No Protection Tonight

Chapter 1


There was a light rain in the evening, and after the rain stopped, the air was sultry and humid.

Under the bright white light of the studio, Schumann took off her gloves, and she stared down at the indigo enamel pendant that had just been completed on the table.

The night wind outside the window sneaked in through the gap, blowing her drooping hair.

The soft hair unintentionally teased the woman's pretty cheeks, making it tickle slightly, Schumann came out of it, looked up and saw the half-open window in front of her, she simply got up and stretched out her hand to open it completely.

Immediately, the night wind hit her with damp and hot air.

Schu Manning saw the roses planted in the past few years. For some reason, the growth was particularly poor this year. In the season when it was supposed to be in full bloom, only a few flower buds formed. Only the branches and leaves overwhelm the guests and dominate the protagonist.

As she was watching, she suddenly heard someone calling her outside.

Following the sound, she found that it was Chen Wei who hurried over.

Chen Wei pushed open the courtyard door and shouted while running: "Man Ning! Man Ning! Are you there?"

"I'm here." Schumann waved to her.

Chen Wei trotted all the way to her window, panting, "Okay... okay, we're ready to start."

Schumanning took a string of pearl necklaces on the side shelf with her hand.

She handed it to Chen Wei, and brought her a small flashlight.

"Look, it's a defective product."

Chen Wei didn't know much about art appreciation at first, but her best friend Schumann is a jewelry designer. It just so happened that today her magazine was in need of jewelry for a charity auction, so it was the first time she had a relationship with Schumann at work. intersection.

"This pendant can't be a Paraiba tourmaline." Chen Wei imitated Schuman's usual way of looking around with a flashlight, looking left and right, and her words were full of disbelief.

She just asked Shumaning to pick any defective or medium-quality jewelry for her. After all, there is only one main item for tonight, and the others are just for foil.

And the necklace in his hand now is completely beyond expectations.

Schumann smiled, and put his hands on the edge of the window, "It's not Paraiba tourmaline. I saw it when I was traveling in Brazil last year. I thought it was Paraiba at first, but if you look closely, you can still find it is different. You both If you want to be on the stage and also serve as a foil, this one is the most suitable."

Schumanning's words are like a math teacher in her school days. Although she can't understand, she will nod.

"Okay, okay." Chen Wei responded repeatedly.

Put away the necklace, thinking about the work next door.

"Then why don't you come with me? Anyway, you're fine at home."

After Chen Wei finished speaking, Schuman's expression changed, and she turned sideways to let Chen Wei look into the room.

The studio was full, and the workbench was so arranged that there was no place to put the teacup, and finally had to condescend to fall on the window sill.

Schuman held the cup and took a sip of strong tea, then said: "I'm not idle, I'm a sister who wants to work."

After all, she rolled her eyes at Chen Wei as a joke.

Chen Wei also rolled her eyes at her, she was also a worker, she was in a completely different state from Schumaning, she broke her legs because of this charity auction this day.

"Then don't blame me for not reminding you, tonight." Chen Wei deliberately showed off, and raised her chin to signal the church next door, "All the Gods of Wealth in the city are here."

Schuman smiled and said nothing, knowing what Chen Wei meant.

"Okay, I'm still waiting there, I'll go back first." Chen Wei waved at Schumanning, but just as she turned around, she seemed to remember something, and took out a small sign from her pocket.

"This is for you. If you pass by, just show this to the person at the door."

On the window sill, there was an extra work card with the [Deep] magazine LOGO printed on it.

The night wind was blowing wildly, causing this flimsy little sign to crumble on the windowsill, and Schumann simply pressed a corner of it with a teacup. Then he sat back and planned to continue working.

Accidentally kicked something when sitting down, Schuman gritted his teeth and hissed in pain. Pushing away the chair and looking carefully, I found that it was a clam shell. Looking at the naked clam shell now, she suddenly remembered something. Just now, Chen Wei only took the necklace and left without any packaging, which seemed worthless.

The clam shell in front of me is quite good. Schumann bent down to pick it up, thinking that the pearls of the pearl necklace were originally taken out of this shell. If it is put into the shell during the exhibition, what a great idea. .

Schumanning is a person with a lot of ideas, good thinking is called aura, and bad thinking is naturally...

Forget it, don't mention it.

Holding the processed clam shells, she happily walked to the church next door.

Tonight's charity auction was held in the church next door to her home. This old church with Byzantine architectural style was built in 1902. It is estimated that one day in the future, there will be a group of "heretics" gathering here.

After leaving the courtyard gate, a dozen steps to the right is the church.

Unlike the old bungalow of Schumanning's house, which was lushly planted with green plants all over the yard, this church is majestic with the unique coldness of Russia.

Just out of the courtyard, Shumaning saw the church entrance, which was empty in the past, now full of private cars.

Schumann couldn't recognize a few license plates, and the ones that impressed me the most were Mercedes-Benz and BMW. After a quick glance here, he found that there seemed to be no such brand, but a B-shaped LOGO.

The lights in the back seat of the car were on, and you could see a young man sitting inside, but you could only see the jawline when you turned your face sideways, so you couldn't see the whole picture clearly. [An old acquaintance who swore never to lose one year of life just by looking at her again].

Qiao Shiyun, her college classmate, the two share the same department and share a room, but their relationship is relatively plastic. They were torn openly and secretly during school and forced to go from here to Suzhou Creek.

Thinking about it, it seems that I haven't seen it since graduation.

Schumann was about to go to the church, adhering to the purpose of being blind and unfamiliar, but Qiao Shiyun was very sharp-eyed.


Schumann pretended not to hear.

But when I heard a few quick high-heeled shoes next to me, and when I heard the movement again, it was Qiao Shiyun's old baby who hated me so late, I want to cuddle with you and cry.

"Man Ning, it's really you, my God." Qiao Shiyun exclaimed.

From her eyes, Schuman felt that she was surprised that she was still alive.

"Oh my god, Shiyun, I didn't expect to meet you here." Schumanning perfectly interpreted her smile, imitating her surprise.

Qiao Shiyun reached out to hug her, but suddenly remembered the person beside her, and hurriedly introduced to Schu Manning, "Manning, let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend."

Schuman followed her gaze and saw that the man was as tall as her, with a deadpan expression and a very indifferent look.

"Bi Zhou, this is my college classmate, Schumaning." Qiao Shiyun raised her chin slightly, with a rather smug expression.

From her body movements, Schuman could feel what kind of abilities this boyfriend should have.

Maybe rich people are more aloof. Qiao Shiyun's boyfriend was not interested in her college classmate. He only glanced at her, and then he was attracted by the person in the car next to him.

It just so happened that the man opened the door and came down.

Yu Bizhou immediately changed his face, and rushed to greet him, "Mr. Li?"

The surprise on his face now is quite different from the one Qiao Shiyun saw when he saw Schumaning just now.

Although the outdoor light is dim, but when you get closer, you can still find the man who is called Mr. Li. He looks only in his twenties. He is wearing a simple and slim black shirt, with wide shoulders and narrow waist.

On the other side of the car, the assistant walked towards the two of them.

"Boss, this is Yu Bizhou, the son of Huaxin Group." The assistant introduced intimately.

This question is like a Chinese reading comprehension question. Qiao Shiyun thinks that this will save her from introducing it to Schumanning. After all, Huaxin Group is a well-known local real estate leader, and the identity of the group's son is self-evident.

However, Schumanning felt that it was so miserable. When she went up to say hello, the other party even needed an assistant to introduce who she was.

As the party involved, Li Yueze didn't know that the two ladies around him had already made up their minds, and only remembered the familiar and long-standing three words in his ears.

His heart was touched, but his face remained calm.

Li Yueze responded to Bi Zhou with a faint hum, and then walked towards the church without squinting at the meteor.

Yu Bizhou finally saw Li Yueze, so he naturally didn't want to let go of this opportunity. Last week, he heard from his good buddy that Li Yueze was working on a project in the Nancheng Peninsula. Cooperating with Li Yueze is a free ride.

Qiao Shiyun didn't know what her boyfriend was thinking, but she often heard that Li Yueze, an upstart in the industry who came from Mingcheng, didn't expect to see a real person today, and couldn't hide her excitement, so she quickly followed her steps.

Schumanning suddenly became quiet, and walked towards the church with the clam shells in her hands, eager to change the beautiful packaging for her precious works.

Because of the auction, the church used to have its door wide open and was not afraid of others coming in and ordering something. Today, four or five security personnel are arranged here to check the invitation letter.

It was only then that Shumaning remembered the staff card that had fallen on the window sill.

Just as she was about to turn around and go back to get it, she suddenly saw Qiao Shiyun's face and saw her embarrassment at not being able to produce any invitation letters.

"Man Ning, I wanted to ask you just now, what are you doing here, and what is your handful of land...?" Qiao Shiyun frowned.

Schumann smiled, "I'm here to do something."

"What's the matter? Are you selling mussels?" Qiao Shiyun couldn't help laughing, but to save face, she patted Schumanning's arm and said politely: "I'm really sorry, you need an invitation letter to enter here, but I There is nothing extra for you."

Schumann shook his head, and continued to smile on the surface.

Looking up again, he found that the man called Mr. Li not far away was also looking at him. Under the light in front of the door, he could clearly see the man's dark and inexplicable eyes.

The atmosphere in front of the door froze for only a few seconds, and a middle-aged Mediterranean man walked out of the church in a hurry.

Schumann remembered that it was Chen Wei's boss, Zhu Lei, the current editor-in-chief of "Depth" magazine.

He was a grumpy old man in the past, but now he smiled wrinkledly.

"Mr. Li, it's great to have you here, thank you very much for your kindness."

Zhu Lei welcomed Li Yueze into the church politely.

Seeing this, Schumann took small steps to walk behind Zhu Lei, taking the opportunity to get away with it.

Fortunately, the security personnel didn't ask too many questions, and it was only a few steps away.

After Schumann came in, she went to find Chen Wei first, and Chen Wei expressed her admiration for her being able to sneak in behind Zhu Lei.

"It's a good thing he only has Li Yueze in his eyes, otherwise he would have to go crazy when he finds you sneaking in." Chen Wei is used to seeing Zhu Lei go crazy, maybe it's because of menopause.

Schumann stuck out her tongue mischievously, and handed over the clam shell in her hand to Chen Wei.

"The Li Yueze you mentioned—" Thinking of the scene just now, Zhu Lei welcomed him in as if begging God to come, "Is he very powerful?"

Speaking of this, Chen Wei's eyes lit up, "Of course! Our editor-in-chief dreams of inviting him to our exclusive interview every day."

"Deep" magazine is a first-line financial and economic publication in China, and those who can be interviewed are usually not small.

What's more, the editor-in-chief of course has to offer for such a request that he can't get in.

Schumann nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, you go and sit down first, we will arrange it here." Chen Wei said and pushed Schumann towards the bench area.

In the past, this was the place where believers prayed.


The author has something to say:

Happy writing! Changed to a new pseudonym, and was given the nickname Xiao Zhou Yu hahahaha, I specially chose to write this article on the day of the summer solstice, and it was so hot.

Comment below this chapter to randomly drop readers red envelopes!

thanks for your support. (Whisper bb, this is the richest male protagonist I have ever written!)


The next book is open: "Unfamiliar" please collect it~

The biggest happy event in Hong Kong's celebrity circle recently is the marriage of Zhou Shi's two families.

At the engagement banquet, fiancé Zhou Shijun introduced Shiman to his family one by one, holding his arm.

When introducing a young man with a handsome appearance.

Zhou Shijun: "This is my younger brother Zhou Zhengang, what a coincidence, he and you went to the same school abroad, I wonder if you have met?"

Shi Man, who had been absent-minded by the side, looked at the person opposite.

He glanced at her indifferently, with a very indifferent expression: "I'm not familiar with you."

After the banquet, the guests dispersed, and in the dimly lit place, Shi Man and Zhou Zhengang met on a narrow road.

The four eyes are facing each other.

She pretended to be calm: "I don't want others to know our past."

The man snorted softly, then leaned down to her ear, his voice was as deep as before.

"What past? Is it the past of three years with me day and night, Mrs. Zhou."

[This is the story of a broken mirror and reunion with super dog blood]

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