No Protection Tonight

Chapter 16


"Boss, this is Miss Shu's agreement."

After Ji Shengrui saw Li Yueze coming out at the entrance of the banquet hall, he trotted forward and handed him the agreement.

Li Yueze reached out to take it, and looked down at the agreement for a few casual glances.

Ji Shengrui noticed that he was still carrying a small gift box, which seemed to be a present for tonight's banquet.

As usual, there should be foods like chocolate candies in it, which Li Yueze doesn't eat.

Ji Shengrui secretly looked at his boss, and saw that although his expression was as serious as usual, it was hard to hide his lack of interest.

Thinking about it, he asked: "Boss, if you think there is no problem, I can ask Feng Ming to go to work tomorrow and come over to sign the agreement with Ms. Shu, is that okay?"

"No." Li Yueze shook his head and closed the agreement, "She's in my room."

Ji Shengrui's forehead was a little surprised, and his brain suddenly short-circuited, "Then...then let me arrange for the driver to take her home?"

go home

Li Yueze snorted, and suddenly looked at Ji Shengrui with great interest, "What time is it?"

Ji Shengrui looked down at his watch, "It's eight o'clock."

Li Yueze nodded, "Well, then you get off work."

"Good boss." After Ji Shengrui finished speaking, he wanted to report on tomorrow's work, but was interrupted by Li Yueze before he could speak.

He looked a little tired, "Let's talk about something tomorrow."

"Good boss."

With his head down, Ji Shengrui didn't see Li Yueze's expression when he left, but only knew that he was walking towards the elevator.

When he heard the sound of the elevator doors closing, he straightened up and fell into deep thought.

Taking out his mobile phone and opening the WeChat group called Three Musketeers, Feng Ming was still arguing with Qin Lv about whose view was more correct.

Feng Ming: [She must have something against the boss!]

Qin Lv: [The last person who said he had the boss's handle has been found out now]

Feng Ming: [Huh? Got Dark Shark?]

Qin Lv: [Society ruled by law, pay attention!]

Qin Lv: [According to my many years of experience as a lawyer, the boss must like her and is interested in her, I don't believe you @吉书书]

Ji Shengrui: [I gave the agreement to the boss]

Feng Ming: [little ears pricked up to gossip.jpg]

Ji Shengrui: [The boss said—]

I wanted to send them the original words, but after thinking about it, these two nosy gossips would definitely gossip everywhere, for the sake of the boss's innocence and Miss Shu's reputation.

He chooses to keep his mouth shut.

Qin Lu: [What did the boss say, I don't lack the traffic behind you]

Feng Ming: [Hurry up, can you make a quick decision like a man]

Ji Shengrui: [The sky has changed]

Ji Shengrui, who was trying to change the subject, stood at the entrance of the Manting Hotel, looking up at the gloomy sky, a storm was heralding its arrival.

Feng Ming: [Damn, you are so secretive, but I seem to understand]

Qin Lv: [I also understand]

Qin Lu: [We will have a boss lady]

Ji Shengrui can only raise his head, and the news in the group has been overwhelmingly covered by these two people.

From the size of the wedding held by the boss to show his identity, to the number of children, their names, and how to divide the shares.

Ji Shengrui wants to go back, but you have misunderstood.

But the speed of the two swiping the screen was too fast. Qin Lv said that he would draft the agreement of the boss's heir tonight to avoid property disputes in advance.

Feng Ming said that in the future, the market will focus on investing in education, so that it will be convenient for small bosses to go to school in the future.

Ji Shengrui: Langyue is really amazing with you guys.

Schumanning in the presidential suite was lying on the sofa in the living room bored. Li Yueze was good at everything, as if his mind was hard to guess.

Tell her to wait here, but what are you waiting for

Wouldn't it be waiting for him to come back and invite her to spend the night

At this

Schuman looked around, the door of the master bedroom was open to her, the big white bed looked very suitable for rolling...

Schumann couldn't help swallowing what he called a guilty conscience, she was just trying to make money for him.

Not trying to figure him out.

Yes, that's right.

After comforting himself, he suddenly saw the sharp contrast between the scratches on his arms and his fair and flawless legs.

The red marks are shocking.

Schuman clicked her tongue, thinking that if she meets Sunflower next time, she will be the first to tie her hands up.

Self-harm is prohibited.

But how can she tie it herself? She can't buy a pair of silver handcuffs, can she

Schumann assumed that she had a pair of silver handcuffs on her hands at the moment. When her body had an allergic reaction again, she tried hard to scratch, but she couldn't.

The man on the couch raised his legs and bobbed his hands up and down like an acrobat.

When Li Yueze opened the door and came in, he happened to see it.

Since the sofa was facing away from the door, he only saw a long white leg standing there at first.

The cheongsam with side slits smoothly reaches the thighs.

Looking at it again, it is Schumanning's two arms, as if stuck with glue, they can't be separated no matter what.

Schuman thumped so vigorously that she didn't realize that Li Yueze had come from the door at all.

Until that handsome face appeared above his head.

Scared so much that Schumanning immediately parted her hands, grasping the back of the sofa, trying to use her strength to get up, while the other hand hit the coffee table inadvertently.

The crisp crash resounded through the room.

It took only an instant for the face to turn from beautiful to distorted, and Schumann cried out in pain.

It hurts!

Li Yueze strode around from behind the sofa, squatted beside her, and reached out to take her hand.

The back of the hand is so red, it can be seen that it has indeed exerted a lot of strength.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help laughing.

Seeing him smiling, Schumann touched his leg with his knee, "Why are you still smiling, gloating."

Li Yueze lowered his eyes and glanced at her legs, because the cheongsam has not been restored to its original state because the action was too bold just now.

It was still rolled up to her thighs, revealing her deceptive Saixue-like complexion.


"Then I'll call 120 for you?" Li Yueze straightened up and looked down at her.

Hearing this, Schumann frowned, struggling to stand up, she couldn't lose.

She raised her neck and looked at him, "Why didn't you knock on the door when you came in? If you hadn't come in suddenly, I wouldn't have hit you. If I hadn't hit you, I wouldn't have been like this."

"Oh, I don't have the habit of going back to my room and knocking on the door." Li Yueze said calmly.

It's so innocuous to be said by him so lightly.

No, it still hurts to the bottom of Schumann's heart.

Let her be deflated.

Schumann was about to refute back, but saw Li Yueze put a gambling agreement in front of her.

The periphery of the white paper was inexplicably coated with a layer of golden light.

Schumann swallowed the words she wanted to refute, changed her face instantly, and said with a smile: "Qin Lv got it done so quickly."

"Yeah." Li Yueze nodded, seeing that she wanted to reach out to take it, he turned away, "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?"

Li Yueze looked at her horrible hands and arms, "Let's deal with your wound first."

"There's no wound here, it doesn't matter." Schumanning didn't care at all, "Let's sign the agreement as soon as possible. It's better to hit the sun than choose the day."

After all, she stretched out her hand to get the agreement, Li Yueze deliberately put it higher, a height that Schumanning's height could not reach.

She jumped a few times and found that she still couldn't touch it, and when she looked up again, she saw Li Yueze's eyes, and it was very interesting to see him.

She glared at him angrily, "Are you kidding me?"

Li Yueze sighed helplessly, and smiled again, "I didn't tease you, I asked the waiter to bring some ice cubes."

Unable to argue, Schumann simply compromised, allowing him to deal with the wound first and then read the agreement.

The waiter quickly brought up ice cubes, as well as ice packs and ointments.

Schumann first took an ice pack and applied it to the back of her hand. After applying it for a while, Li Yueze didn't talk to her.

Just sit on the single sofa next to you and read a book.

The tie that had been tied for him had been loosened by him, and the two buttons on his shirt had been unbuttoned for comfort, revealing his chiseled collarbone.

When he lowered his eyes to read a book, the man's thick eyelashes drooped slightly.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you fail to complete the bet?" He asked suddenly.

His eyes were still fixed on the book in his hand.

Schumann pulled his lips, "I'll pay you."

"Well, it's good to know."

"You don't really think that I have no confidence at all, so I signed with you to bet." Schumann asked back: "Since you don't believe in my ability, why did you sign with me?"

Is it because I look like your old friend

Schumanning only dared to keep this sentence in her heart, some words were too blunt to be interesting.

"I believe in your ability." Li Yueze closed the book, and his two long legs rested on the coffee table very naturally. He leaned on the sofa with a lazy posture, "But I have a condition, you have to participate in the JMH competition."

"If you don't say it, I will also participate."

"Get the championship."

Schumann was stunned, JMH champion, a word so far away from her, with so many designers in the world, no matter how confident she was, she dared not jump to conclusions that she could win the championship.

Blind confidence is stupid.

Seeing her hesitation, Li Yueze smiled slightly, "Are you scared?"


A thunderbolt suddenly flashed outside the floor-to-ceiling window, accompanied by a heavy sound.

Schumann was unprepared, let go of the hand holding the ice cube, and the ice cube hit the back of his foot.

In order to facilitate walking, she is wearing flat pumps today, with the insteps on the outside.

The house leak happened to rain all night, and after the hands were smashed, the feet suffered.

Schuman took a deep breath and reached out to pick up the ice, but before he touched it, he was taken away by a hand next to him.

Li Yueze put the ice cubes on the coffee table, and then gently lifted her instep.

Upon closer inspection, it had begun to turn red.

"How about... I'll take you to the hospital." He pondered.

Schumann felt the warmth of his ankle, and joked: "According to this degree of unlucky luck, I guess I might die on the way before I reach the hospital."

"Yes." Li Yueze whispered.

Seems to make sense.

Makes sense

Schumann raised her eyebrows, "Really?" She kicked his leg lightly, "Stay away from me, or I will become unlucky."

Li Yueze remained silent, and suddenly remembered the words of a wise man: Women are fickle.

After thinking for a while, he put down the feet of this fickle woman, got up and walked to the suite phone, and asked the waiter to arrange for the hotel doctor to come up.

The waiter may also be confused, ice cubes for a while, doctor for a while.

A man's heart, a seabed needle.


The author has something to say:

Let me reiterate that, the male and female protagonists are unique to each other, and Bai Yueguang made up her own imagination after the male protagonist gave the female protagonist a room for imagination.

It is purely fictitious, please do not substitute yourself like the heroine.