No Protection Tonight

Chapter 4


After the auction ended, a group of staff were left to clean up the place. Although Schumaning was a little unhappy to stay in the church because of the tourmaline, seeing Chen Wei's pitiful appearance, she patiently accompanied her to clean up.

At twelve o'clock, the church bell rang.

Chen Wei was disposing of garbage with a broom, "When I hear this bell, I will think I am Cinderella."

Schumann sat on the workbench with his buttocks half-sat, flipping through the "Depth" magazine in his hand, "Cinderella just attended the ball with the prince at this point, how about you?" Schumann looked away from the magazine and looked at A broom in her hand.

Chen Wei also lowered her gaze and said, "Why, are you still a good sister?"

After speaking, she saw that the colleagues around her had gone to nowhere, and she was indeed the only 'Cinderella' left here. After realizing it, Chen Wei cursed, "Damn, that's not right, why am I cleaning here?"

Schumann raised her eyebrows, her eyelids were so sleepy that she was tossing, "You just found out, finish it quickly, and go home to sleep."

After tidying up the work room, Chen Wei went out and said something to a few colleagues. When she returned to Schumanning, she gritted her teeth and took her out of the church with an inexplicably haughty posture.

Schumann thought she was going crazy, so she couldn't help but patted the back of her head, "Are you going home?"

"I won't go back, let's stay at your house. Has your mother not come back yet? I'm afraid you will be lonely in that big villa."

She raised her voice a few degrees, as if deliberately speaking to the people around her.

Schumann was confused, and asked in a low voice: "Why are you so flamboyant, I don't have money for bodyguards."

Chen Wei remained silent, threw herself on the familiar soft sofa at Schumanning's house, and buried her face, "They were gossiping there just now, saying that I deliberately arranged for you to hook up with Li Yueze, sell fake products, worship gold girls and so on..."

The voice in the back became smaller and smaller, but Schumann still heard the three important words.

"Gold Diggers..."

Chen Wei thought she was sad, and quickly got up from the sofa, "Don't worry, I scolded them for you, these bastards! See if I don't tear their mouths!"

Chen Wei was so aggressive that she wished she could kill the bad guys immediately and execute them on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Schumann put down the water glass, waved her hand, and picked up her mobile phone.

"I think this description is quite good, worshiping money, it shows that I am a person with firm beliefs, and I want to change it into my WeChat signature."

The gas flame instantly turned into an invisible speck of dust.

Chen Wei pulled the corners of her lips silently. She must have been too tired today to forget what Schuman Ning's nature is. She does have faith, although she doesn't believe in Buddhism or faith, but whenever she passes by the Temple of the God of Wealth, she can't afford to kneel.

Even most of the time, Chen Wei had the illusion that Schumann was going to make a fortune, and then flee this earth with a huge sum of money.

Money is her life.

After drinking the water, Schumann walked towards her bedroom. After taking a shower, she was wearing a loose nightgown and lying on the soft bed with Chen Wei.

"Do you know why, does Li Yueze know that it is a fake?"

Schuman lay on the bed, propped half of her face with one hand, and spread out the book beside the bed, wondering: "Why?"

In fact, she began to think that he was referring to her necklace as a fake, which made her a little cautious.

Seeing that Schumanning was interested, Chen Wei hurried over. She didn't know at first, but when she was about to leave just now, she went to the irascible old man Zhu Lei to inquire about gossip.

There are entertainment gossip in the entertainment circle, and there are financial gossip in the financial circle.

Li Yueze's gossip comes more from his native family. His father, Li Feng, is one of the top five figures in Mingcheng's rich list. According to a certain kung fu superstar, his only black spot is that he committed the crimes that men would commit. That's wrong.

Before Li Yueze was born, Li Feng had his illegitimate son Li Rui, and he took him home to raise him, which was no different. On the contrary, Li Yueze was born two years later than the former illegitimate brother. For some reason, his biological mother, the wife Li Feng Mingmei was marrying, disappeared after giving birth to him. As a result, when Li Feng remarried later, outsiders thought Li Yueze was talented. Is an illegitimate child.

"Why does this story sound familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere." The feeling of deja vu but not clear made Schumann feel a headache.

"Don't interrupt, listen to me continue."

"Li Yueze and his brother have always been at odds. Once, there was a gossip." Chen Wei didn't know why she suddenly became cautious, and she also had an expression that there would be no ears behind the partition wall.

"Li Rui beat the son of a high-ranking official in Mingcheng. The two were playing golf on the same course. Li Rui felt that he had taken his place. A half-grown man, when he was young and full of vigor, smashed his nose Bleeding."

"Of course, that's not the point. The point is that after Li Rui learned of the other party's identity, he rushed to the door to apologize, but then turned to his friend who was a writer to insinuate and insinuate in the column Spring and Autumn's brushstrokes, saying that the second-generation political dude Barabara, these They are all sensitive so I won’t go into details, anyway, it took a long time to clean up this matter. In the end, Li Yueze came forward, because he and that young master are high school classmates and have a good relationship.”

Hearing this, Schumann frowned and asked, "Did he persuade you to make peace?"

Chen Wei quickly shook her head, "No, he told his classmates not to talk to Li Rui, so the relationship became even more tense. This golf war caused heavy losses in the stock market of the company under Li Feng's name, estimated to be several billion, not including those An account that has not been put on the table."

Schumann was about to speak, but Chen Wei suddenly got excited again, "Hey, is Li Yueze a little rebellious? After all, it's his family's money. Doesn't he feel sorry for losing so much?"

Hearing this, Schuman smiled instead and closed the book.

"I don't think it's a good thing for him to do so. Why should he try to persuade him? He's not a saint."

Chen Wei looked at Schumanning seriously, and finally concluded: "You are as rebellious as Li Yueze."

"So, what does this have to do with fakes?"

"Oh, Li Rui's writer friend is Jian Qiusheng. The Little Leaf Red Sandalwood Palace that was photographed today is actually not from the Ming Dynasty, but from modern times. The original work belonged to Li Yueze's grandfather's family, but it seems to have been lost in recent years."

I see, someone deliberately caught Li Yueze.

"Before I came here today, Li Yueze also thought that Jian Qiusheng was real, but it seems that his assistant has found the real product at the end, so here is... emmm, you understand?"

Schumann nodded, "According to what you're saying, Jian Qiusheng made a fuss just to get Li Yueze to buy his fake?"

"Yes, maybe there are other reasons behind it, then I don't know."

Schuman lay on the pillow, thinking that when she was still worried that she might have committed a crime of fraud, some people had already directly robbed her.

No wonder it is said that wealth and wealth are sought in danger.

"Hey, don't you listen, I still have a lot of rich and powerful families, financial gossip, but it's crazy." Chen Wei seemed to have a chicken blood, and she didn't feel sleepy when she talked about it.

It's a pity that Schu Manning is a person who can't stay up at night, she gets sleepy when she arrives, and falls asleep as soon as she touches the bed.

When Chen Wei replied a WeChat message, she had already fallen asleep hugging the pillow.

Early the next morning, Schumann heard the sound of dog paws running back and forth on the wooden floor, which was familiar but disturbing.

She struggled to open one eye, facing the dog's face head on.


Coke is a beagle. A former classmate of Shumaning originally asked her to take care of her for a while, because he was going abroad, but he never returned.

From then on, Shumaning's family lived a happy life of two and one dog.

Coke appeared here, which meant that Ruan Yueying had also returned home.

Schumann sat up suddenly, subconsciously looked to the side, Chen Wei did not know when she left.

Poor worker.

Seeing Schumann sitting up, Ke Le quickly brought her slippers to the bed, and shook her head to please her.

Schumann patted its head and asked in a low voice, "Is it all right?"

It's a pity that Coke can't speak, so after calling out twice, Ruan Yueying was recruited instead.

"Smelly girl, how long are you going to sleep? Don't you know how to clean the house these days when I'm not at home?"

Ruan Yueying is a native of Haishi, and she speaks Wu Nong's soft language, although the tone is rather aggressive.

Schuman pulled on the slippers and hurried out of the bedroom to hug Ruan Yueying's arm, "Mom, I miss you so much~ I wonder if mother's trip is going well?"

"I'm sick of it." Ruan Yueying shook her arm in disgust, "This family really can't do without me for a day."

"Yes, yes, yes." Schumann nodded in agreement.

"Wow, woof." Coke also echoed.

Ruan Yueying walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, spread out the newspaper that was just delivered in the morning, "There is food in the kitchen, go and get it."

"Thank you, my mother." Schumann nodded in a tone, and then ran to the kitchen.

Sure enough, the dirty bowl she had put aside no longer existed.

Schuman ate a large bowl of porridge with tears in her eyes. While eating, she searched for Li Yueze on her mobile phone, and there were not many introductions in the encyclopedia. The main thing is that he is the founder of Langyue Capital. The rest of the photos and age are not very detailed, and the rest are about the introduction of Langyue Capital.

Schuman stared at the company introduction and gradually fell into deep thought. Isn't this the company she had submitted her resume to before

Langyue Capital recruits some corporate investment from the society every year, regardless of the industry. In order to expand her small jewelry design studio, she also tried to submit a resume to Langyue, but the email was sent out for more than half a year and still has not been read. state.

The first investment in my life: failure.

Under the dining table, Coke arched Schumanning's legs, thinking about things, he almost forgot to give this guy to eat.

"At the charity auction, the mysterious buyer spent a lot of money to buy a fake Paraiba tourmaline necklace—" Ruan Yueying read the headline in the newspaper.

Schuman, who was squatting on the ground watching Coke eating, immediately straightened her back.

After a long silence, Ruan Yueying seemed to be reading the text, and Schumanning didn't make a sound, wondering what kind of careless thing this is, and even wrote a fake.

"Is 2 million also called spending a lot of money?" Ruan Yueying asked after reading the entire report.

Schumann stood up and went to the back of the sofa, bent over to read the newspaper.

"Forget it..."

2 million can buy a lot of jewelry raw materials.

"What's the matter, this amount of money is not enough to buy a toilet in the school district in Haishi."

Schumanning was speechless. According to the actual situation, what Ruan Yueying said made a lot of sense.

She nodded, "Yes, it's not enough to buy a toilet, how can you spend a lot of money! -Hey, someone knocks on the door, I'll answer it."

Schumann opened the door, and there was a young man in a suit standing outside.

He smiled at Schumann and said, "Good morning, Ms. Shu, I am Ji Shengrui, General Secretary Li, and he authorized me to sign the contract for that Paraiba tourmaline necklace with you. Are you ready?"

Ruan Yueying, who was sitting on the sofa, saw that Schumaning hadn't moved for a long time, so she turned her head and asked, "Manning, who's here?"

Schumanning: buy toilets.