No Protection Tonight

Chapter 12


"Miss Shu is very skilled in tying a tie."

Li Yueze looked down at Schumanning, the scent of her approaching just now remained in her nose, a faint scent of tea.

Looking at those soft hands, I don't know how many men have tied ties.

Schumann tilted his head and looked at him, "I learned it by watching the video, I never thought I could learn it once." With a smile on his mouth, he did not forget to tease Li Yueze just now, "I think you are not very proficient in wearing a tie just now. .”

Hearing this, Li Yueze smiled, "Usually my assistant will be ready."

The following words did not go on to explain, and Schumann estimated that it was the same. People like Li Yueze only need to use their brains to make decisions to make money, and other things will be rushed to do for him without his saying.

Thinking of this, Schumann forgot to ask.

"I was so abrupt just now that I forgot to ask Mr. Li if you already have a female companion?"

Li Yueze, who was picking out his watch, glanced sideways at the expression on her face. The word abrupt was too familiar, clearly reminding him that she still remembered what he said in the car that night.

He hooked his lips and picked up a Roger Dubuis black gold series watch in his hand, "No."

"Oh." Schuman was thoughtful, looked down at his toes, and Li Yueze's leather shoes were directly opposite.

The leather shoes were turned, and he was about to go out.

After walking a few steps, he found that Schumanning was still there, and he looked back at her in doubt.

"What are you doing there?"

Only then did Schumann raise her eyes to look at him, and the distance between them was exactly the distance she stood at the door looking at him when she came.

She smiled without showing her teeth, her lips were slightly curved, and her tone was a little coquettish: "You haven't answered my question yet."

Li Yueze was taken aback for a moment, then immediately remembered.

What she meant should be "do you need a female companion?".

"Need." Li Yueze stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Schu Manning, "Would Miss Shu be my female companion tonight?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Schuman gently raised her hand to rest on his palm.

"my pleasure."

When everything was ready, Ji Shengrui walked in from the outside at the right time to remind Li Yueze that it was time to set off.

Inside the high solid wood gate, Ji Shengrui saw Schumanning and Li Yueze walking out side by side.

I don't know if it's because he was dazzled, but why did he feel as if he saw Miss Shu holding hands with his boss

After seeing his gaze, Miss Shu quickly moved her hand away.

Li Yueze glanced at Ji Shengrui who was standing in the aisle, and Ji Shengrui trotted over after receiving the signal.


"when it start?"

Ji Shengrui raised his hand and looked at his watch, "It starts at 6:30, if we leave now, we will arrive in about 20 minutes."

Li Yueze nodded, his long legs couldn't rest for a moment, and he entered the president's special ladder.

Ji Shengrui subconsciously pressed the close button, and at the same time prayed in his heart not to encounter traffic jams or road accidents.

It's just that the boss likes to get stuck every time.

His social etiquette is that after an appointment with a person, he will be neither early nor late.

"Wait." Li Yueze suddenly said.

Then he stretched out his hand and pressed the door open button of the elevator, and the elevator door that was about to close just now retracted in an instant.

He looked at Shumaning who was standing outside the elevator, "Come here."

Schumann shrugged. She thought that according to the company's regulations, ordinary people could not take the elevator with Li Yueze at the same time, except for his secretary.

She walked into the elevator and stood on the other side of Li Yueze.

Ji Shengrui doesn't know the specific situation of the two of them yet, but he can clearly feel that the atmosphere is delicate.

The driver parked the car at the gate of Yue'an Building, and Ji Shengrui took the initiative to open the back door for Schumanning.

Schuman thanked softly, and then sat down side by side with Li Yueze.

She scanned the interior of the car slightly, and found that it seemed a little different from the previous one. This time, there was actually a star roof on the top of the car.

In order to maintain the basic qualities of 'Little White Flower', Schumanning didn't look too much, leaned slightly on the side of the car door, and began to fly wildly.

Thinking of some new designs for necklaces.

She likes to think about it before doing follow-up work, which can improve work efficiency.

Ji Chengrui, who was sitting in the co-pilot, received news from Feng Ming and Qin Lv at the same time, and both of them were very gossip about who Schumann was.

If there is something really wrong, should the gambling agreement be properly released, or flooded

Ji Shengrui raised his eyes and looked at the two people in the back seat from the rearview mirror. Although he didn't speak, the subtle atmosphere was very special, like a layer of hazy fog, you knew it would disperse, but you didn't know it was When will we leave.

Before it became clear, Ji Shengrui chose to pretend to be dead, and did not reply to the news of the two of them.

Fortunately, this act of kindness was favored by the heavens, and Jingxi Road, which is usually very congested, is exceptionally smooth today.

At 6:29, Cullinan stopped at the gate of the back garden of the Manting Hotel.

Li Yueze got out of the car first, then walked to the other side, opened the door and invited Schumann to get out of the car.

Several people at the door who were exchanging greetings saw this situation, and cast curious glances one after another.

Vanity Fair has been around for so long, but I have never seen when Lang Yue and Li Yueze brought a female partner.

Some are fresh, some are watching a movie, and some have secretly taken photos and sent them to Li Rui.

After Schumann got out of the car, she took Li Yueze's arm very naturally. When he greeted others, she nodded and smiled.

Greet all the way from the gate to the garden.

Manting Hotel is a high-end hotel brand under Yue'an Group, which focuses on Chinese Jiangnan style. The place where they are currently located is an open-air place specially designed for dinner parties in Manting Hotel.

After all, it is summer in the south, and everyone prefers to be exposed to the night wind rather than a dull interior.

Free and easy.

Schumann tilted his head and asked the man beside him, "What should I do?"

"You're so smart, can't you think of it?" The man asked her back.

Schuman pursed her lips, she really couldn't think of it, after all, she only considered how to get closer to Li Yueze, as for the later things.


Seeing her eyeballs turning left and right, Li Yueze let go of her hand and put her palm against her lower back instead.

The sudden touch defeated the image of a lady that Schumanning had worked so hard to create just now.

She couldn't help trembling.

Seeing this, Li Yueze leaned down to her ear and asked deliberately, "Cold?"

The hot air sprinkled on her ears, and Shumaning suddenly felt that her ears had a fever, and the heat went all the way down her neck.

Looking sideways at his eyes, the eyes are like a cold pool, the cold pool is unfathomable, but there is a little smile.

"Mr. Li! What a coincidence, I didn't expect you to be here too."

Hearing this familiar greeting, Schumann immediately thought of someone in his mind.

Following the sound, it was indeed Yu Bizhou.

He smiled and approached Li Yueze, followed by Qiao Shiyun in evening gown.

The hem of the evening dress seemed to be too obedient, Qiao Shiyun turned her head to fiddle with it from time to time, and when she looked at her boyfriend again, she unexpectedly found that Schumann was also there.

And also stood with Li Yueze.

Hastily stepped forward to hold her boyfriend's arm, and looked at Schumanning by the way.

"Mr. Yu." Fortunately, Li Yueze remembered his surname this time, and nodded slightly.

"I heard that Mr. Li has gone to Yue'an, congratulations." Yu Bizhou said.

Li Yueze smiled and thanked him.

"Hey? Is this lady a classmate of our Shiyun's?" Yu Bizhou seemed to see that Li Yueze was not in high spirits, so he quickly turned his attention to Schumanning who was next to him, looking like he was getting close.

Schuman showed a professional smirk, and then looked at Qiao Shiyun who was beside him with a complicated expression.

Lifespan -1.

"Yes." Qiao Shiyun couldn't help holding her boyfriend's hand tightly, showing off.

"Shiyun, Mr. Li and I have something to talk about. You can catch up with your classmates first." Yu Bizhou removed Qiao Shiyun's hand from his arm, pushed her on the back by the way, and pushed her towards Schumann. Send it in front of you.

Qiao Shiyun couldn't help but look back at him, hesitating to speak.

Looking at Schumanning again, Li Yueze was talking to her with his head down, and patted his hand on his waist a few times. The man's voice was usually low: "Go and play."

Schuman nodded and gave a professional smirk, then turned and walked towards the dessert area.

Qiao Shiyun didn't want to be with her at first, but seeing that Yu Bizhou and Li Yueze had left, it was not good for her to just stand here, no matter how reluctant she was, she followed Schumanning's footsteps.

See her standing still in the dessert area, hesitating what kind of dessert to eat.

Qiao Shiyun walked to the side of her, looked at her sideways, and said sarcastically, "I didn't expect you to hook up with Li Yueze after a few days of absence. You really belong to me."

Schumann ignored her, took a piece of mousse cake by himself, and sat down in the leisure area next to him holding the fork of the dining cart.

Qiao Shiyun followed.

"Talking to you, why ignore people and be rude."

Schumann stared at her, "I have nothing to say to you."

Qiao Shiyun was angry, and sneered, "Prudish." After finishing speaking, she sat next to Schumanning, only to realize that this angle happened to be able to see several men chatting not far away.

Yu Bizhou was smiling all over his face and didn't know what he was introducing to Li Yueze. Li Yueze nodded from time to time and didn't express his opinion. The foil next to him was very flattering, and they agreed with what Yu Bizhou and Li Yueze described.

Withdrawing her gaze, Qiao Shiyun softened her tone, looked at Schuman and said, "How did you hook up with Li Yueze?"

She was really curious, she knew from Yu Bizhou that Li Yueze was excellent and self-disciplined, and it seemed that such a person had something to do with not knowing women.

It belongs to the kind that can only be seen from a distance but not played with.

"He hooked up with me."

"You?" Qiao Shiyun suddenly found it funny, but thinking about it carefully, Li Yueze spent two million yuan at the auction that day to take pictures of Schumanning's necklace, and she saw it with her own eyes.

Therefore, the possibility that Li Yueze took the initiative to find Schumanning is not ruled out.

At this time, Schumann was digging the cake from the middle with a fork and eating it, taking small bites, filled with sweetness.

A satisfied smile appeared on her face.

In the social center not far away, Li Yueze was a little impatient when he heard some people who really seemed to have made some achievements in the real estate industry but were too whimsical, and raised his hand to sip the champagne in his glass.

From the corner of the eye, I suddenly noticed Schumann's figure. She was holding a small cake, concentrating on it, and she ignored Qiao Shiyun talking to her next to her.

The corners of his lips curled up.

"Mr. Li, I heard that Yue'an is planning to build a villa on the land that Yue'an is hoarding now?"

An unpleasant sentence came from my ear.

It should be Yu Bizhou's friend, but Yu Bizhou gave him a cold stare as soon as he finished speaking.

As we all know, Li Rui has always been in charge of Yue'an's real estate.

The relationship between Li Rui and Li Yueze is self-evident, and it is embarrassing whoever mentions it.

Right now, someone who knew what he said was wrong hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry Mr. Li, I'm really sorry."

Li Yueze didn't show dissatisfaction, he just glanced at the man, "It's okay, I don't care about real estate, you should go to another Mr. Li for real estate matters."

Seeing that he didn't blame him, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Bizhou was startled into a cold sweat, and he laughed dryly to smooth things over, "We only have one Mr. Li here." He raised his glass to signal to everyone.

However, as soon as the words fell, a brisk male voice came from outside.

"Oh? Then it seems that I, Mr. Li, came at the wrong time."

Everyone heard the sound and looked, only to see Li Rui walking in from the outside, accompanied by a female companion.

Those with familiar eyes naturally recognized that it was Su He, a starlet who has recently become popular in the entertainment industry.

The nation's first love.

The two came over, but before Li Rui made a sound, Su He greeted Li Yueze first.

"Aze, long time no see."