No Protection Tonight

Chapter 56


"Boss, I found it."

The original Xingshuiwan apartment was deserted, but because of the arrival of some people, it was no longer clear, only cold.

Chen Wei sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, watching Ji Shengrui hurried in from the door with her mobile phone.

The black suit made him look like the henchman of a gangster.

For the boss's lost girlfriend, he was too busy, and if things didn't go well, he might have to be buried with him.

It really is a high-risk occupation.

Following Ji Shengrui's footsteps, Chen Wei's eyes fell on the man by the window, and saw him take the mobile phone Ji Shengrui handed over.

Put it in your ear.

The man's thin lips parted slightly, his eyes were so cold that he wanted to put the person on the other end of the phone to death through the phone.

"Li Rui, it seems that you are not satisfied with your current life."

Hearing this name, Chen Wei suddenly cheered up. Relying on her instinctive professional sense, she felt that Li Rui's goal in this matter might not be Schumanning, but Li Yueze.

That way, she breathed a sigh of relief.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Schumanning. Although he knew that her mobile phone was turned off, he still couldn't help sending it.

[I mean, my article praising you as the youngest female entrepreneur in Haishi hasn't been published yet, why would someone kidnap you for money]

After posting, she felt that these words sounded a bit indifferent. At any rate, Schumann is now from the perspective of being kidnapped. No matter who the other party's goal is, according to the plot, she must suffer some mental torture.

So Chen Wei thought for a while, and sent Li Yueze and Li Rui's phone calls to Schu Manning, including some words that she found particularly exciting.

Finally, I concluded to her: [Look, Mr. Li loves you so much, I cried, and my tears filled Suzhou Creek]

Chen Wei touched her eyes with her hands in a fake manner, and just after wiping off the non-existent tears, she felt the phone vibrate.

Schumanning: [Really, take a video and watch]

A very warm reply.

Chen Wei panicked and almost threw her phone on the ground.

Schumanning, who was originally a kidnapped hostage, suddenly chatted normally

Chen Wei felt incredible: [Are you a real person?]

Not long after the message was sent, Chen Wei received an invitation for a video call.

She tremblingly stretched out her hand to answer the call, thinking to herself, isn't it kidnapping? How can I still make a video call

Could it be the scene where someone held a knife to the neck and forcibly asked for a video

Not far away, Ji Shengrui noticed her movements, saw her complexion, and hurried over to greet her.

Just when she was about to speak, she heard Chen Wei asking on the phone.

"What are you doing?"

At the other end of the video, Schumanning seemed to be in the bathroom. She didn't speak, but put her finger on her lips to signal Chen Wei not to speak.

Then she typed: point the camera at Li Yueze.

Although Chen Wei was puzzled, she still switched the camera, imitating Schumann, who had to pretend to be dumb even though she was in the video.

[What are you doing, haven't you been kidnapped?]

Schumanning: [Yes, Li Rui and Su He are two little sluts]

[…but why are you still able to video chat on your phone]

Schumanning: [Thanks to the high-tech restroom of Manting Hotel, there is actually a wireless charging device for mobile phones beside the toilet]

Chen Wei blushed, and suddenly didn't know how to describe her mood at this time.

Even when Ji Shengrui came to talk to her, she didn't pay attention and let him see her mobile phone screen.

Ji Shengrui was also very surprised, he didn't expect to see Miss Shu.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Shu Manning hung up the phone immediately.

"Isn't this person Ms. Shu?" Ji Shengrui pointed to the mobile phone Chen Wei was holding, and asked suspiciously, "Is she videoing with you?"

With sharp eyes, Chen Wei found a paragraph of words sent to herself by Schumanning.

[Pretending not to see me]

She suppressed the desire to complain in her heart, pressed the corners of her lips tightly, and shook her head hard at Ji Shengrui.

"No, it's just that I miss her a little bit, so I specially found a screenshot of our previous video."

Ji Shengrui seemed to understand, but nodded, "You two have such a good relationship." Then he comforted her, "Don't worry, the boss should find Miss Shu soon."

Chen Wei had a guilty conscience and didn't dare to stay here anymore, so she found an excuse to pour water for them.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard that Li Yueze was going out.

Ji Shengrui also planned to keep up, but Chen Wei held him back for fear of missing something.

"Are you leaving?"

Ji Shengrui nodded, "The boss found out where Miss Shu is."

Chen Wei quickly put down the kettle, "I'll be with you."

Hurry up, how can you miss it if you eat melons in the first line.

Before Ji Shengrui could respond, she took the initiative to take her coat and keys, and then urged Ji Shengrui to go out quickly.

In a certain VIP room of the Manting Hotel, the atmosphere is hot. However, Su He, who was supposed to be the protagonist, sat alone in the corner.

She looked at the women around Schumanning, and couldn't help sneering.

Li Rui just came out of the lounge next to him after making a phone call. Seeing Su He's appearance, he hated iron for being weak.

"I told you a long time ago, there are so many bad things about people."

Su He wanted to stare at him, but what's the point of saying that now, most of the people she called were from the Internet celebrity circle, small stars in the third and fourth tier variety show circles, and they had originally hoped that these people would run on Shu Man Ning, vent her resentment.

Who knew that this group of people was good, when they heard that Schumann said that they could give free jewelry and accessories, they all turned their faces faster than flipping through books, and they almost got married with Schumann on the spot.

"Manning Manning, I heard that you spent a lot of money to buy a top-quality Paraiba tourmaline, is it true?"

"I heard that Mr. Langyue Li invested one billion in you. How did you do it? Such a big investment?"

"Oh my God, I'm so envious. I heard you're still dating him?"

Schumann sat on the seat, surrounded by various "heard" and endless questions.

Fortunately, the answers to these questions can all be answered with just a nod.


As soon as the voice fell, exclamations echoed from around, "Oh my god, is it true?! You know, your case is directly enshrined in our circle, and many people are looking forward to your publication."

"Publish a book?" Schumann narrowed his eyes, puzzled.

But the man nodded, "Yes, the title of the book has been thought up for you, it's called "How to Fall in Love with Entrepreneurs and Make Investments."

The title is rather simple and rude.

Schuman's expression moved slightly, and then he looked at the face of the person who spoke. Although she was smiling, she was not lacking in a few tricks.

From the side, there was a woman who remembered the business after she reminded her.

Quickly echoed, "Yes, yes, what's the use of working hard, you might as well find a rich boyfriend. Man Ning, since you are with Mr. Li, there must be some outstanding people around him." Boss, don’t forget to introduce us.”

In the corner, Su He, who heard a few people's conversations changing, raised his eyes to meet Li Rui's and smiled.

She said softly: "They are clever."

Then he folded his hands on his chest and walked slowly in front of everyone.

With a smile on his face, he said deliberately: "Why are you talking so happily, can you let me listen?"

Someone replied: "We are asking Manning for advice, how can we find such a good boyfriend, who is willing to invest in himself, is handsome and good in everything, I don't know what method Manning used, hey."

Su He heard the words, "Yo, then I really need to ask for advice. With such a good boyfriend, no matter whether he is well-matched or not, at least there is a shortcut in life." She walked to Shumaning in a few steps, stretched out her hand on her shoulders.

Gently squeeze her so that she cannot move.

It's meant to be a demonstration.

Schuman looked around, she underestimated these women, she originally wanted to use some jewelry to fool them.

Who knew that Su He was such a stubble.

She lowered her eyes slightly and sighed softly. Others just seemed to be thinking about something.

Someone pushed her back, "Man Ning, don't keep talking, there is such a good idea, share it with me, all the sisters want to take a shortcut."

"Oh Man Ning, you are not willing to part with it." Someone deliberately said: "Yes, after all, you might marry into a wealthy family, and there are only a few wealthy families. If the method is revealed, the sisters may all fight for it." Broken head."

After all, everyone laughed.

Schuman listened to these familiar taunts. At the JMH pre-match reception that day, Qiao Shiyun led everyone to taunt.

One by one ridiculed her for taking advantage of Li Yueze's status to become famous.

Seeing that Schumann had been silent for a while, Su He breathed a sigh of relief, and finally suppressed Schumann's arrogance.

Just as she was about to continue to the next session, Schumanning suddenly stood up.

Break free from her oppression.

Her eyes were shining brightly, as if she had suddenly discovered a new world, and there was a smile that couldn't be concealed at the corner of her mouth.

She turned to face the crowd, and stretched out her finger, "Since everyone said that, I have to say it."

The booers didn't expect that she could take over.

I thought it was someone with a bad brain who was watching a movie.

But she saw Schumaning trot to the side and pulled Li Rui to her.

Then she pointed to a certain female Internet celebrity who spoke just now, "This sister reminded me just now, there are only a few wealthy families, so don't catch me. Li Yueze, you have no chance, but Mr. Rui, you can still fight for it. .”

She spread her palms and introduced Li Rui to everyone with a smile.

Li Rui hasn't reacted yet, so he doesn't know why.

Let alone other people.

Few who knew the situation subconsciously looked at Su He.

Seeing that her face was so dark that it was ugly, although the outside world had never made it clear what the relationship between Su He and the prince Yue An was, everyone saw the ambiguity in it.

Today is Su He's host again, how can he beat his host's face.

Schumann added fuel to the fire and introduced Li Rui in detail like a commodity.

"Mr. Rui is young and promising, good-looking, good-natured, and likes to help others. Otherwise, if you don't see the row of faces at today's birthday party, how could you arrange it if it weren't for Mr. Rui's face?" Shumaning finished speaking Blinking at Su He, "You say yes, Su He."

Su He's face was extremely ugly, and he laughed dryly and said that he wanted to go back to the lounge to change clothes.

Before walking to the door, he winked at Li Rui and asked him to bring Schumanning in.

Li Rui just wanted to talk to Schumanning, but Schumanning immediately turned back and grabbed his arm.

"Hey, Mr. Rui, everyone is happy, don't disappoint, how can you leave without leaving a contact information?"

Mingming's tone is so playful and cute, but others dare not speak up.

Li Rui wanted to push Schumanning's hand away, but she pulled it tighter and tighter, and said, "Mr. Rui, you are such a gentleman, surely you won't just abandon everyone like this?"

Li Rui couldn't resist at all, what was going on made him so embarrassed.

In my heart, I wanted to blame that woman Su He for being petty, so I just went straight to the point, but I insisted on embarrassing and ashaming Schumanning.

It's fine now.

Li Rui snorted coldly, guessing that Li Yueze was coming soon.

He glanced coldly at the people next to him, "That's the end of today's birthday party, let's go."

Everyone was like a bird scattered, not daring to breathe, they took their bags and ran outside.

Suddenly the box was so quiet that only the two of them were left.

Li Rui looked at Schu Manning's loosened hand, and said with a smile: "Miss Shu is really smart."

Schuman talked for a long time, a little thirsty, sat on the seat and drank water, regardless of what Li Rui said.

Only when he was really boasting about himself.

In the lounge, Su He changed into a slim-fit cheongsam, looking glamorous and charming.

Schumann subconsciously teased, "Since Miss Su has changed, I won't disturb the world of the two of you."

As soon as that end got angry, this end jumped up again. Su He stepped forward in two steps and wanted to slap Schumanning in the face.

Schuman sat in his seat calmly, watching Li Rui stop her.

"Xiao He!" he growled.

Su He shuddered all over, aware of his gaffe, took a few deep breaths, and sat down beside him.

Schumanning met her eyes on purpose, knowing that she was not happy to see her, but the more she was like this, the happier she was.

Who doesn't like the way others see themselves as unhappy, but can't get rid of themselves.

Li Rui took out several paper contracts from his briefcase and put them in front of Schumanning, and he handed over a pen.

"Sign it."

Schuman glanced at the title and said deliberately: "What is this?"

"Equity transfer agreement." Li Rui patiently explained, "I know that you bought a lot of shares in Yue'an Real Estate, and now I will take back them at three times the price you paid for them."

Maybe he left 'I hope you don't know what's wrong'.

But Schumann understood the meaning.

She pondered: "But, now these are more than three times."

Of course Li Rui knew.

"Since Ms. Shu has come here today, I won't keep you secret, as long as you sign this. I guarantee that after you enter the door of our Li family, no matter how others object, as long as I, Li Rui, are here, I will Let you sit firmly in the position of the Li family's daughter-in-law."

"Pfft." Schumann couldn't help laughing.

She covered her lips with her hands, looked at Li Rui, and then at Su He.

The smile in his eyes still couldn't hide.

For a while, I didn't know how to describe Li Rui's words, childish? ridiculous

Still speechless.

Schumann shrugged helplessly, "I think you have misunderstood, I don't care about the position of your Li family's daughter-in-law."

Hearing this, Suhe from the side couldn't help but sneered: "What are you pretending to be, falling in love with Aze, and tricking him into investing in you, isn't that why you are doing it?"

Schumann looked at her, and said righteously: "Miss Su, don't put your own thoughts on me. I know this may be your own plan, but it's definitely not what I Schumann meant."

She shakes her index finger.

"Do you dare to say that you fell in love with A Ze not for his money, or to marry into a wealthy family?!" Su Hemei's eyes glared angrily, and she was so angry that she wanted to stand up and argue with Schuman.

Schuman calmed down and took another sip of the water in the glass.

"Even if I fell in love with Li Yueze because of his money, so what, what does it matter to you, Su He?"

It's fine if it's a coincidence, I'm afraid it's not such a coincidence.

But just as Schuman finished saying this, the door of the box was pushed open from the outside.

Standing at the door are the hotel managers, Ji Shengrui and Chen Wei.

Naturally, there is also Li Yueze who can't see clearly.

He stood in the dimly lit place, no one knew the expression on his face, only felt that the temperature around him dropped sharply.

Chen Wei shuddered, thinking that the sound insulation of the Manting Hotel is not very good.

Looking at Shumaning again, she shook her head helplessly.



The author has something to say:

Happy National Day babes!

Yes, Baqi, I'm too lazy, I just want to lie down on vacation, I didn't expect seven days to pass... time is rushing, time flies, emmmmm

(Everyone can remind me to update, this can stimulate my guilt, maybe I will update more diligently, sorry, because I am too lazy OO)