No Protection Tonight

Chapter 30


"It's true that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles."

In Xingshuiwan apartment, Chen Wei was chatting with Schumann with her mobile phone, squinting at the news on the screen.

"You really don't want to see it?" she asked.

At this time, Schumann was sitting in front of the workbench, inlaying diamonds into a bracelet. Because the diamonds were small and broken, she was very cautious, and she didn't even dare to speak loudly.

You can only make a voice of rejection with your throat.

Chen Weidun felt bored, and leaned his head against the wall, "Why are you so ruthless? Anyway, Mr. Li has helped you so much, and now you don't even like to read their news."

"Wait a minute, I'm working." Schumann said without raising his head.

"You have been working here for seven hours without moving, sister, you have to take a rest no matter what." Chen Wei reached out and pinched her neck from behind, forcing Schumann to stop working.

Schumann put down the tools in her hand, and looked up with a sad face when she raised her head.

Because the back has been bent all the time, it is a bit uncomfortable to straighten up suddenly now.

"You're not happy to let you rest, are you?"

"No." Schumann shook her head, still with a sad face, "Baby, I think making jewelry is really too happy. As long as I immerse myself enough, I can forget time, forget hunger, and forget everything."

Schuman opened his hands and looked at the ceiling while talking, with a look of self-forgetfulness.

Chen Wei patted her face, "Wake up, this is Earth, it's 7 o'clock in the evening."

"Oh." Schumann gradually returned to normal, put down her hands and looked at Chen Wei, "What did you say about Li Yueze just now?"

After thousands of turns, I finally remembered the business.

Chen Wei supported half of her head with one hand, pretending to be mysterious, "He, he got into trouble."

Schuman was puzzled, picked up the water glass and took a sip to moisturize his dry throat.

"what is the matter?"

It can be seen that she didn't listen to Chen Wei's impassioned remarks beside her just now.

Chen Wei sighed helplessly, and didn't bother to explain to her, so she turned on her mobile phone and showed her the news.

Schumann came over and glanced at the title first.

"The two sons of Yue'an win the heir, how ambitious is Li Yueze"

"I've seen this kind of report before, isn't it surprising?" Schumanning asked.

Chen Wei reached out and changed the webpage news window on her mobile phone, "It's not surprising, you can look at the other ones."

If it is a single gossip news, everyone will just talk about it after dinner, but what happened to Li Yueze this time, I am afraid it is not a meal for others to talk about.

It must be a hundred-day banquet anyway.

"A few months ago, I spent a lot of money to buy fake tourmalines, and a few months later I invested billions in beauty? "

"Opening the investment back door for his girlfriend, Li Yueze, an upstart in the investment industry, fell from the altar"

"Exclusive Breaking News! Li Yueze, president of Yue'an at the entrance of KTV, kissed a woman in the street"

Schumann subconsciously reached out and clicked on the flirting article, and the faces of her and Li Yueze were the first to bear the brunt.

It was when she and Li Yueze were by the car that night, looking at the angle, this photo was taken from the side and rear, and it was crouched very early, from the beginning to the end of the photo, you can clearly see the subtle expressions and movements of the two.

Too many photos are self-willed. This article does not use words to describe the situation on the spot, and directly adds annotations to the pictures.

Under a certain photo of Li Yueze hugging her and kissing, the author attached a line of words thoughtfully.

[It looks like a French kiss]

Schuman stared blankly and forgot to swipe away. Chen Wei didn't read this report before, but now that Schuman had been staying here, she followed to read it.

The expression on his face gradually twisted.

"You?" She pointed at Shumaning, and then at the photo of the two of them on her mobile phone, ""

It may be that there are too many elements, and I don’t know which one to talk about first.

Schumann knew what she meant, and patted her arm comfortingly, "I'm not in love."

Chen Wei didn't understand, "Then you guys kissed passionately in the street, and it's French..."

"No way, it's normal."

Chen Wei frowned, "And then?"

"Tongue kiss..."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Wei looked at Schuman's eyes again, and her expression changed involuntarily.

"Wow, you said you weren't in love, you hid it well enough?"

Schumann raised her hand to make an oath, "I assure you, I never hide it from you. I really didn't fall in love with him, we just kissed for a while."

"I'm very traditional, don't lie to me, why are you kissing when you're not in love, isn't it to communicate the diversity of human saliva? Besides, now that this article has been written, no one will believe you if you say you're not in love."

Schumann leaned her elbows on the workbench, and inserted her fingers into her hair along the way.

"You might as well let me immerse myself in my work just now."

It was Chen Wei's turn to pat her on the shoulder reassuringly, "It's okay, Mr. Li doesn't look like someone who won't be responsible, don't worry, maybe the wedding car you go out to pick up the bride is waiting outside hahaha. "

Chen Wei couldn't hold back herself, and she swayed from side to side with laughter after speaking.

Schuman stared at the sky speechlessly, and continued to read the report honestly, mainly to see what other photos there were.

If it weren't for these photos, she might not have realized that she was so close to Li Yueze that night.

It's kissing and hugging again, all kinds of intimate actions make it difficult for people not to think too much.

Finally, she looked at the publication time of this article, four hours ago.

Combining the other news headlines just now, Shumaning's intuition told her that it might be more than four hours, or even earlier.

She stretched out her hand and fell to the ground with a smile, holding the phone in her hand to zoom in on the photo of her and Li Yueze, Chen Wei, who was smiling from her aunt.

"Has there been such gossip news about Li Yueze before?"

Chen Wei didn't even have time to look at her, so she said directly: "No, a person with his status wouldn't dare to post it even if there were others."

"Then why did you post it this time?"

Hearing this, Chen Wei was taken aback, she hadn't thought about this question.

According to Langyue's past style, it is impossible for any negative news about its founder to appear on Internet social media, and even if it does appear, it will be promptly publicized.

Today, not only is there no public relations, but it is allowed to be widely reported.

Unknowingly, Chen Wei finally recalled her original intention of calling Schumann to watch the report.

"Oh yes, I wanted you to see that."

She clicked on an article about how Li Yueze plotted against Yue'an, plotted against Li Rui, and then the current predicament of Yue'an Real Estate.

This article is written very straightforwardly, without too much technical language, and the whole article highlights that it is suitable for all ages, and can be understood by both insiders and outsiders.

There are still many comments in the comment area below, among which the first highly praised reply is.

[Birds can't beat bastards?]

Obviously, in the public's mind, Li Yueze is the illegitimate child.

"Since the publication of this article, Langyue's stock price has dropped, and you have seen the chain reaction, and the discussions about Li Yueze on various forums have gradually moved to an extreme." Chen Wei said.

For Schumanning, the matter was very sudden and strange, and she was even thinking, should she do something at this moment.

Make a phone call to comfort Li Yueze

I clicked on my phone, which was muted because I didn't want to be disturbed, but now I turned it on and found that it was full of missed calls and dozens of WeChat messages.

The content is nothing more than to inquire about the gossip between her and Li Yueze.

Seeing those red dots, Schumann's head hurts. Simply ignore all of them and go directly to Li Yueze's column.

The chat message was still three days ago. She told Li Yueze that she had recently received a few orders from Aunt Xue's friend, and she might not have time to treat him to breakfast. I hope he will forgive me.

Li Yueze never responded to her, neither saying yes nor no, and he didn't send another message afterward.

From the side, Chen Wei also noticed the WeChat message ending with Schumann.

"Why don't you ask him?" She suggested to Shumaning.

Shumaning's fingers deleted, deleted, and subtracted in the input field, and finally thought about it and cleared it.

"No, he doesn't reply to my message, why should I look for him again."

Chen Wei pondered: "Um, that's right... But it's not a special situation right now, maybe he's angry, go and coax him."

The word "coax" appeared on Li Yueze, which was very discordant. Schuman felt his scalp tingling just thinking about it.

So she and Chen Wei were relatively silent for a while, and when they moved again, it was she who saw the call on the phone.

She knew this number, the landline of Lang Yue's assistant to the president's office.

Two seconds later, she picked up the phone.

As expected, it was Ji Shengrui's voice.

"Hello, Ms. Shu, our company has a symposium about the Mid-Autumn Festival in the near future, and I invite you to attend."

Schumann laughed dryly, "Ha-ha, Mid-Autumn Festival, is it so soon?"

"Yes, next Wednesday is the Mid-Autumn Festival. According to our company tradition, there will be a team discussion, and we will host a banquet to invite everyone. If it is convenient for you, I will send the invitation letter to your mailbox."

Schumann thought for a moment, "No, I'm a little busy recently, so I don't have time to go out."

"What about next Wednesday? Don't you have time?" Ji Shengrui asked.

Schumann still refused, insisting on the shameful but useful policy of evasion.

"Sorry, I'm really busy."

Ji Shengrui was silent for a while, and then said: "It's okay, I understand, then can you send me your address, and I will send you some special holiday products."

Schumann wanted to refuse subconsciously, but she was too heartless to refuse.

Honestly reported the address of his Xingshuiwan apartment to Ji Shengrui.

"Okay, I've made a note, so if nothing else—"

"Wait." Schumann couldn't help it, "That's you... You should have seen those reports on the Internet, right?"

"Yes." Ji Shengrui replied simply.

Instead, Schumanning didn't know how to respond, "Then, don't you guys say anything?"

At this time, Ji Shengrui, who was sitting in the office of Langyue Building, and Monk Zhang Er were puzzled.

Should this mean anything

He thought about it, pondered for a long time, and just saw Li Yueze passing by the door of his office.

"I don't need to know your process, I only look at the result, no matter what method you use, it must be successful."

There is a completely natural difference between the man's determined and undeniably tough tone, and the tender look in his arms while holding Schumann in the news photos.

A casual glance over here as he passed was enough to make him stand in awe.

Ji Shengrui was suddenly blessed, and said to Schumanning on the other end of the phone.

"Miss Shu, thank you, you are really a female Bodhisattva, and I would like to express my most sincere thanks to all the staff of our company."

Shumaning:? (Black Question Mark Face.jpg)


The author has something to say:

If there is no update in the future, I will ask for leave in the comment area

Good night