No Protection Tonight

Chapter 43


The originally harmonious atmosphere was brought down to the brink of embarrassment because of Liang Xingyu's words.

It turned out that Li Rui hinted to him that Li Yueze's cash flow may not be very healthy. Whether his 200 million can be implemented is still unknown.

After Liang Xingyu heard his words, he thought for a moment.

Based on his understanding of Li Yueze, this person's business credit is very high, which is why he chose to sell him.

Do you really think that Liang Xingyu is stupid, as long as someone gives money, he will sell it

Liang Xingyu wanted to let go of the cold snort, "Thank you, Mr. Rui for reminding, since this is the case, why don't we call Mr. Li for a face-to-face interview?"

Although it was a question sentence, Li Rui did not refuse the gesture of making a phone call.

After a phone call, Liang Xingyu, who received an accurate answer from Li Yueze, was in a particularly comfortable mood, with his hands crossed behind his head.

With legs crossed, he looked around and looked around at the decoration in the box.

"Mr. Rui, is this store yours?" Liang Xingyu asked.

Li Rui nodded, "Well, I usually have a lot of entertainment, so I set up a restaurant to receive customers, and the privacy is better."

He opened a restaurant for entertainment, as expected of the Crown Prince of Yue'an.

Liang Xingyu frowned on both sides at the same time, "Arrogance, it seems that real estate really makes money."

"Why, is Mr. Liang interested?" Li Rui asked.

Liang Xingyu smiled without saying a word, then turned around and asked, "Since Mr. Li is coming, why don't we open a new bottle of wine?"

"And the dishes on this table, I think I have to change them." Liang Xingyu touched while talking, "I just don't know what Mr. Li likes to eat."

Li Rui and Su He looked at each other, and Li Rui signaled her to speak.

"Mr. Liang, you really miss Aze."

"Really?" Liang Xingyu himself didn't think there was anything wrong with him. He and Li Yueze only met at an industry summit. His first impression of him was not bad, and he seemed to be an interesting person.

Not long after, the leader pushed open the door from the outside and reached out to invite Li Yueze into the box.

The three present looked towards the door one after another.

Then there was surprise at the same time, seeing that Li Yueze, who used to be in a suit and leather shoes, was actually wearing a white T-shirt today.

If it wasn't for that face, everyone might still have to wonder who walked in the wrong door.

Li Rui also hesitated for a while, only belatedly remembered to greet him.

"Aze, what are you doing today—" Li Rui looked at his pure white T-shirt, hesitating to speak.

Li Yueze glanced at him casually, "I'm on vacation."

"You're really on vacation." Liang Xingyu walked up to talk to him with a smile, "I thought your secretary was lying to me. How could you, a model worker, be on vacation?"

Hearing this, Li Yueze lowered his eyes and smiled, then looked up at Li Rui, "Avoid the limelight."

Hearing this from the side Liang Xingyu, and seeing Li Yueze's look at Li Rui, he couldn't help laughing, and took Li Yueze's arm and walked to the position.

"Come, come, since we are on vacation, it's just right, we have plenty of time to chat."

Su He who was sitting there had a good eye, or had other ideas.

Seeing Li Yueze entering the door alone without Schumaning behind her, she subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

She took the initiative to get up to make way for Li Yueze, "Sit here." She pointed to her seat.

Li Yueze didn't look at her, and sat down in the empty seat on the other side, facing Liang Xingyu.

Liang Xingyu's own calculations also came to nothing. He originally wanted to sit close to Li Yueze and have a good chat, but he didn't appreciate it.

Shrugging helplessly, "Okay, it's good if you can come."

After he finished speaking, he added: "I thought you didn't want to come. I haven't heard from you for so long after calling."

"How could it be?" Although Li Yueze could see Liang Xingyu just by raising his eyes, Li Rui always felt that he seemed to be looking at him.

Especially when saying this.

"I heard that Yue'an is also involved in the catering industry now, so I'll see how the food is."

Hearing this, Liang Xingyu was stunned for a moment, "Is this restaurant opened by Yue'an?" After a pause, he looked at Li Rui, his eyes rolling quickly.

I thought it's no wonder what Li Rui said just now was true.

It's a modest way to say, Yue'an's, isn't it Li Rui's.

"Okay, since we're having dinner, let's talk about something other than work." Li Rui didn't want to continue this topic, so he took the initiative to divert it, and summoned the waiter backhand to ask her to serve.

Another girl who played the zither was called in.

The girl playing the zither came in wearing a plain patterned cheongsam, she looked pretty, she didn't speak, she just played the zither.

Although Liang Xingyu didn't understand this tune, nor did he know which song to play, but he admired this girl's temperament, and he loved this one.

Like Su He, although he is also gentle and pleasant, but it always feels like an act, and he is not very good at it.

Liang Xingyu admired the guzheng player, completely forgetting about business.

At the table, Li Yueze kept looking at the phone from beginning to end, as if waiting for someone's news.

The screen is unlocked, there is no message, the screen is locked, and after a few seconds, the screen is unlocked again.

Seeing this, Su He was thoughtful, and then got up to pour wine for Li Yueze.

When I walked to him, I happened to see the chat interface on his mobile phone.

:[What are you doing]

:[Are you busy]

Just after reading the following two articles, when I wanted to continue to see who was mentioned above, I saw Li Yueze put the phone lock screen face down on the table.

She leaned over to pour the wine, but the rim of the glass hadn't touched yet.

"No, I'll drink tea."

Su He was stunned for a while, "Don't you not like drinking tea?"

Li Yueze didn't answer her question.

On the contrary, Li Rui joked, "Xiaohe, you still miss Aze so much, you even remember him not drinking tea."

Su He's face turned red, and she couldn't hide the smile in her lowered eyes.

"After all, we've known each other for so many years." She secretly glanced at Li Yueze's profile.

Li Rui smiled without saying a word, and kicked Liang Xingyu, motioning him to look.

Liang Xingyu doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. Although he hasn't figured out what the relationship between Su He and Li Yueze is, but seeing that concubine's intentions and Lang's ruthless appearance, he can't help teasing.

"Mr. Li, you are not a gentleman. Why are you refusing a beautiful woman to pour you wine?"

Li Yueze answered the wrong question, "I heard from my secretary that you have something to do with me?"

Liang Xingyu slapped his leg violently, and then burst out laughing, "Oh, look at my brain, I forgot about it, that's right—" He pointed sideways at Li Rui, "Boss Rui said you invested ten dollars in your girlfriend. Billion? Your company's business model is quite unique, can it really make money?"

About half a minute after the voice landed, no one spoke.

Li Rui smiled without saying a word, thinking that Liang Xingyu was really straight-hearted, but that's good, so he won't have to ask.

Su He was a little hard to figure it out, she really wanted to find a way for Li Yueze, but she was afraid that he would not appreciate it.

As for Liang Xingyu, yes, insisting that watching the excitement is not a big deal, he waited for Li Yueze's answer with his ears pricked up.

For a while, the only thing that was quiet in the box was the sound of the guzheng.

"It turned out to be an ambush on all sides." Li Yueze said suddenly.

The other three were puzzled, and only heard the girl playing the guzheng in the back reply: "Yes, sir."

"Oh, why do you keep changing the subject, Mr. Li, we are all sitting here, so don't hide from me."

Liang Xingyu didn't have much patience, and was anxious to hear the answer immediately.

Li Yueze calmed down, took the tea brought by the waiter, raised his hand to his mouth and took a sip.

"What do you want to know."

Liang Xingyu propped his hands on the edge of the dining table, poked his head forward, and couldn't hold back his smile, "I just want to know, why did you buy my dilapidated church?"

The corners of Li Yueze's lips raised slightly, "Are you worried that I can't afford your church money?"

in one sentence.

"How do you know?" Liang Xingyu was quite surprised.

Li Yueze glanced at Li Rui from the corner of his eye, "Guess."

When Liang Xingyu called him, he guessed it.

He had just signed the contract with Liang Xingyu today, and Li Rui invited him to dinner tonight.

There are not so many coincidences in the world, they are just intentional.

"Nice." Liang Xingyu was full of praise for him, "This church means a lot to my family, and I was also struggling when it was sold. It just so happens that Mr. Rui is here, so he can give me an adviser."

Li Rui shook his head, "It's not a staff officer, but I'm also curious, Aze, why did you buy a church?"

Hearing this, Li Yueze asked Li Rui, "Why did you open this restaurant?"

Li Rui was stunned for a moment. He told Liang Xingyu just now that he opened this restaurant to better receive business entertainment.

In fact, it is not, it is just that there are a lot of bad assets that cannot be digested.

After all, to open a restaurant for business entertainment, it's enough to fool Liang Xingyu, but it's almost meaningless to deal with Li Yueze.

Li Rui raised his hand and touched his nose, "Isn't the group planning to expand its business, I just wanted to test the waters with catering first."

Since its establishment, Yue'an Group has set foot in real estate, medicine, entertainment and other industries, but has no catering.

"Why didn't I know there was such a plan?" Li Yueze asked.

"That's right, Mr. Li, I remember that you are the president of operations, right? Why don't you know about this?" Liang Xingyu asked, and he was really surprised that Yuean's decision must go through Li Yueze.

Then why does he look completely unaware.

Of course, the strangest thing is why Li Yueze just didn't answer his question.

He is really curious why he bought the church! The kind of curiosity that would break his head, the kind of curiosity that can't sleep without an answer tonight.

Liang Xingyu was thinking about this matter, but unfortunately he didn't get an answer until Li Yueze got up and left the box.

In the Maybach GLS, Ji Shengrui saw Li Yueze coming out of it, and quickly got out of the car and opened the door of the back seat.


Li Yueze got into the car, first took out his mobile phone to read WeChat messages, but still didn't reply.

I feel a little lost.

"Boss, are you going back to Manting Hotel?"


Just after saying this, I heard someone knocking on the door of the car window.

Su He stood outside, "Ah Ze, do you want to go back to the Manting Hotel? Can you take me along the way, I will live there too."

Li Yueze pursed his lips and said nothing.

Ji Shengrui, who was still in the front seat, got out of the car and said to Su He, "Miss Su, I'm really sorry, our boss has to go back to the company and not pass through the Manting Hotel."

"But..." Su He bit her lower lip, she clearly heard what Li Yueze said just now.

Just as he was about to continue asking, Li Yueze's cell phone rang suddenly.

Wechat phone, you can see the above nickname,


If I guessed correctly, it should be Schumanning.

Su Hefu was so heartbroken, he held the rear window with both hands, and put his head outside.

There was a smile on his face, "Are you avoiding me so much because you are afraid that Man Ning will misunderstand you?"