No Protection Tonight

Chapter 27


Li Yueze was a little tired, didn't sleep all night, and drove across most of the city this morning to have breakfast.

He's all on will now.

On the executive chair, he propped his side face with his left hand, and loosened his tie with his right hand.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Rui in front of him, "You're welcome, I'm not Jesus, how can I save you?"

Li Yueze asked knowingly.

Li Rui lowered his head and pulled the corners of his clothes with both hands. Originally, he didn't want to bow his head to Li Yueze, but Li Feng was very angry and didn't help him. It was raining heavily when he came out of the house, Li Feng's secretary chased him out and gave him an umbrella, and told him.

Only Li Yueze can save him.

No matter how much Li Rui hates Li Yueze, in the face of wealth and interests, he can still distinguish between the important and the important.

With a smile uglier than crying, he sat down opposite Li Yueze.

Putting both hands on the edge of the desk, "Ah Ze, no matter what, if the real estate business is suspended, it will not be good for you or me, and it will even be a big blow to the entire Li family. I think you understand."

Li Yueze nodded, "So?"

"So, I don't think you can do nothing about it." Li Rui frowned and continued: "You just took office, and the real estate is gone. Aren't you afraid that the board of directors of the group will have objections to you?"

Hearing this, Li Yueze suddenly sneered.

After sneering, he looked at the person opposite, "Li Rui, who told you to come find me?"

Li Rui dodged his eyes and did not confess to Chen Fang.

"This person is really uninteresting. Why did you only teach you to come to me, but didn't teach you how to talk to me?" Li Yueze stood up while talking, he bent slightly and leaned forward, "Threat me with such words , I can only say, you are too stupid."

"You!" Li Rui was furious, his chest fluttering up and down, "Li Yueze, don't be ignorant of good and evil, no matter what, I am your brother! No matter how much you deny it, this is the truth!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a glass ashtray flying towards Li Rui.

The edges and corners slid across his face, and finally fell to the ground. The violent collision made it shatter into pieces in an instant.

Li Rui's palms were covered with sweat, and his eyes were fixed on Li Yueze's movements.

Just watch him come around from behind the desk and light a cigarette casually.

The flickering tobacco sparks are like the eyes of a hungry wolf in the dark, sometimes bright and sometimes dark.

Even his breathing was handled together.

Li Rui recalled that when he was young, he and Li Yueze only fought once, because he heard that the father of the little girl next door had a lover, and her mother threatened to jump off the building after being discovered by her mother. The little girl hugged her mother's leg and cried. , snot and tears.

He couldn't help laughing that the little girl was so ugly.

Li Yueze insisted on fighting him when he heard it, and he called Li Yueze a mad dog.

Or a wild dog.

Yes, Li Yueze is a bastard, how did this bastard become a family

Since when did Li Yueze start to overtake him.

Li Rui couldn't think about it, let alone trace back the year and month.

He raised his hand to touch the face that had been rubbed by the ashtray, his fingertips were stained with blood.

After Li Rui snorted, he stood up and looked at Li Yueze at the same level, "Li Yueze, do you have to tear your face apart? Are you happy to see Yue'an go bankrupt and our Li family go bankrupt?!"

"That's right." Li Yueze bit his cigarette, took out his mobile phone with both hands, and typed. He didn't know who he was sending a message to. Seeing that Li Rui got his affirmative answer, he was only surprised but not surprised. He frowned.

"Why, you guessed my purpose correctly, why don't you look very happy." After that, he exhaled the smoke.

The smell of burned tobacco entered Li Rui's nostrils. He couldn't help but tilt his head, gritted his teeth and cursed, "Mad dog."

Li Yueze laughed, didn't bother to pay attention to him, skipped him and walked straight out of the office.

Ji Shengrui, who had been waiting at the door, heard the movement, quickly opened the door, and handed the car keys to Li Yueze.

"Boss, Miss Shu is here."

Li Yueze froze for a moment, glanced left and right, and sure enough saw Schumanning's back at the meeting place not far away.

Seemingly hearing the commotion here, she suddenly turned her head.

Li Yueze subconsciously took the cigarette from his mouth, first pinched it with his thumb and index finger, and then threw it into the cigarette extinguishing place next to him.

Ji Shengrui was very knowledgeable, and when he knew that the two saw each other, he immediately made room and ordered the cleaning to come over and clean.

He just heard the sound of smashing things inside, so he probably needs to clean it.

But the most important thing seemed to be that Li Rui was still inside.

Schumaning was still sitting on the sofa, she turned her head and watched Li Yueze walking over step by step, like a noble black cat.

With the lingering anger from talking to Li Rui on his body, it fell into Schumann's eyes, and it became whether he didn't want to see himself.

So she explained: "I'm not trying to pester you. Aunt Xue contacted me just now and told me to find her. I asked where she was, but she insisted that you know and let me come to you first."


The cold tone made Schumann feel embarrassed.

She took a deep breath and looked away, "If you have something to do, forget it."

A long time after he finished speaking, Li Yueze didn't answer anything, and just left her alone.

It was the person walking behind who caught her attention.

Right behind Li Yueze, at the door of his office, a familiar man suddenly walked out.

Schuman pondered for a few seconds. If I remember correctly, it should be Li Rui.

So she looked at Li Yueze's expression again, and she probably understood why he was so stinky now.

Li Rui walked very fast, and arrived at their side in a few seconds. When passing by, he took a few extra glances at Schumann.

Schumann noticed that his cheek seemed to be scratched, a shallow bloodstain.

Looking up again, the two caught off guard and looked at each other.

Schuman was startled, it turned out that Li Rui's eyes were too terrifying, which made her back feel cold.

Just when she was distracted, Li Yueze moved a step and stood between her and Li Rui, blocking the line of sight.

The terrifying eyes turned into a man's broad chest in an instant, and the white shirt was spotless.

"Let's go." Li Yueze nodded to her.

Schumann didn't react, she thought he was still angry, so she let herself leave here like Li Rui.

Because of her self-esteem, she also asked more questions, and then turned sideways to follow Li Rui to the elevator after a soft oh sound.

Or wait for him to go down first.

But as soon as he took a step, Li Yueze grabbed his wrist.

"This way, idiot."

The latter two words were bitten lightly, but it still made Schumann's heart skip a beat.

The sense of touch extends from the hand to the heart.

Li Yueze's special elevator is different from ordinary elevators. Without his and Ji Shengrui's fingerprint recognition, no one else can open it.

But counting carefully, Schu Manning always took this special elevator every time she came here.

In the elevator, she was so bored that she crossed her index fingers in front of her body, raised her eyes and glanced at Li Yueze secretly, and asked, "Are you just going to Aunt Xue's?"

Li Yueze kept looking forward, and he could just see Schumanning's appearance in the reflection of the closed elevator door.

She looked like she wanted to be with him, but didn't want to bother him.

All in all, she's conflicted.

Li Yueze's thoughts about her are always difficult to figure out, maybe she turned her face too quickly. One second he was amiable, and the next second he became angry again for some unknown reason.

"Why didn't you answer my question?" There was a hint of coquettishness in her tone.

Li Yueze thought to himself, what he really wanted.

"No, I was thinking about things," he explained.

"whats the matter?"

Li Yueze turned his face to look at her, "Thinking about what birthday gift to give Aunt Xue."

"Ah?" Schumann opened her mouth wide, "Is today her birthday?"

Li Yueze nodded.

"God, I don't know, I'm still wondering why she called me suddenly and told me to go and play with her, and I had to be with you."

"Oh, actually, I don't know why she asked you to come to me."

Schumanning: "...well."

She laughed twice, just as the elevator arrived at the parking lot, she walked out first.

Looking around, hey, this seems to be the parking lot in the morning.

It turned out that this belonged to Lang Yue.

There are not many cars parked, but it is not cheap to look at the appearance and shape.

Schu Manning didn't know where his car was, so she slowed down quietly, turned around and looked at him, and turned around again, she was standing beside him.

"Have you thought about what gift to prepare?" Schumann asked.

Li Yueze squeezed the car key in his hand, "I didn't think about it."

Schuman groaned, and tried to give a suggestion, "Why don't you give me a set of jewelry, or a collection like your friend's collection."

Li Yueze didn't know if he was really thinking about it or what, and he didn't respond.

Shumaning added: "Let's just do what she likes, do you know what she likes?"

Over there, Li Yueze just got into the car, and Schumann slowed him down a step.

After she sat down safely, Li Yueze turned to look at her sideways.

"like you."

Fortunately, the cabin was dimly lit, so no one could see the crimson color on her cheeks.

Maybe she didn't even realize it herself.

Pretending to be nonchalant, "Oh, but I'm not an item, I can't be given to her."

The seriousness of the speech almost made Li Yueze laugh.

The man started the car and turned the steering wheel with one hand.

"I don't like you, why did I ask you to come to me." He paused, and then said: "So, taking you there is the best gift."

These words echoed in Schumanning's ears for a long time. At first, she really thought that Li Yueze was joking with herself, but she didn't realize until she met Aunt Xue.

This man is not lying.

Xue Fen held Shumaning's hand, and couldn't hide the liking in her eyes.

"It's great that you can come, and Aze is reliable. I was worried that you didn't know the way or were timid, so I asked you to find him." She looked at Li Yueze again, "Thank you, Aze."

Li Yueze nodded slightly, "You are welcome."

He glanced at Shumaning, and [you still don't believe it] was clearly written in his eyes.

For Xue Fen's sudden and violent love, Schumanning almost couldn't resist, but she was an elder after all, so she could only slowly ask the reason from Xue Fen's mouth.

Asked to conclude at the end.

Unexpectedly, Ruan Yueying was still her number one fan in front of people.

The permanent chairman of the Association for Caring for Shuman Ning.

"Your mother, I will praise you, saying that you are more ingenious, and the jewelry you make is also beautiful. I went to her to order a cheongsam yesterday. I wanted to ask for another piece of your work, but she said that you moved out recently. So I thought, why don't I contact you directly." Xue Fen waved her hand backwards, "Old friends like me usually have no other hobbies, but love to dress up, and also like your young people's stuff, if you don't mind, Just design some sets of jewelry for us."

Schuman looked behind her, good guy, all of them are so luxurious that they almost write rich women on their faces.

Someone came up and grabbed her shoulders, "Man Ning, right? I heard that the jewelry you designed is beautiful, and it suits Ruan Shi's cheongsam best. I have to make an appointment with you."

Schumanning felt unreal, pinched the back of her hand to make sure it was not a dream.

After dealing with these noble ladies, her face was almost crooked.

Cover your hands and go to a secluded place.

The place I arrived today is Xue Fen's own villa, and there is a Suzhou garden behind it. Schuman thought that there were few people there, so he walked there.

Taking out her mobile phone, she sent a message to Chen Wei, and warmly invited her to have a big meal at any place she could choose.

Unexpectedly, before Chen Wei's message came on the phone, I heard a woman's voice from this fake mountain pass.

"Aze, I thought... you liked me."


The author has something to say:

Man Ning: I prick up my gossip ears