No Protection Tonight

Chapter 34


Li Yueze brought her a cup of cool water.

Schumann took it with his hand, and moved it to his mouth. The dry and sore throat was finally relieved by the moisture of the water.

She drank in a hurry, the water choked into her trachea, and she coughed instantly.

Li Yueze took the cup in her hand, and ran his other hand along her back.

"Don't worry."

The man's gentle voice was like a sweet medicine, and Schumann was powerless to fight back. He looked up at him with misty eyes, and his body consciously relied on him.

"Thank you."

Li Yueze lowered his eyes, "The braised pork is ready, do you want to eat it?"

Schu Manning didn't want to refuse, but at this time she really wanted to tell Li Yueze one thing.

She was even a little lost, why didn't he ask himself what nightmare he had.

Well, maybe a rather selfish thought.

When Li Yueze got up to leave, Schumann grabbed his wrist.

Like a poor kitten, kneeling on the sofa and looking up at him, "Do you know why I'm allergic to sunflowers?"

Li Yueze didn't speak. He really didn't know that a person who liked sunflowers so much in the past would be allergic to sunflowers at this time.

At first, he thought that Schumanning was playing with him, no matter how bad she was, she was a heartless white-eyed wolf who deliberately forgot about herself.

But due to some obscure emotions, he still chooses to squat next to Schumanning.

Holding her hand in the palm of his backhand, he followed her words and asked, "Why?"

The image of the nightmare just now in Schumann's mind is still clear, or in other words, the nightmare about this sunflower is very clear every day.

"Since I was in high school, I have often had the same dream. In the dream, there is a villa with a large sunflower field planted at the entrance of the villa. It looks very beautiful, but after a while, a woman fell from upstairs and overwhelmed the sunflower. , the blood also stained the sunflowers red."

"I have this nightmare almost once a month. The content is the same. Over time, when I see sunflowers in my life, I can't help but feel itchy all over my body and tears can't stop flowing. It's like an allergy, but actually Not above."

Schumann's eyes were sour, and he couldn't help but want to scratch his hands.

It's just that as soon as the nails touched the skin, they were held down by Li Yueze, and the two looked at the overlapping hands at the same time.

"You go on, I'm listening," he said.

With a slight force on his fingers, he didn't want Schumann to scratch his arm.

Schumann's attention was diverted, and she tried her best to ignore the itching.

"I went to a psychiatrist and the doctor said it was post-traumatic stress disorder."

Hearing this, Li Yueze's breathing was stagnant, and his heart tightened involuntarily.

On the contrary, Schumanning, really heartless and white-eyed wolf, laughed again while talking.

"Haha, but the doctor didn't know where my trauma came from, and I didn't know, so we just stared at each other, and in the end he refunded half of my money."

Li Yueze breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at Schumanning speechlessly, annoyed that she didn't take herself seriously, and could still laugh at this time.

He was about to speak, but was interrupted by her reaching out.

"Hey! Don't sympathize with me, and don't say anything to introduce me to a doctor. I don't need it." Schu Manning seemed to have expected what he was going to say, and quickly preempted it.

Li Yueze sneered, "I don't sympathize with you."

"That's fine." Schumanning had returned to her usual self-confidence, she pushed away Li Yueze's hand, she stood up with her hands on her hips, "I, Schumanning, don't need anyone's sympathy."

Publish her personal manifesto.

Li Yueze looked at her for a few seconds, then said "oh", he walked to the Nakadao platform by himself, and put the braised pork in the pot on the plate.

The aroma immediately filled the surroundings.

The glutton in Schuman's stomach was awakened by it, and he walked to the plate of braised pork by instinct.

She sniffed, "It smells so good, I really want to eat it."

Li Yueze was collecting the juice, so he didn't even look at her, so he just skipped it.

"Aren't you very proud just now, you don't need anyone's sympathy."

Li Yueze interrupted her bad behavior of reaching out to eat meat.

Schumann pouted, "That's two different things, and you're still using my kitchen!"

Speaking of this, she had to be proud, "Without my kitchen, how could you make such delicious braised pork. Besides, your braised pork is only good in color and fragrance, and the taste has yet to be identified, so I can take the risk and be brave. It is your honor to eat your braised pork with the spirit of trying."

Hearing this, Li Yueze couldn't help laughing.

He wiped his fingers with a paper towel, and looked sideways at Schumanning, "It's a pity that you don't do sales because of your eloquence."

"It's not a pity, I can also sell my works to others." Schumanning is very proud when talking about this. Recently, she has completed many orders with the clients introduced by Aunt Xue.

The two sat down at the dining table facing each other. In addition to making braised pork, Li Yueze also made stir-fried broccoli and a plate of Coca-Cola chicken wings.

Schumann wondered, "When did you buy chicken wings?"

"Saw it under your refrigerator."

Schuman groaned, sandwiched a piece of braised pork, the evenly fat and thin pork belly was irrigated with thick oily red sauce, it was sweet and delicious, and it would melt in the mouth.

Schumann shook his head happily.

"Wow, it's delicious. It would be nice if there was rice." After speaking, he took a peek at the person opposite, expecting it from the bottom of his heart. He is so careful, he will definitely not forget it.

Just waiting for Li Yueze on the opposite side to slowly pick up the broccoli and put it into his mouth, it was bland and tasteless.

"I cooked it, you can get it yourself."


For the things she likes, Shumaning has to run and fly. Maybe to save trouble, she directly brought the rice cooker over.

After serving himself a bowl of rice, he stretched out his hand to Li Yueze, "I'll serve it for you."

The man shook his head, "I don't eat rice."

"Okay." Schuman shrugged her shoulders, and it seemed that she could only enjoy it alone.

The highlight is the braised pork with rice.

Deep in love, Shumaning still did not forget to hold the important ceremony before the meal.

[Mobile phone first.]

Put a piece of braised pork on the rice, and the soup of the braised pork soaks into the full grains of rice.

Schumanning couldn't bear it anymore, forgot to maintain the image of a lady and started eating.

As for Li Yueze on the opposite side, he is like a human being in another dimension. He only eats broccoli, and he eats very little, and occasionally checks the news on his mobile phone.

After a while, Schumann's bowl of rice had bottomed out.

Only then did I remember to express encouragement and praise to Mr. Chef, "It's so delicious, how can there be such delicious braised pork."

Then he pestered Li Yueze and asked him the secret recipe, "Do you have any unique skills? Could it be the 80th generation descendant of Mr. Su Dongpo?"

Schuman's serious appearance made Li Yueze laugh. He put down his chopsticks and wiped off some barely visible vegetable crumbs at the corner of his mouth very gracefully.


Schumaning never expected that one day she would fall under the braised pork of some man.

Willingly give a thumbs up, "It's too strong, I would like to call you God of Cooking."

Li Yueze hooked the corners of his lips, thinking that Schumanning has this character, as long as he is happy, he can say all kinds of good things at his fingertips.

Unknowingly, Schu Manning served herself another bowl of rice, but saw that Li Yueze had put down his chopsticks, and there was no movement.

She couldn't help being curious, "Why don't you eat it?"

"I don't eat sweets."

The man's answer was short and contradictory.

A person who doesn't like sweets, why would he make this kind of thick oily red sauce, sweet lipstick and roasted pork.

It's a pity that Schumaning's mind is blocked by food at the moment, and she has no time to think about this contradiction.

Ten minutes later, satisfied, she leaned on the back of the chair and rubbed her stomach with her hands.

"Very comfortable."

Li Yueze was dealing with work matters on his mobile phone, and occasionally glanced at her, seeing her unsuspecting state of being full, and immediately felt joy in his heart.

Only after she was full and warm did she think of serious business. Schuman put her elbows on the edge of the dining table and looked at the man opposite her with her chin.

"Are you here today just to cook for me? Why do I feel so unreal. "

Li Yueze glanced at her from the corner of his eye, and saw that she had started to hold her head in her hands, thinking about it, so he followed her words to tease her.

"Of course more than that."

Halfway through speaking, Schumann blamed him for moji, "Then you might as well just say it, so I'm mentally prepared."

She thought about a few in her heart that she thought were more reliable. One was that Li Yueze wanted something from her, but this one was not very reliable. Li Yueze's hands and eyes were all over the sky, why would he beg her.

The other is that Li Yueze's plan is not good, which is not very reliable, needless to say the reason.

That's the last one, Li Yueze, who likes her.

It stands to reason that she has been in love for decades, and she has never met any kind of man, and whether the other party is interested in her, she can also feel it with her sixth sense.

But Li Yueze gave her a very different feeling. Sometimes, she felt that he liked her very much, all kinds of intimate actions, and the deep eyes when he looked at her.

Even she couldn't help but fall into it.

But sometimes, she felt that this man was still a businessman after all, and his wealth and interests came first. How much could he like a person whom he had known not long ago? It was just a novelty.

After thinking about it, she let out a long sigh.

There is a little sadness between the eyebrows and eyes.

He listened intently and wanted to know the answer, but waited for Li Yueze's ruthless answer.

"Go wash the dishes."

Shumaning: ...

"I'll wait until you finish talking before I go to wash."

Try to make the last struggle.

Li Yueze didn't speak, just looked at her, the undeniable pressure in his eyes made Schumann hiccup subconsciously.

Suddenly, even without Li Yueze's words, she wanted to escape here quickly.

So embarrassing, what a table indecent moment this is.

It was so embarrassing that she wanted to pick out three rooms and one living room with her toes.

He quickly picked up the dishes in his hands and went to the kitchen to wash them, trying to cover the episode just now with the sound of water.

However, the escape was quite short. As soon as she turned on the faucet on her front foot, Li Yueze followed her on her back foot.

He didn't say anything, just like a supervisor, watching her wash the dishes.

Both hands are very leisurely folded arms on the chest, leaning against the edge of the counter.

Schumanning moved very slowly, "I can't wash the dishes well if you look at me like this."

Li Yueze was very reasonable, and he really didn't look at her anymore, but he still stayed there without moving.

Schumann wanted to talk about other topics to divert his attention, so he asked, "I see you usually live in the Manting Hotel, how can you cook?"

"When I was studying abroad in London, I was not used to the food there, so I learned to cook by myself."

Schuman frowned, she thought that a rich man like Li Yueze would at least need a few chefs to go abroad, with a complete range of eight major cuisines, and a housekeeper accompanying him around the clock.

From the side, Li Yueze saw that Schumanning's eyes had become dull, and he knew that she was thinking about something in her mind again.

He raised his hand and tapped her forehead lightly, "wash quickly, I have something to tell you."

"Ah?" Schumann frowned, "Is it a good thing?"


Schuman frowned even deeper, and couldn't help but think of a famous Chinese saying.

Feeling full and thinking of lust/desire


The author has something to say:

hey, hungry