to death.

Gu Qingwei's eyes suddenly dimmed, and she sighed and said, "Actually, I also know that Jing Yang must be uncomfortable. This morning, he slammed the door and went out. I didn't answer any calls. I couldn't help it. Jinyan, you like Jing Yang so much, and I think Jing Yang still has you in his heart, so the aunt will make the decision for you and let you be together again."

Xue Jinyan couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

"Auntie, I can understand your feelings, but..."

"Don't rush to refuse. I can guarantee that the marriage of these two people is not long. I heard their quarreling voices last night. What a good temper Jing Yang used to be. Distressed."


"Can you help me meet Jing Yang? Auntie really has no other way. I only trust you."


Zhuo Jingyang got out of the water and was slightly startled when he saw the slender figure standing on the shore.

He put on a bath towel and walked out, with water drops still hanging on his body.

Xue Jinyan glanced at him with a smile, jokingly: "What are you, the sexy in the water."

The corner of Zhuo Jingyang's mouth bends: "Is it possible for you?"

Xue Jinyan shook her head decisively: "I am immune. Let's go, I came to you specially."

Zhuo Jingyang fell silent, Jun Yi's jealous face was unexpectedly childishly sad at this moment.

"My mom is looking for you?"

"You are smart. Although you don't know what happened, you worry aunt. Also, what is going on with you and Su Xiaonuan? How can you mess up your family now."

Holding a glass of drink, Zhuo Jingyang calmly looked at the swimming pool in front of him, and said lightly: "I don't know, I can't figure out which part of the problem went wrong. I filed for divorce with Su Xiaonuan, but she didn't. Agree. She said she didn't like Ling Yue, and her dream was just an accident."

Although Xue Jinyan didn't agree with him, she nodded, "Yes, it's just a dream. You don't really need to be too serious. After all, did she choose you?"

Zhuo Jingyang mocked her eyes: "Yes, so I don't know at all. Since she likes Lingyue, why did she choose me? Lingyue was so good to her at the beginning, didn't she like her too?"

Xue Jinyan agreed: "Yes, so it shows that this is actually just a dream talk. In fact, the person she likes in her heart is you. You said, you are all married, and what are you doing, why don't you just have a baby? It's all at ease."

"Hehe, now I don't have any thoughts to touch that woman. I am really confused now, and I have never been so frustrated. She is really the only woman who makes me feel painful."

Xue Jinyan fell silent.

She frowned and stood up: "Anyway, this is your business, you can figure it out. But my aunt came to see me today and said that I was allowed to live in your house."

Zhuo Jingyang was taken aback: "Why do you live with me?"

"What are you talking about?" Xue Jinyan said with a faint smile: "Your mother really likes me, and hopes that I will get in between you and Su Xiaonuan as soon as possible, and then Su Xiaonuan will leave and I will come as a substitute."

Zhuo Jingyang's face was a little embarrassed: "Don't listen to my mother, I don't want to make my love life so troublesome."

"Oh, it's fine if you know it." Xue Jinyan scratched her hair a little annoyedly: "Your business, it sounds annoying, and I don't want to see you in the future."

She said and went out, Zhuo Jingyang was stunned, and quickly stood up and took her hand: "Jin Yan."

Xue Jinyan stopped and turned her head helplessly: "What are you doing?"

Zhuo Jingyang released his hand and said gently, "Even if we are not lovers, we are friends. I also know that I shouldn't annoy you, but since you are here and you are leaving now, I feel a little sad."

Xue Jinyan laughed: "You are really a straightforward guy. What do you want, let me drink with you, I'm not in this mood."

"If I get divorced, what would you do?" Zhuo Jingyang suddenly said seriously.

Xue Jinyan felt her eyelids twitch, she took a step back, and squinted at him with her arms: "What do you want me to do?"

She looked at the man in front of her.

No matter when, he is the kind of person who can attract her attention.

But now, she looked at him, but her eyes were gradually blurred.

Zhuo Jingyang seemed to sigh, he stepped forward, but saw Xue Jinyan's defensive behavior and stopped.

"Actually, I know you must hate me very much in your heart. I also know that if you are with you again, you must feel that I am shameless. But Jinyan, you are in my heart and are very important."

Xue Jinyan exhaled and said calmly: "Well, you are so touched that I want to cry. What do you want, let's talk about it?"

Zhuo Jingyang thought for a while before saying, "I want to know if Ling Yue and Su Xiaonuan have an ambiguous relationship."

Xue Jinyan was taken aback: "How do you know?"

Zhuo Jingyan calmed down, her deep eyes flashed sharply.

He said lightly: "I will arrange, hope you help me."

(End of this chapter)