No Protection Tonight

Chapter 26


It is often said that Chinese people are subtle, and there is romance in subtlety.

Schumanning didn't take it seriously, but after careful calculation, since they knew Li Yueze, they have been back and forth more than a dozen times, is it romantic

The answer is obviously no.

Leaning on the seat, Schumann was thinking clearly while sinking in the sea breeze.

After driving along the coast for a while, the car got on the expressway around the city.

Schuman couldn't bear the sleepiness, and he closed his eyes and lost consciousness. When she felt it again, her eyes were pitch black, and she rubbed her eyes.

Turning around, she found that Li Yueze in the driver's seat was not there. She quickly unbuckled her seat belt and poked her head to look out. Looking at the layout, this place seemed to be an underground parking lot of an office building.

Suddenly I saw Li Yueze's sideways, half blocked by another car.

He was on the phone and smoking a cigarette.

Shumaning seemed to be seeing him smoking for the first time.

She leaned over to the windshield and sat in the car admiring him.

No matter how you look at it, Li Yueze is a perfect person, with a good figure, good family background, good character, and good everywhere.

So good that it didn't feel real to her.

Shumaning knows that sometimes she is too negative and too cowardly, too perfect people and things always make her feel insecure.

The uncontrollable ethereal feeling made her feel afraid.

Schuman breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling stuffy in her heart.

Li Yueze, who hung up the phone over there, turned around and saw Schuman staring at him, slightly startled.

The half-burned cigarettes were casually thrown into the gravel tray, and the mobile phone, which had exhausted its last trace of battery, was played with in the hands of men.

Through the glass, the two looked at each other.

Each has their own concerns, and each is silent.

After about a minute, Li Yueze returned to the car, and he put the dead cell phone in the middle.

"Shall I take you home?" he asked.

Schumann nodded, but after two seconds of silence, he said: "If you have something to do, I can take a taxi back by myself."

"What?" Li Yueze started the car.

Schumann replied calmly, "I'm worried, please, you must be very busy at work."

"Is it troublesome at this time?" Li Yueze smiled, and subconsciously licked his dry lips, "Interesting."

Schumann looked at his expression and thought he was angry, but he didn't know where he was angry.

She tentatively asked: "No, I have always felt that it is troublesome for you, but I have no choice. If you want, I can treat you to another meal."

Li Yueze looked at her sideways, with the words in his eyes, 'I need a meal from you? '

Schumanning successfully accepted the meaning, and quickly increased the price, "Ten meals are not enough for one meal. If you don't like food, you can do something else!"

The meaning is quite deep.

Li Yueze hooked his lips, "Can you really do something else?"

He slowly stretched his upper body towards Schumanning.

There is only the length of an index finger between the two of them, and they can feel each other's subtle splashes when they breathe.

Schuman's pupils gradually dilated, and he swallowed again.

Pretend to be calm, "You have helped me so much, I should repay you, so as long as you ask, I will agree..."

Hearing this, Li Yueze nodded.

He looked away, as if thinking, and after a while he looked at her again.

"Then buy me breakfast every day," he said.

"Hold the grass, eat breakfast every day?" Chen Wei almost bit off the spoon in her mouth.

She looked at Schumann in disbelief, "Why does Li Yueze ask you to treat him to breakfast every day?"

Chen Wei frowned. She had only heard that a man often invited her to dinner in order to chase after a girl, but he had never seen a girl invite him to breakfast.

Unheard of.

Schumann took a sip of tea and said meaningfully: "Maybe, this is... Party A."

In this world, Party A who doesn't torture people is already in the immortal class.

Those who stay in the human world, needless to say.

Chen Wei sat cross-legged on the coffee table, and Schumann lay on the sofa. While scooping up ice cream with a spoon, she looked at her face, "Why did you agree? Who can stand running so far every day to have morning tea?"

Schuman stared at the ceiling, "No, he didn't say where he was anyway. I'll arrange it closer. If it doesn't work, I'll arrange pancakes, fruit, soy milk and fritters for him."

Chen Wei chuckled, "Mr. Li's hobbies are quite unique."

She scooped out a round scoop of ice cream in her hand, and she stretched it out to Schumann's mouth, "Vanilla, delicious."

Schumann opened his mouth, and the cold touch spread from his teeth to his mouth.

It was so cold that her head woke up a few degrees in an instant.

"Once I get that Paraiba tourmaline, I'll have to hurry up and get ready for the game."

Mouth was vague, but Chen Wei could still make out the sound.

She nodded, "Time is really tight. Hey, what about your gambling? With so much net profit, it's hard to finish, and you only have one pair of hands, so you can't do it."

Schumanning was still digesting the ice cream in her mouth. In fact, she originally wanted to ask Li Yueze this question, but she was interrupted several times.

Including the Yue'an real estate stock he asked her to buy before, she was also full of doubts and had nowhere to ask questions.

It happened that Chen Wei was here, and she propped up her upper body with her elbows, "Weiwei, how is Yue'an Real Estate?"

"Yue'an?" Chen Wei said with a smile: "At noon today, the Shanghai Stock Exchange sent a letter to ask Yue'an Real Estate to respond to the financial report issue. After the issuance, the stock will immediately drop to the limit. I guess, it may suspend trading."

Schumann seemed to understand, she could feel that it was a very serious matter, but why did she feel it was very strange.

Since this is the case, why did Li Yueze let her buy Yue'an's stock.

"Weiwei, let me tell you something, don't be surprised."

"Say it."

"I bought about 50 million shares of Yue'an..."

Chen Wei's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and she turned around and grabbed Schumanning's leg, "What are you doing, are you throwing money away? Why didn't you ask me before you bought it? The money is gone, you know!"

"I didn't know at first, but now I know..." Schumann said weakly.

Chen Wei really convinced her, and rolled her eyes angrily, "Look at you, you advised me not to use money to subsidize Shen Nan's hole, but you, you started to speculate in stocks directly! Do you know that Yue'an Real Estate Co., Ltd. How many people are standing on the rooftop now!"

Schumann could not refute, so she could only bow her head silently.

"You won't buy it with the money Lang Yue gave you?"

Schumann nodded, after all, that's what Li Yueze said on the phone at the time, so she didn't think much about it.

Chen Wei, who got a definite answer, her eyes darkened, "It's over, it's over." She patted her thigh, like the end of the world, "Shu Manning, Schumaning, tell me if you are sick, you don't need the good money, why? Go buy stocks."

"Then, Li Yueze asked me to buy it." Schumann couldn't help but said.

Chen Wei pulled her lips, "Huh? Why did he ask you to buy this?"

Schumann shook his head, "I don't understand."

Well, the matter fell into Li Yueze's trap again. The two recalled carefully, from asking Chen Wei to write gossip, to letting her buy stocks, including a series of operations in between, it was obviously a big game played by Li Yueze.

And they are just two pawns.

Qi Ziwei patted Qi Zining's thigh, "Don't lie down, think about which breakfast restaurant to take Mr. Li to eat tomorrow."

The tone is cowardly and helpless.

But Schumaning was not happy, cooperating with her here, she became very angry.

"What breakfast, eat waste oil, he! Bad man!"

Full of momentum, Chen Wei clapped her hands, "Okay, you have the backbone, if you don't invite him to eat gutter oil tomorrow, your surname will not be Shu!"

"Can I still be afraid of him? Really—" the phone rang suddenly, and Schumann picked it up without looking at it, "Who are you?"

The momentum of asking to eat waste oil just now has not dissipated.

"I'm Li Yueze."

"Ah, Mr. Li, what a coincidence, why did you call me? What's the matter?" Schumanning changed his face instantly, and his tone took a 180-degree turn, gentle to the end.

Chen Wei sighed heavily, got up and supported the sofa and walked into the bedroom alone.

The back is bleak and lonely.

"Speak well." Li Yueze was not used to Schumaning's sudden tenderness, coughed twice, and continued: "Don't rush to sell the shares of Yue'an Real Estate, and wait until I tell you before you move." .”

Schumann groaned, "But I heard it's going to be suspended."

"Ok, I know."

The more Li Yueze acted as if nothing had happened, the more Schu Manning's heart burned.

"Why?" she asked angrily.

I pray in my heart that I hope he will not say anything, and you will know this kind of nonsense when the time comes. She, Schumann, doesn't have definite expectations, she just needs to be sure.

Perhaps the resentment was too strong, Li Yueze really told her the reason for the first time.

"I want to reorganize Yue'an, and the stock in your hand will bottom out and rebound."

The confident tone is unquestionable. Schumanning couldn't understand these financial operations, so she closed her eyes and said, "I don't care. Anyway, the money to buy stocks is his. If it is because of this that the gambling agreement is not completed, it is also Li Yueze's." question.

Thinking about it this way made her feel much happier. She asked him over the phone, "What do you want to eat tomorrow morning?"

The other end was silent for a long time, I don't know if it was difficult to choose or something happened, in short, Schu Manning didn't understand the situation.

But it's boring to wait, so she gave a few suggestions, "Our special food Xiaolongbao, do you like it? It's just sweet, can you eat sweet?"

While talking on the phone, Shumaning played with her hair, curling it with her fingers.

"You are from the north, right? There are a lot of pasta in the north. If you like it, I know that there are Northwest noodles that are also good."

After a while, there was finally a reply from the phone.

"It's all right, up to you."

"Okay, then I'll send you the address after I'm sure, don't let me go!" Schu Manning was very worried that she had spent so much effort to determine the location, but he would not come, although Li Yueze has always kept his promise.

Thinking about it, she added: "If something really happens, you can tell me in advance."

"Okay." Li Yueze responded.

In the top-floor office of Yue'an, Li Yueze sat behind his desk, casually flipping through documents.

Schumann's voice came into his ears through the receiver.

"That's fine, that's the deal, bye."

Schu Manning hung up the phone very quickly, before Li Yueze could respond, she hung up.

Li Yueze put the phone on the table, and looked up at Ji Shengrui who had been standing beside him for a long time.

When he returned to work, he said in a deep voice, "Are you here?"

"Here we come." Ji Shengrui nodded, "I've been here for a while, but I'm still agitated. How do you deal with it?"

If it weren't for the good sound insulation of the office door, you could still hear the shouting and scolding outside the door while sitting in the office.

Li Yueze laughed suddenly, "Let him in."

Ji Shengrui responded and went out to ask someone to come in. Before the door was fully opened, Li Rui, who was standing at the door, hurried in.

His eyes were red and he was at a loss, standing in front of Li Yueze's desk.

"Aze, please, save me."