No Protection Tonight

Chapter 46


The facade of Shumaning's studio is the same as Ruan Yueying's cheongsam studio.

It's not to save rent money, but she doesn't want to stay in the store all the time.

The address of the studio is located at the facade of No. 37 Huaihai Avenue. There are few people here, and most of the people who can come are regular customers.

Or a new customer introduced by a regular customer.

For example, Xue Fen brought a few good girlfriends to the store from time to time.

When I came here today, it was rare to find Schumann standing there.

She was lying on the counter, her hands seemed to be studying the inner clasp of some kind of bracelet.

Xue Fen took off her sunglasses and approached with a smile: "This is the first time I see you here, where is your mother?"

Schumann looked up, with a smile on his face, "Aunt Xue, you are here."

Looking back, her group of girlfriends have already come to see the newly arrived cheongsam.

"My mother went to a customer's house to choose materials, and she will be back later." Schu Manning opened the small door of the counter, twisted her waist and walked to the front, "Aunt Xue, are you here to buy a new cheongsam?"

Xue Fen pursed her lips and shook her head with a smile, "No, my cheongsam is custom-made by your mother and delivered to my door every month. I came here today mainly to see if you have any new jewelry."

Hearing this, Schumaning stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and led her to the jewelry stand against the wall.

"The things that are preparing for the competition recently are not new, they are all old things."

Xue Fen nodded, "What game are you preparing for?"

"JMH." Schumann was in high spirits as soon as he talked about this, "It's an international design competition, very powerful."

"The one invested by Langyue?" Xue Fen asked.

"Huh?" Schumann was a little puzzled, "I'm not sure about this."

She blinked, her expression was really confused.

Xue Fen believed that she would not lie, so she raised her hand and patted her on the shoulder, "That's what I heard. By the way, are you with Aze?"

Xue Fen raised her brows, and Schu Manning could understand the rest without going into details.

Schumann looked up and just bumped into her eyes that were eager to hear the answer.

Schumann condensed his eyes and smiled into a crescent, "You know all about it."

"That's right, it's on the news." Xue Fen said it a little proudly, "Don't think that auntie doesn't watch gossip news when she's older."

Schumann just smiled, not knowing how to answer.

Fortunately, Ruan Yueying came back from the outside at this moment, and when she saw the room full of guests, she walked forward with a smile on her face.

Said with Xue Fen's girlfriends: "You guys are really good at picking, these are all new products this month."

The jewelry table is at the innermost part of the studio, separated from the cheongsam area.

Xue Fen walked towards Ruan Yueying, lowered her voice and asked Schumanning: "Has Ze returned to Mingcheng to meet his grandfather?"

Schumann shook his head, "I don't know, I didn't ask."

"I probably went back to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with me."

Xue Fen walked further and further away, Schuman stared at her back and did not keep up.

As Xue Fen blended in, the voices of the women's exchanges gradually increased. .

Schuman stared at them, seeing them comparing the size and waist of the cheongsam on their bodies, and discussing which jewelry should be better.

Ruan Yueying is an expert in matching. If someone else gets one, she will help out with ideas.

"This one is suitable for a string of pearl necklaces. If you don't need anything else, the pearl necklace is enough."

"This... well, this one, it can be matched with more gorgeous jewelry. The richer the better."

Schuman condensed his waist and leaned against the jewelry table, looking at the scene in front of him, he raised his upper lip involuntarily.

Xue Fen's words suddenly echoed in his ears.

[Did Aze go back to Mingcheng to see his grandfather]

It has been two or three days since we broke up at the Manting Hotel that day, and I haven't heard from him, and I don't know where he is.

Back at the apartment, she complained to Chen Wei that this man suddenly appeared and then disappeared like a scumbag.

Might be a good PUA player, she has to be careful.

Chen Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said, "I guess what you said that day was too straightforward, which hurt people's self-esteem."

Presumably, Li Yueze is such a proud person.

Schumann thought for a moment, "That may be the case, but what I said is the truth. It's just that he was too anxious. It's scary to say that Yue'an is me. I just want to be an ordinary person. Rich people don’t want to be reported when they go out to buy groceries every day.”

Chen Wei, who was lying on the sofa and was booking a ticket home, was stunned for a moment, "Actually, I have an immature guess about the incident you reported."


"Perhaps Mr. Li did it himself."

Hearing this, Schumanning didn't speak, and looked sideways at Chen Wei, waiting for her next words.

"Because as far as I know, Langyue has never seen such news before. Even if there was, it would have been killed in the cradle. Don't mention this kind of large-scale sweep, and some negative news even affected Li Yueze himself." Chen Wei said As he talked, he remembered an immature gossip, "Besides, as far as I know, most people in Yue'an are very dissatisfied with him now."

Schumann stared down, receiving too much information in her head, she let herself go, since she couldn't think clearly, it was better not to think about anything.

Just mess around like this.

She didn't want to ask either.

She swayed back and forth with her legs hooked, turning the pages of the book in her hands.

Seeing that she was indifferent, Chen Wei walked over and shook her shoulders, "Why didn't you respond? I analyzed it so well for you, and you didn't even look at it. It's so sad."

Schumann cooperated and pretended to be surprised, "Huh? It's so weird."

"No, no, it's too fake." Chen Wei interrupted her, "I want you to be truthful about your thoughts. If Mr. Li really planned all this, would you feel that you were cheated?"

Schumann chuckled, "Tricked?"

That's what she told Li Yueze that day.

In fact, she knew very well what Li Yueze could deceive her.


He has.


He doesn't seem like that kind of person.

Even if she compared Maslow's five-level needs one by one, she couldn't think of a reason for Li Yueze to lie to herself.

"Don't lie to money or sex, can't you lie to your feelings?" Chen Wei asked.

Hearing this, Schumann raised her eyebrows and asked, "Aren't things like feelings at my mercy?"

If she doesn't want to fall into it, she can force her to do something.

After summing it up, she came to the conclusion, "I think, he and I just get what we need."

"I don't agree with what you say." Chen Wei frowned, "Since everyone just takes what they need, why do you want to fall in love? Falling in love is such a troublesome thing."

She stared at Schumanning, "You just say what you mean, and your mouth is hard."

Schumann smiled, neither saying yes nor no.

In the evening, Chen Wei said that she had snatched a high-speed rail ticket and was about to go home immediately.

In a hurry, Shumaning drove her to the high-speed rail station.

On the way back, she was driving alone, and when she passed the Langyue Building, she happened to be waiting for a red light.

She looked sideways at the building.

With just a glance, I couldn't help but recall the scene where she and Li Yueze were there.

When the green light came on, she started the car and left without any hesitation.

She tried so hard not to have any free time in her head to think about every bit of him.

Try to divert attention, think about the Paraiba tourmaline used in the competition, how to cut, how to design, how to innovate.

However, this piece of Paraiba tourmaline is the most memorable part of the two of them.

Schumann thought so hard that his palms were sweating while holding the steering wheel.

There was another red light, she stopped in front of the zebra crossing, and opened WeChat on her mobile phone.

No news.

Turn off again.


When the green light came on, she turned the car around and drove back to the high-speed rail station.

"Seeing that you are always looking at your phone, are you waiting for someone's message?"


In a courtyard house in Yuexi Hutong, Mingcheng, Li Yueze was sitting on a wicker chair to enjoy the shade in the gazebo of the courtyard, beside the old lady of the Bai family and her nanny.

It was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and she was going to make some sweet-scented osmanthus fried cakes when she had nothing to do.

First, I wanted to give my grandson Li Yueze a taste, knowing that this was his favorite food when he was a child.

Secondly, I also want to spend more time with my grandson.

The Bai family couple had only one daughter in their life, but they died young and passed away after giving birth to a child.

So for Li Yueze, the grandson, I feel very distressed.

"I know you are usually busy with work, but you must pay attention to your health, don't stay up late, and eat on time."

A cliché.

Li Yueze only nodded, stood up and helped the old lady Bai to another empty rattan chair to sit down.

"You should also pay attention to rest, don't be too tired."

The old lady Bai put her palm on the back of his hand, "I'm getting old, I can't help it, I just hope that I can hold my great-grandson soon." Bai He took a peek at Li Yueze's expression, "I heard you're in a relationship?"

Thanks to the news in the newspapers, old ladies who don't care much about finances know about it.

Li Yueze nodded, sorry first, "I should have told you in advance."

The old lady shook her head, and couldn't help snickering at the corner of her mouth.

"Which girl?"

Li Yueze lowered his eyes, and the man's face appeared in front of his eyes, "Shu Manning, do you still remember?"

The old man's memory is not very good. After thinking about it for a long time, he seems to have a little impression of this name.

"It turned out that when she was in Linheyuan, she lived next door to my house." Li Yueze reminded.

Only then did the old lady remember, "It's that little girl who pesters you every day to play with you and give you flowers, isn't it?"

I vaguely remember that something happened to that family, and the police station came to investigate back then.

A woman jumped off the stairs, blood splashing all over the floor.

"Then she is now." The old lady Bai hesitated a little, "Is she still in Mingcheng?"

"She moved to Haishi with her mother very early, her mother's hometown."

The old lady Bai said thoughtfully: "Those things happened at home, it's better to leave."

"What?" Li Yueze frowned, "What happened to her family back then?"

The old lady Bai looked at her grandson's eager expression, and said helplessly: "You were young at the time, and I dare not tell you that her father's lover committed suicide in front of her house. It must have happened to be seen by that girl, and she fainted from fright at the time. I heard later that the two couples have been fighting for a long time in the divorce lawsuit."

Li Yueze felt like a stick in his throat.

The saliva swallowed in his throat made him feel raw, and he tried hard to remember what he was doing at that time.

Schuman insisted on going home to pick flowers for him. Originally, he was going to tell her that he had to go abroad to study, and he might not come back for a long time.

But after waiting for a long time, she didn't come.

Later, when I passed by her house when I came home, I saw the door was closed, and then, the memory became more blurred.

A mess.

In the messy memories, he remembered the nightmare that Schumanning had before, he didn't think about it deeply at that time, and now he heard the old lady's words.

Li Yueze felt extremely regretful, why didn't he find out earlier? !

The person who was squatting next to the old lady hurriedly got up to go out.

"Grandma, I'm going out for a while."

The old lady wanted to ask, but seeing his nervous and urgent expression, she probably had something to do with that girl, so she nodded.

"You go, pay attention to safety."

Li Yueze drove all the way back to Lin Heyuan, and called Ji Shengrui to investigate Shu Jiawei on the way.

He is Shumaning's father.

"Okay boss, last time you asked me to look for Ms. Shu's pre-high school information, I have also sorted it out here, and it has been sent to your mailbox."

Li Yueze hummed, "How is she recently?"

When he left Haishi, he was worried that Li Rui or someone else would find Schumaning, so he arranged some people around to protect her.

"Miss Shu doesn't like to go out, so she went out today to her mother's studio, and then sent her friend to the high-speed rail station in the afternoon, and she hasn't come back yet."

"Not coming back?"

"Yes." Ji Shengrui thought about it carefully, logically speaking, it would not take so long to give it away.

So he hurriedly changed his words, "Sorry boss, I'll contact the people over there right now."

The car was about to drive into Linheyuan, Li Yueze slowed down.

A familiar figure suddenly appeared in the line of sight, wearing a khaki windbreaker, looking tangled while holding his phone with his head down.

He stopped the car, and incidentally said to Ji Shengrui on the other end of the phone: "No, I saw her."


The author has something to say:

Modified at the end