No Protection Tonight

Chapter 23


It's always easy to think too much at night.

Schuman hesitated for a minute or two before returning to Li Yueze.

Qingfeng: Not yet.

After returning, she put the phone aside, got up and continued to pack other things.

From time to time, she would look at the mobile phone on the workbench, and when it was about to turn off, she would come over and tap the screen.

But Li Yueze didn't reply her.

Schuman groaned in his heart, why did this man disappear after saying a word, it's really weird.

She absent-mindedly continued to pack her things, and when she turned her head again, the screen of the mobile phone was blacked out. With anticipation in her heart, Schumann picked up the mobile phone and lay down on the sofa.

Li Yueze still didn't reply to her, and Schuman stared at the only conversation in a daze.

I was so angry that I turned off my phone and fell on the sofa.

After a few seconds, I took it back and checked again, but there was still no reply.

Schumann vented her anger with the mobile phone, and accidentally dropped the mobile phone on the ground when throwing it away. Fortunately, the sofa is not high, and the mobile phone is relatively resistant to falling.

It's just that the sound of knocking on the floor was relatively loud, which disturbed Chen Wei in the bedroom.

Chen Wei came out wearing a nightgown.

"Man Ning, why are you still awake?" Chen Wei glanced at the clock on the wall, it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning.

Schuman lay down on the sofa and picked up her mobile phone, "I can't sleep, I'm packing my things."

Hearing this, Chen Wei also sighed, she sat at Schu Manning's feet, "I can't sleep either, actually I'm sleepy, but I just can't sleep."

Schumann condensed to understand her feelings.

Seeing her silence, Chen Wei continued: "Man Ning, I see that you seem to have a headache today, do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No need." Schumann was not sure, after all, it had never happened before, "I felt like I was hallucinating at the time. After hearing the voices of the two of you arguing, a very strange dialogue popped up in my mind. .”

"And the voices of those two people are very similar to my parents."

"Your parents?" Chen Wei was a little surprised. In her impression, Schumanning only mentioned her father once, which meant that her parents divorced when she was very young, and she didn't remember what her father looked like.

Chen Wei thought for a while, "It may be a childhood memory."

Schumann closed her eyes, and she denied this, "No, I shouldn't be that young."

I can't think about it, it's a terrible headache.

Chen Wei walked over to help her pinch her temples, "Man Ning, what do you say about me..."

The voice of the last four words is too low. Rather than asking Schu Manning, it is better to say that she is asking herself. Chen Wei was strong in her hands, her head was drooping, and she was weak.

Schuman held down the hand she was kneading for herself, "Don't wrong yourself, don't wrong yourself because of a person who has nothing to do with you more than twenty years ago, you have to love yourself."

"I know." Chen Wei lowered her eyes.

But it is really difficult to actually implement it.

"Okay, you go to sleep first, don't worry, you still have me if there is anything." Schumann sat up from the sofa and hugged Chen Wei's shoulders, "I will always love you."

Chen Wei raised her hand to hug her back, and put her face on her shoulder, she sobbed softly.

"Woo... Man Ning..."

Schumann patted her on the back and said sharply, "Don't cry! Cry at night and wake up tomorrow with swollen eyes like rabbits."

Chen Wei nodded in agreement, got up and went back to the bedroom.

Almost at the same time as the door closed, Shu Manning's cell phone rang.

A WeChat call from Li Yueze.

Schumann froze for a moment, not knowing why he called suddenly.

She presses the answer button.

It was very quiet on the other end of the phone, she was waiting for him to speak first.

About three seconds later, Li Yueze asked, "Are you asleep?"

Schumann snorted and laughed, "Can I still answer your phone when I'm asleep?"

"That's right." Li Yueze's voice sounded less sober than in the daytime, as if he made the call with a little drunkenness.

So he said again: "I'll help you solve the tourmaline matter."

Schumann's eyes lit up, and he was instantly refreshed, "Really, that's great, thank you so much!"

On the other end of the phone, Li Yueze clearly felt the change in her attitude before and after, and couldn't help but lowered his head and smiled, "Thank you?"

"Then I treat you to dinner?" Schumanning asked tentatively.

"Okay." Li Yueze responded, "Take me to breakfast."

After Schuman listened, he immediately looked at the dark night sky outside the window. What time is it? He doesn't want to eat today's breakfast, does he

It was the first time I heard someone asking someone to treat me to breakfast, and Schumann felt very fresh.

His index finger rubbed against the back of the phone.

"Okay, you can set the time."

"Is it too cheap for you to buy a breakfast for tens of millions of tourmalines?"

"Do you regret it?" Schumann stared, "You can't count your words."

"I have no regrets."

In the small garden in front of the Peninsula Mansion, Li Yueze was leaning against the wall, with a lit cigarette between the fingers of his left hand, and a mobile phone in his right hand by his ear.

When the wind passed, the sparks from the cigarette butts were blown red and bright.

Li Yueze took a deep breath and then spat it out.

His tongue subconsciously licked his lower lip, and he recalled the taste of Schumanning.

"Do you regret it?" he asked suddenly.

Schuman walked to the workbench and sat down. Hearing his question, he was very puzzled.

"What do I regret?" Then he said, "I have nothing to regret."

She really didn't want to play charades with Li Yueze, nor flirt with him on the phone.

"Did you drink too much?" Shumaning asked again.

Yes, she actually meant to say you're almost done.

In the small garden, Li Yueze sighed helplessly, "Okay."

Schumann deliberately ignored his reaction, she was always like this, sometimes sinking, sometimes sober.

When he spoke again, he was already holding a string of pearls to polish.

"It's one o'clock now, and there are still six hours until breakfast time. We will meet in six hours, if you like."

She ordered calmly, as if the other end of the phone wasn't some big boss who made the financial world frightened, nor was it Li Yueze who played Li Rui around, and it wasn't something that could easily solve her problems for her. Party A of the problem.

At the moment, he just needs her to treat him to breakfast.

On the other end, Li Yueze smiled: "Okay."

Schumanning was a little surprised by such a quick promise, he thought he would refuse indifferently, or find another time.

"Then I'll send you the address." Schumann moved quickly. When Li Yueze mentioned breakfast just now, she suddenly thought of a Cantonese-style morning tea.

But that morning tea shop is a bit far away, almost across the entire city.

She sent him the store link of the food review software.

Li Yueze replied hello.

Seeing him returning so quickly, Schumann suspected that he hadn't clicked on it at all.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, she is ready for him to release pigeons.

The night is always full of inspiration, and Schumann thought that he could not fall asleep anyway, so it is better to supplement the manuscript of the work.

Unexpectedly, a painting would take four or five hours. In the middle, in order to see the specific effect, she made half a model with block substitutes.

As for why it wasn't all done, of course it was dawn.

Schumanning only left herself time to wash and put on makeup. During this process, she always looked at her WeChat from time to time.

Thinking about whether Li Yueze would suddenly send a WeChat message.

[I have something to do]

[I'm busy, I won't go]

[Sorry, I drank too much last night, don't take it seriously, I don't have time for breakfast]

And so on, in line with his daytime status.

When Li Yueze called, Schumanning was putting on lipstick.

She was on speakerphone.

The man asked her on the phone: "Where have you been?"

Schuman, who hadn't slept all night, was confused and replied: "It's time."

Oh, she said lipstick.

"No, I mean, I'm putting on makeup." Schumann flustered, and then changed the subject, "Where are you? Where are we meeting?"

"I'm at your door."

At the entrance of the bungalow on Ruixin Road, a black Maybach GLS has been parked here for a long time.

Li Yueze put his elbows on the car window, and kept looking at a certain window in the bungalow.

"Ah?" Schumann whispered, "God, I forgot to tell you, I don't live there, I moved here yesterday."

She didn't expect that Li Yueze was so fast that he was already at her door.

"I'm really sorry, please wait for me over there, and I'll go back right away." Schumann hurriedly packed her things.

Li Yueze showed no surprise or impatience.

The more this happened, the more guilty Schu Manning felt, so when she rushed back to Ruixin Road, she was more anxious than ever.

After seven o'clock, there were mostly parents sending their children to school on the road. In order to avoid them, Schu Manning took a shortcut on purpose.

Her long, straight hair swayed left and right as she ran.

Li Yueze saw this picture from a distance, he opened the door and got out of the car.

There was a handkerchief in her hand.

Schumann was out of breath from running, and couldn't speak for a while, so she could only rub her chest to calm down.

Li Yueze handed her the handkerchief and motioned her to wipe her face.

Schumanning was afraid of makeup, so she only held the handkerchief, not daring to apply force on her face.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you, I'm living in a bachelor apartment outside now."

Li Yueze nodded thoughtfully, "Single, apartment?"

"Yes, I want to change the creative environment." Schuman walked around to the co-pilot and opened the car door, "Let's start now, it may be very trafficked if it is later."

Li Yueze started the car without comment.

A few minutes later, Shumaning on the co-pilot finally calmed down. She picked up her phone and looked at her makeup on the black screen.

Make sure there is no problem.

Then he glanced sideways at Li Yueze, seeing that he was as refreshed as ever, and couldn't help being curious, "Why did you get up so early? You're still in good spirits."

"I feel less."

When turning a corner, the man turned the steering wheel with one hand, and clicked on the address book on the car screen with the other hand.

The call was to Ji Shengrui.

"Boss, good morning."

"Well, let me know in time after the Shanghai Stock Exchange sends the letter."


In a few short words, Li Yueze did not avoid Schumanning.

Schuman stared at his eyelids that hadn't slept all night, and began to wander, "I won't hold you back from making money."

In the past, it was said on TV that the rich boss had millions of dollars every minute, but she still thought it was an exaggeration. Later, she carefully calculated Li Yueze's situation.

Millions per minute may not seem uncommon.

It depends on how fast Langyue's stock price rises.

For example, a certain headline a few days ago said that Langyue Capital has been making great strides all the way, and the founder Li Yueze's net worth soared by 50 billion.

"Whoever I'm with doesn't stop me from making money."

The words that are obviously pretentious in the literal sense are so ordinary when he says them.

Schuman was speechless, thinking to herself, when will she have this confidence and aura.

Maybe not for long.

Suddenly I remembered, "Why do you want to eat breakfast, don't you worry that I will treat you to a pancake?"

When it comes to breakfast, most of them are fooling around and not so particular.

Schumann stared at him sideways, thinking he was going to say something pretentious but ordinary to him.

Unexpectedly, he said, "Don't worry, I just want to see you in the morning."