No Protection Tonight

Chapter 15


His throat was a little dry, and Schumann swallowed hard, then secretly glanced at Li Yueze next to him, and saw that he seemed to be sending a message to someone with his mobile phone.

Fortunately, there are only the two of them in this elevator now, and no one can see her embarrassment.

Still scratching her arms involuntarily, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to speak.

Until she followed the people next to a door on the top floor, she saw him unlock the lock with his fingerprints.

Xinqi said: "Hey, this hotel doesn't use key cards." If every guest has to record fingerprints, wouldn't that expose privacy.

It is estimated that allergies also affect intelligence. I never thought that the room Li Yueze lived in was not for ordinary guests.

The door opened slowly, and the night view of the city outside the floor-to-ceiling windows directly in front of you came into view.

Schumann went straight to the window, put his hands on the glass, and looked down.

The whole city has a panoramic view.

"Do you live here?" Schumann asked.

On the floor-to-ceiling windows, Li Yueze could be seen walking towards this side after closing the door. Schumann stared at his movements, and unexpectedly found that if this man wasn't the president, he would be a good model.

Walking is like a runway show.

Or a movie star.

But it's a pity, the way to play that face is narrow, and the appearance of being born rich can only act as a rich man in his true colors.

He glanced at Schumann's eyes reflected on the glass window from behind, and seeing her staring at him, he didn't know what to think about.

"This is relatively close to my company." Li Yueze explained: "The waiter will bring the doctor up later, you should stay here first."

"Ah?" Schumanning turned around suddenly when she heard the words, and the suit jacket draped over her shoulders fell to the ground with the movement of her body. Schumanning bent down to pick it up and put it on the crook of her arm, then looked at Li Yueze, "Actually, that... "

She scratched her head, a little embarrassed.

"What?" Li Yueze looked at her calmly with his arms folded.

Schumann stared down at the carpet.

"My allergy, the doctor can't see it."

"Why?" Li Yueze raised his eyebrows, very puzzled.

Schumann stared at him like that, worried that he thought he was lying and pretending to be sick, so he quickly defended: "I'm not pretending to be sick, really I'm not, what should I say... Anyway, I'll be fine after a while."

Li Yueze pondered, "But what you did just now is not like something that can be bettered after a while."

Schumann nodded, "I know, I went to the doctor, and the doctor said that this kind of allergy medicine can't cure me. As long as I don't see the allergen, it's fine. If I see it, I feel uncomfortable all over, I have difficulty breathing, and I can't control myself. I feel sad for no reason. And grievance, that feeling, do you understand?"

After talking for a long time, I am not sure how many words the other party listened to.

Schumanning tried to get Li Yueze's understanding, but obviously, he didn't understand.

He gave her no answer.

Instead, he went to the bathroom by himself, and soon there was the sound of water.

Seeing that he ignored her, Schuman felt a little disappointed in her heart, and raised her hands to cover her cheeks, which were not as hot as before.

Looking at the room from left to right, there is a presidential suite with two bedrooms and one living room, as well as a study room, complete with furniture and appliances. According to her intuition, Li Yueze should live here for a long time.

There are many traces of his life here, such as an open book on the coffee table next to the sofa, and half a cigarette butt left in the ashtray next to the book.

Does he smoke

Schumanning recalled that although she had not known him for a long time, she had never seen him smoking, and there was no smell of smoke on her body.

When he was struggling with his doubtful conclusion, he suddenly heard the footsteps belonging to that person behind him.

He handed her a square scarf, which was as wet as his palm.

Ice water teeters on top.

"Apply it to your face first."

Schuman blinked her eyes, reached out to take the scarf, the cold touch spread from her palm, and she raised her hand to cover half of her face.

Frowning lightly, he asked, "Is my face ugly now?"

Li Yueze seemed to be very careful to see if it was really ugly.

After watching for five or six seconds, Schumanning's brows almost formed a small hill.

"Just... Even if it's really ugly, you are not allowed to say it!"

She is in a hurry.

After finally taking the first step in the great blueprint, when the other party found out that she was in such a mess, Schumann wished to find a small dark room to hide by herself.

Li Yueze said, "I thought you wanted me to be sincere."


"I hope you are sincere, but sometimes, you don't need to be so sincere." Schumann took a deep breath, cursing in her heart that it is really hard to chat with a straight man. What sincerity.

Li Yueze nodded thoughtfully, half understanding.

While covering her face with a square scarf, Schu Manning peeked at Li Yueze's expression, and was relieved to see that he didn't look at her again.

After applying it, the burning sensation on her face subsided a lot, Schumanning took the square towel and walked into the bathroom where Li Yueze went just now, and wanted to return the square towel to him after washing.

She turned on the faucet and saw men's products on the shelf.

Razor, mouthwash, facial cleanser...

She wasn't too sure if the black package was facial cleanser. There was no product logo on it, but it was written in English, and the handwriting was too scribbled to tell the specifics.

Schuman stared a little seriously, not paying attention to the person standing at the door.

The man leaned his shoulders against the door frame, watching her bent over to study her things.

very focused.

Until his cell phone rang suddenly.

Schumann was slightly startled, and continued to wash the kerchief as if nothing had happened.

The sound of the water was not too loud, so he stood at the door and made a phone call.

"Well, I'll be right down."

Glancing at the woman in front of the sink again, she turned off the tap and walked towards him.

Li Yueze hung up the phone in his hand, waiting for her to speak.

As she said, leaving the source of allergens seems to be really fine, except for the red arm that was scratched by herself before.

Schumann raised the square scarf in her hand, "Where do you put this?"

Li Yueze raised his chin towards the storage shelf she had studied for a long time, motioning for her to put it there.

Schumann pursed his lips.

It's really annoying, it's definitely not suitable to go out today, it's been embarrassing.

She went back to the shelf with an oh sound, neatly folded the small square towel and placed it on top.

Li Yueze raised his hand and looked down at his watch. It was already 7:30.

Guessing that Wei Liang's long speech downstairs was about the same, he straightened up.

"You can rest for a while. If you are hungry, you can call the internal number and have someone bring it to you. If you need anything, contact me."

Schumann was depressed, but still said "oh", turned around to see him walking outside, and suddenly remembered.

"I don't seem to have your contact information."

What does it mean to be like, just not.

Li Yueze froze for a moment, then stretched out his hand sideways to Schu Manning, motioning her to bring the phone over.

He quickly entered his mobile phone number in the calling place, and dialed.

The cell phone in the pocket of the suit pants rang.

Schuman took back her mobile phone, looked down at the number, it belonged to Mingcheng.

When I heard the movement again, it was already the sound of the door lock being automatically locked when Li Yueze went out.

There were fewer people in the room, and the air became much more unobstructed. Schumann took a deep breath, puffed out her cheeks and continued to look at the room.

It's impossible not to see it, not to mention that Li Yueze brought her here by himself.

I can only try my best to read it from the master bedroom to the second bedroom and then to the study.

Schumanning suddenly felt like the detective Miss Marple written by Agatha Christie, looking for whether this glamorous and well-known young president had a problem with his personal style.

Or, have any special hobbies.

After looking through it, I didn't find anything special. I guess it's the place where he usually sleeps.

Schumanning took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Chen Wei.

Schumanning: [Did your magazine publish an article about the private mansions of various corporate giants before?]

Chen Wei replied in seconds: [Yeah, what's wrong, Mr. Li won't take you to his mansion, right? !]

Chen Wei: [Damn, I heard that he has an island in Haishi, and the mansion on the island is huge and luxurious! ! Is it true?]

Chen Wei: [Hurry up, take a picture and show me!]

Schumanning: [Oh, I've disappointed you, he's staying at the Manting Hotel.]

Chen Wei sent a series of question marks over, trying to express her doubts.

No, is there a problem with the intelligence somewhere, or did Schumann not break into the enemy's interior

Well, definitely the latter.

So she said to Schumann earnestly and earnestly: [The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard]

Schumann immediately understood what she meant, and smiled back at her: [Wait]

Returning to the WeChat homepage, Shumaning found that there was a new friend recommended in the address book.

Follow the click to get a recommendation from Li Yueze, a friend in the mobile phone address book.

The system recommends by default.

A friend request needs to be added.

Schumann clicked into his WeChat business card homepage.

Nickname: Samuel.

The profile picture looks like the logo of Langyue Capital.

Schumann suspected that this was his work wechat, and almost added it to the address book with his fingers.

Because she clicked so fast, she forgot to read her application.

When the banquet progresses to the point of pushing glasses and changing glasses, it means that there are some things that everyone can talk about openly.

Wei Liang took Li Yueze to the main seat, and he introduced everyone who came to say hello.

A friend joked: "Boss Wei is trying to steal his son from Mr. Li."

Wei Liang laughed loudly and said, "If you can really grab it, that's fine."

After finishing speaking, everyone looked at each other and smiled, the scene was a joke, but a few of them took it seriously.

Li Rui couldn't help snorting when he heard it from the side. Li Yueze came to Yue'an suddenly, and on the first day he took office, he transferred many of his confidants to posts, and later heard that he would also need to control funds.

Even so, he didn't dare to call Li Feng to ask why Li Yueze came to Yue'an.

He took a sip of the champagne in his glass.

Seeing him like that, Su He wanted to say a few words of relief, but there was someone more important in front of her, and her mind had already followed his every move.

After finally seeing Li Yueze walking to a secluded place with her mobile phone, she seemed to be reading information, so she quickly followed.

Li Yueze just looked at his mobile phone and received a friend application. When he clicked on it, he found that it was Schumanning who used his own photo as his profile picture and wrote a long list of introductions on the friend application.

[Hi dear~ I am Schumanning, thank you very much for choosing my product, this is my WeChat]


Li Yueze raised his eyebrows, seeing how her tone seemed to be introducing products to herself.

"Ah...Mr. Li." Su He almost wanted to call him A Ze again, but hurriedly changed his words, "Is Miss Shu all right?"

Li Yueze glanced at the woman in front of him. Although he was puzzled why she cared about Schumanning, he still told the truth.


"That's good." Su He smiled and let out a long sigh of relief, "I'm really sorry, I didn't know she was allergic to sunflowers, if I had known, I wouldn't have asked her to help with the flowers. Blame him to death."

"Sunflower allergy?" Li Yueze frowned and asked in doubt.

Su He nodded, slightly puzzled, "Yeah, don't you know? Ms. Shu is allergic to sunflowers." She smiled again, "Isn't it so strange, it's the first time I've seen people allergic to sunflowers, so beautiful Some people are allergic to the flowers—"

Su He noticed that Li Yueze's expression became serious, with a hint of coldness.

Her puzzlement deepened, "What's wrong with you?"

"How could she be allergic to sunflowers?" Li Yueze muttered to himself.

The person who once said that he wanted to plant sunflowers in his yard would be allergic to sunflowers.