No Escape From A Loving Wife

Chapter 77: Ling Yue had an accident


Hit another ball.

Xue Jinyan was enraged and raised her eyebrows to look at Zhuo Jingyang over there: "Hey, what are you doing, come and see me quickly, let's defeat the master-level player."

Zhuo Jingyang nodded, said something, and then walked over, but his eyes were a little strange.

But Xue Jinyan didn't notice, instead he played more vigorously: "I closed it in one stroke. You have no chance to play, Comrade Zhuo Jingyang."

"Drinks for both of you."

Zhuo Jingyang took the drink from the waiter, leaned aside, and said casually: "A bastard just called you."

Xue Jinyan uttered, another loud ball.

When she straightened up, her face suddenly changed suddenly, turned her head, and stared at Zhuo Jingyang: "Have you picked it up?"

"Yes, you asked me to pick it up." Zhuo Jingyang smiled and said, "Jinyan, this person seems to have a special relationship with you, and I think it sounds familiar to me, but I'm not sure."

Xue Jinyan suddenly became a little nervous: "Hey, you won't tell him here anymore."

"Of course." Zhuo Jingyang nodded naturally: "He sounds anxious, and I am also very interested, who is your bastard."

"I... ... "

Xue Jinyan was so angry.

Didn't Ling Yue leave with Su Xiaonuan? What else did she come to ask her for

What kind of rhetoric do you want to coax her.

I really thought she was a big idiot.

Thinking about this, she calmed her face, put the club down and said, "If you are interested, wait for yourself. I'm not interested. I'll go now."

"Hey, you are not here, who am I waiting for. Even if I'm a bit gossip, but when two men face each other, it is always a little embarrassing. It has to be changed appropriately."

Xue Jinyan closed her eyes.

There was a raging fire in her chest now, and she restrained and restrained, so as not to throw the club on Zhuo Jingyang's handsome face.

She has a bad temper in the whole world.

They didn't like it, and they all thought she had a bad temper.

But the attitude towards Xiao Bai Lianhua was completely opposite.

She has a bad temper, just that bad.

If people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If anyone offends me, I will offend others.

Maybe in the future she will find a man to marry, but that man must be a gentle guy who will not intimidate her or be fierce to her.

And more importantly, I never thought that she had a bad temper and spoiled her to be lawless.

However, such a man may have been extinct, so she would rather be incapable of abuse.

Whether it was Zhuo Jingyang or Ling Yue, they were all deleted, and none of them were consistent.

Zhuo Jingyang looked at Xue Jinyan's darkened face, and cautiously said, "Is that angry? Who is it? I'm almost curious."

Xue Jinyan squinted at him.

This idiot, his curious guy just left with his ex-wife, and now he is still curious and curious here.

If you really see it, maybe it will be thunder and fire, and you will die.

A Su Xiaonuan, let the two presidents of the city fight to the death, this scene is really impressive.

However, she was not interested at all.

Men, one is more annoying than the other.

"I'm leaving, stay as long as you like." Xue Jinyan waved her hand and quickly walked downstairs with her coat, regardless of Zhuo Jingyang behind.

As soon as he came out, he shivered coldly.

It's raining unexpectedly.

I didn't bring an umbrella either. It was really bad luck.

Xue Jinyan frowned, preparing to trot to her car.

"Jinyan, here, here."

Hearing the sound, Xue Jinyan looked in the direction of the sound. It was Ji Changfeng's pure smiling face. He was holding a blue umbrella and standing across the road.

Although it was a bit unexpected to encounter Ji Changfeng here, Xue Jinyan still raised his hand and waved it.

Ji Changfeng motioned to her to stand in place, and then he walked over briskly, naturally supporting her head: "While shopping here, it rained unexpectedly."

"Are you shopping alone again?" Xue Jinyan curiously asked: "I find that your hobby is really different. It seems that men are rarely as keen on shopping as you."

As she said, she looked at the store across the road, which seemed to be a jewelry store.

"Are you going to buy jewelry?"

"Well, a friend's birthday is coming soon. She likes jewelry the most, so I picked one." Ji Changfeng raised the purse in his hand.

"Your friend is so happy."

"If you like it, I can also buy one for you." Ji Changfeng smiled.

Xue Jinyan couldn't help but chuckle: "You are a boy who turned into a fortune-sending boy, forget it, it's not a festival, and jewelry has a very special meaning."

Ji Changfeng agreed: "Indeed, I think you should hope that Ling Yue will give it to you."

Xue Jinyan's face sank decisively.

It's really that the pot can't be opened, and she really doesn't want to hear this person's name now.

Ji Changfeng didn't seem to see her expression, and said to himself: "Jinyan, there is a very good dessert shop over there, do you want to try it."

Xue Jinyan gave Ji Changfeng a weird look and nodded: "Okay. Changfeng, I suddenly found out why I like you so much."

Ji Changfeng was surprised: "Why, isn't it because of my handsome appearance?"

"Haha." Xue Jinyan shook her head and couldn't help but smile: "I think, our relationship is like best friends. Haha, of course it doesn't mean that you are like a girl. It just thinks that it fits a lot of your preferences. "

Ji Changfeng twitched his lips helplessly: "Well, I am willing to be your good sister."

"Haha, then I'll treat you, let's go. You lead the way."

"How about matcha cake?"


Xue Jinyan sat at the window, staring in a daze watching the heavier rain outside.

Ji Changfeng glanced at her a few times before curiously said: "What's the matter, it's not like you."

Xue Jinyan tilted her head, smiling but not smiling: "How do you look like me?"

"Well, the Jinyan I know doesn't seem to be so melancholy. What's the matter? Is it annoying because of Ling Yue?"

Xue Jinyan opened her mouth, facing Ji Changfeng, she finally couldn't say anything to reprimand, and said helplessly: "Can we not mention that person? I have a headache when I think of him."

"Okay, let's not talk about it then." Ji Changfeng said cautiously, and casually looked at the phone on the side, praying that the guy would arrive soon.

"You are going to another place for a few days, where are you going?" Xue Jinyan asked: "I feel bored recently, so I want to go for a walk."

"Go to Xinjiang for a few days and follow a tour group. Why, are you interested?"

"Xinjiang. It seems to be a good place." Xue Jinyan thought for a while: "I'll go back and check the itinerary. If allowed, I'll go with you."


Ji Changfeng was anxious while drinking coffee.

Why hasn't that guy come over yet

Xue Jinyan squinted at Ji Changfeng and suddenly said, "Changfeng, how do I feel that you are fidgeting? Are you waiting for someone?"

"Huh?" Ji Changfeng was stunned, and immediately shook his head: "No, I just came over and ran into you by accident. Who can I wait for?"

Xue Jinyan narrowed his eyes and said threateningly: "You shouldn't wait for Lingyue, Changfeng, but I treat you as a good friend, don't lie to me."

Ji Changfeng originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Xue Jinyan's eyes, he couldn't help but sigh: "Well, Ling Yue knows that I'm shopping here, and he just called me to come and find you. I didn't expect it to happen. See you down."

"Really." Xue Jinyan finished the cake on the plate and stood up and said: "The cake is delicious, but I want to go alone now, don't follow me."

"Jin Yan."

"Chang Feng." Xue Jinyan stopped: "You have seen what happened that day. I know that maybe Ling Yue didn't have anything that shouldn't happen with Su Xiaonuan, but it is a fact that Su Xiaonuan likes Ling Yue. The relationship with Zhuo Jingyang was ruined in her hands. To be honest, Xue Jinyan has never been afraid of anyone, but I am afraid of her. I feel uncomfortable when I see her. Do you understand. With Ling Yue, I must have contact with her, I don’t want to, and..."

She did not go on.

If her character is bullied, she will definitely return.

Didn't she just want to reach out to hit Su Xiaonuan, but Ling Yue stopped her.

He is protecting Su Xiaonuan.

In his eyes, Su Xiaonuan is a weak person, and she is always a bully woman.

Perhaps Ling Yue would stand next to her once or twice, but after a long time and the number of times, he might think that she was rebellious and bullied Xiao Bai Lianhua, and was dissatisfied and accused her.

She can't stand it.

Ji Changfeng fell silent, but when he saw Xue Jinyan walking outside, he was still a little anxious.

Didn’t you say you’re on the road? Why haven’t you arrived yet.

I called Ling Yue, and no one answered it for a long time. I don’t know how long it took before I heard a stranger say: "Hello, are you a friend of the phone owner? He just had a car accident and is now in the hospital."


The monsoon wind was really shocked.

He quickly ran out of the dessert shop, only to find that Xue Jinyan's car was no longer there.

Xue Jinyan felt helpless when she saw Ji Changfeng's name flicker.

Didn’t it just make it clear, why are you so persistent

I didn't want to answer, but I couldn't bear it in the end.

"Chang Feng."

"Jinyan, come to the hospital, Ling Yue is afraid it's not good."

Xue Jinyan did not react, frowning and said: "What are you talking about, what's wrong with him?"

"I don't know the specific situation, it's just that he shed a lot of blood. He's in the hospital now. Come here."

"how come... ... "

Xue Jinyan was startled, biting her lip and turning around in front: "I'll be there soon."

Ji Changfeng hung up the phone and glanced at the man with a sinking face next to him. The pink band-aid on his brow bone looked a little ridiculous.

"If you tell a lie, will you be struck by lightning, Ling Yue, I'm all for you."

(End of this chapter)