No Protection Tonight

Chapter 19


It's the rainy season, and Haishi has been raining for half a month.

Intermittent, occasionally sunny, but only for a short while.

Schumann stayed at home for a few days to make orders from former old customers, and carefully studied the theme concept of this JMH competition.

The Chinese group is [Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water].

When Ji Shengrui called, Shumaning was sitting in front of the workbench with her head propped up in a daze.

It was raining lightly outside, and the roses that had blossomed before were drooping and crumbling in the wind and rain.

Schumanning was too lazy to hold the phone, so she simply switched on the speakerphone to talk to Ji Shengrui.

"Miss Shu, our company has a communication meeting for new investment companies, and we need you to attend."

Schumann yawned lazily, "When is it?"

"Tomorrow at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the location is in the meeting room on the 8th floor of Langyue Group."

Schumann nodded, "I see, I'll go tomorrow."

After saying goodbye, Ji Shengrui hung up the phone, and Schuman stared at the phone with downcast eyes.

Counting it, she hadn't seen Li Yueze for a long time, since he left suddenly that night, the two never met again.

Schumanning suddenly realized that if he hadn't contacted her actively, she would never have been able to find him.

Passive relationships are always worrying.

She thought she had the upper hand, and everything would be fine with Langyue's investment, but her heart was always empty.

In the evening, Chen Wei, who had a rare morning shift, invited Schumann out to eat hot pot.

It's still a bungalow hot pot with extravagance floating on the bottom of the pot.

The location is near Shumaning's house.

Schumann turned her face to the sky to go to the appointment. Apart from being shocked by Chen Wei's generous performance, she couldn't believe it.

"You got rich?" Schumann sat down opposite Chen Wei.

Chen Wei raised her eyebrows triumphantly at her, "Almost."

"Get rich in silence." Schumann said.

"Thanks to Mr. Li."

"President Li?" Schuman frowned and recalled in her mind that there was only one President Li in common between her and Chen Wei.

"Li Yueze?" she asked.

Chen Wei nodded, "Yes, haven't the major companies released their semi-annual financial reports recently, and then we discovered that Yue'an Group has a lot of gossip besides the financial reports."

Schuman gave her a blank look, "Aren't you a financial magazine? Why do you want to gossip?"

Chen Wei laughed that she didn't understand.

Most people in the industry love to read financial data, but the gossip of the financial industry is loved by both the industry and the outside world.

"Aren't you curious about gossip?"

Schumann stared at the bottom of the boiling hot pot soup.

"I don't ask you to tell."

Chen Wei was speechless, it was true.

They simply don’t want to be a joke, “Yue’an Real Estate’s financial report for the second quarter is not very good. Although it is not a problem in this quarter, it is caused by long-term accumulation. Their current debt ratio is very high, and the stock market’s price-earnings ratio is very false. In addition, the previous After Li Rui's incident, the stock price fell again and again, so Du Yue'an Real Estate is now a bubble, which will burst with a poke."

"We learned from inside information that Li Rui wants Yue'an Group, their parent company, to pay for the rescue."

"But you think, who is in charge of Yue'an now?" Chen Wei mentioned the emotional part, and did not forget to ask Schumanning a question.

The answer is self-evident.

"Li Yueze."

"That's right, I heard that at the Yue'an high-level meeting, Li Yueze vetoed it, leaving Li Rui to fend for himself. Others dare not mention it, but they can't ignore the real estate, so someone gave Li Rui a trick to let Li Rui Sell the real estate shares." Chen Wei clicked his tongue twice, "I suspect that this person has an enmity with him, it's just a bad idea."

Schumann nodded, it's really not a smart way to sell the company.

"Speaking of Li Yueze, he didn't agree to sell the company either. Yue'an Real Estate tried to suppress the news as much as possible. They didn't even announce the semi-annual financial report for fear that the stock would fall."

Speaking of this, Shuman could not help but wonder.

"Then how do you know?"

Seeing that she finally got to the point, Chen Wei narrowed her eyes with a smile, "So I can thank our President Li, he asked his assistant to find me, and asked me to write these news in a more cryptic way on the financial gossip official account. Not our main publication."

Hearing this, Schumanning was very puzzled, why did Li Yueze do this, if Yue'an Real Estate was not guaranteed, it would not be good for him, even if he hated Li Rui, he would not be so irrational.

Chen Wei stretched out her chopsticks and picked up a cooked goose intestine from the pot.

"Actually, I didn't want to understand it, but he gave the money, and we serve the money, so we don't ask more about the client."

The principle is this principle.

After Chen Wei finished eating the goose intestines, she suddenly murmured: "But I feel that he may have some big moves in the future." Unexplainable intuition, "Have you contacted him recently, has the money Lang Yue gave you arrived? "

Shumaning shook her head first, then nodded.

"They pay quarterly. I roughly calculated that the money is enough for me to buy JMH's entry materials."

Chen Wei was distracted by her and forgot to ask her what she meant by shaking her head.

"What material do you want to buy?"

A meatball in the hot pot floats up after being cooked.

Shumaning put it into a bowl, and poked it with two chopsticks to divide it into two.

The meatball reveals its true heart full of lean meat.

"Paraiba Tourmaline." Schumann said calmly.

Pick up half a ball and put it in your mouth, it is hot and full of aroma.

Chen Wei was cooking Maodu, but she heard that the Paraiba tourmaline chopsticks almost fell into the hot pot with Maodu.

"Why?" Chen Wei was puzzled, "Are you dead on?"

Schumann didn't say whether or not.

She doesn't like fakes either, so it's better to buy a real one.

Lowering his head to eat vegetables, "I contacted the winner of the Paraiba tourmaline at Christie's Spring Auction and asked him to resell it to me."

"The one with 1 carat and 2 million?" Chen Wei asked.

Schumann nodded. At that time, the winner spent a total of more than 40 million yuan to win the 10-carat top Paraiba tourmaline.

She said thoughtfully: "I have a budget of 100 million to spend here, if I can win it." Of course, it depends on whether people are willing to sell it.

After all, people who can afford this don't lack her money, for the sake of collection value.

"It's great to have money." Chen Wei sighed, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Schuman smiled but said nothing, "Didn't he give you the gossip?" Speaking of which, it seems that Li Yueze went back to Mingcheng overnight that day for this matter.

Even if it rains heavily, I have to go back to deal with this matter, and the way of handling it seems a bit strange, and it will force Li Rui to his death.

What is he plotting

In Mingcheng in the early morning of July 1, the Li family's villa in the middle of the mountain in Xicheng was brightly lit.

Qin Xuejiao had already unconsciously finished two cups of coffee in the downstairs living room, looking at the empty cup again.

She finally couldn't help standing up and walking to the stairs, stretching her head to look at the study on the second floor.

It's very quiet inside.

Aunt Wang brought bird's nest porridge that had been stewed for a long time, "Madam, your porridge."

Qin Xuejiao quickly took it, and finally had a reason to go up, she hurriedly carried the tray upstairs.

He knocked on the door and waited for someone inside to answer.

"Come in." A voice came from inside.

Pushing open the door, one could see Li Yueze who was writing calligraphy on the desk, and Li Feng sitting on the sofa next to him with his eyes closed and meditating.

Qin Xuejiao put on a smiling face and walked towards Li Feng, "Husband, let's have some bird's nest porridge. It's good for my stomach to eat something after being busy so late."

Li Feng frowned, very tired.

Seeing that Li Feng didn't return her, Qin Xuejiao was not annoyed, she put the plate on the coffee table, looked sideways at Li Yueze, and walked towards him again.

"Aze, are you still practicing calligraphy at this late hour?" She leaned over to see what Li Yueze wrote, but before she got close, she was scolded by Li Feng.

"There's nothing to go out now, Aze and I still have something to talk about." Li Fengsu said.

Qin Xuejiao put on an aggrieved face, and said submissively: "It's so late, you can talk about it after you rest tomorrow, and you can see how tired Aze is after coming back from other places overnight, you don't feel sorry for me, but I do."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sneer from the side.

Qin Xuejiao subconsciously looked at Li Yueze.

He stopped writing and looked at her with a half-smile.

It seemed to be mocking what she had just said.

Qin Xuejiao endured it in her heart. Now that Li Rui's matter has a great impact on her, she doesn't know why Li Feng called Li Yueze back overnight. She knows better.

Yue'an Real Estate was founded by Li Yueze's mother. Without real estate, there would be no Yue'an Group today.

Although Li Yueze's mother had passed away, her shares were also handed over to Li Feng, who then handed over to Li Rui.

Now that Li Rui can't keep the real estate, Li Feng must deal with it.

For a moment, my mind was full of thoughts, standing in the study and walking or staying.

"I told you to go out, don't you understand?" Li Feng finally couldn't help standing up.

Qin Xuejiao was frightened by him, and hurried out of the room.

When closing the door, he deliberately concealed himself, leaving a gap to stand at the door and listen to what the two of them had to say.

Li Feng walked towards Li Yueze, seeing him so calm and composed, his expression was secretive.

"Aze, how do you think this matter should be handled better?"

Li Feng has always felt guilty about Li Yueze, and it was not his original intention to hand over the real estate to Li Rui, and the reason is unclear in a few words.

"Don't deal with it." Li Yueze said.

Li Feng was very surprised. Seeing that he was still writing, he took a closer look.

"Breath in the arms?" Li Feng was still puzzled. Li Yueze's calmness at the moment was not what he expected. He had been writing here since he entered the study.

The calmness made him feel for the first time that his little son was unpredictable.

After Li Yueze wrote the last stroke, he looked down at the words.

The breeze is in my arms.

Where is the breeze

"Ah Ze, I want you to take over the real estate, what do you think?" Li Feng took the next best thing and invited Li Yueze, thinking that this should resolve the situation.

Li Yueze raised his eyes and glanced at him, "It's not that good."

"Why?" Li Feng continued to ask.

It's a pity that Li Yueze's patience has been exhausted. He put down the brush and smiled at Li Feng: "I'm a little tired, let's talk about it another day."

After that, he walked towards the door.

The person who eavesdropped on the corner of the wall hurried to the side, but it was inevitable that Li Yueze would see him, and Qin Xuejiao smiled awkwardly at him.

"Aze, I asked my aunt to clean your room."

Li Yueze walked to the stairs, "No need, I live in my own house."

Qin Xuejiao was choked by his words, and laughed dryly, "You child, isn't this your home?"

Li Yueze didn't answer her, and went downstairs by himself.

Driving away from the villa in the middle of the mountain, aimlessly.

The streets in the early morning were completely silent, and Li Yueze drove to Linheyuan without knowing it.

Where he used to live, at that time, father was still father, mother was still mother, and home was still home.

The little girl next door was still the first one to come to him every day.

Nowadays, the buildings are empty, and Linheyuan, which was once known as the residents who are either rich or noble, has been abandoned for a long time.

The car stopped between two houses, from which I could see the sunflowers in the yard next door.


Suddenly it occurred to someone that she had dreamed about sunflowers in a nightmare, but sunflowers were actually a nightmare for her now.

Really things are different.

Li Yueze lowered the car window, picked up his phone and turned to WeChat.

Click on Shumaning's WeChat.

He didn't give her a note, but her nickname was displayed.


Thinking of the words written in Li Feng's study just now, he couldn't help laughing.

When will the breeze come into your arms