No Protection Tonight

Chapter 60


Schuman leaned against the head of the bed and sniffed, looking at Li Yueze.

He was dusty and dusty, and he probably came over right after he got off the plane.

Li Yueze poured a cup of hot water and brought it to Schu Manning.

"Why did you come here so soon?" Schumann wanted to take the cup, but Li Yueze didn't give it to her.

Just say, "Hot."

Schumann withdrew her hand again, "Sometimes it feels like you are like a superman, as long as I shout, you will appear."

Hearing this, the man snorted and laughed, amused by her.

Putting the steaming water cup on the bedside table, Li Yueze raised his hand and touched Schumanning's forehead with the back of his hand.

Schumann held his wrist, "I'm not sick, but I'm not feeling well."

"Shall I take you to the hospital?"

Schuman shook her head and opened her hands towards him, "I don't want to go to the hospital, I have to participate in the competition later, just hug me, just hug me."

Li Yueze hugged her and let her lean in his arms, slowly smoothing her frowning brows with his fingertips.

"It just happened to be something in Mingcheng." Li Yueze explained: "It's not Superman."

Schumann stared at him with pursed lips, laughing at him for being uninterested.

"Okay, since you're not Superman, I can't stay with you any longer, and I have to go to the venue."

Li Yueze felt a little regretful and wanted to retract what he just said.

He smiled helplessly at Schumann, and helped her stand up from the bed.

"Are you sure you can?"

"If you can't do it, you have to do it!" Schumanning suddenly felt as if she had been injected with chicken blood, "I must be at my best to win the game."

It's strange, when I came in just now, I saw her sickly, but now she is alive and well.

Li Yueze will always be amazed by Schumann's face that turns faster than the wind.

Then he sighed: It's you.

Taking advantage of the time before the game, Li Yueze took Schu Manning to have some Mingcheng special breakfast.

Schumann was very happy to eat, and said, "I think I may be from Mingcheng in my previous life, and the taste here is more suitable for me than the one in Haishi."

But what made her even more strange was, "Do you actually eat these special breakfasts? I thought that according to your status, you should sit in a magnificently decorated living room. The bgm is the accompaniment of the royal band, and then the French chef Bring you gourmet delicacies."

At this moment, Li Yueze was sitting opposite her in a black woolen coat in the breakfast shop which was packed.

Peel her eggs.

Hearing Schumanning's words, Li Yueze smiled, "The breakfast made by the French chef is not as good as this one."

Schuman lost his eyes with a smile, happily took the egg he had peeled, and bit off most of it in one bite.

"Just wait until you send me to the gate of the venue." The mouth is vague, and the fragrance of tea eggs fills the mouth, "Then come and pick me up at four or five in the afternoon."

"Okay, how does it feel like sending you to school?" Li Yueze glanced at her and continued to laugh.

Schumanning was chewing tea eggs in her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, and she could only protest with her eyes against Li Yueze's words.

Once Schumanning enters the working state, she is very selfless. JMH has always had an unwritten random test.

That is, after the contestants have handed in their specially completed works, they will be randomly selected for temporary performance.

Schumanning had been drawn several times before, relying on her experience in designing for clients on weekdays, she got through safely.

Today, by coincidence, I was drawn again.

Three girls and one boy were drawn together with her.

Everyone's raw materials are different, and the difficulty is naturally different.

When they came to the table, everyone looked at the materials in front of them, and if they were unwilling to give up, they had to look at other people's materials.

"My God, this is so difficult."

"It's so hard, I'm most afraid of this kind of material..."

"Manning, is this enamel?"

This sentence attracted the attention of the rest of the people. No one in the circle knew that Schumann's signboard was all accessories made of enamel.

Schumanning didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the judges in the judge's seat, and someone nodded slightly at her.

Schumann was stunned for a moment, not knowing what it meant, to recognize her

Give her confidence

At lunch time, the contestants completed the randomly selected materials and submitted them to the judges.

Walking out of the venue, Shumaning wanted to have dinner with the friends in the group just now, but she didn't expect to see Shu Jiawei as soon as she left.

She was with the judge who was nodding at her at the judges' table just now, and the two of them were chatting about something, very happy.

Seeing Schu Manning come out, Shu Jiawei waved to her, "Man Ning, come quickly."

The man's thick voice attracted the attention of the people around him, and there were judges beside him, so Schumanning really walked over boldly.

She frowned, "What's the matter?"

"Are you hungry, I'll take you to dinner." Shu Jiawei said.

Schumann couldn't help sneering, and was about to refuse, so she listened to the judge.

"Manning is really talented in jewelry design. I am very optimistic that she will win the championship."

"Oh, old Wang, you can't talk nonsense, or others will say that you have selfish intentions."

The two seemed to be old friends, and their manners were quite familiar.

A few minutes later, Schuman sat in Shu Jiawei's car parked in the parking lot at the back door of the venue.

She crossed her arms, expressionless.

"If you have anything to say, you can say it directly. You don't have to follow me like this."

Shu Jiawei was slightly startled, the man's face full of vicissitudes was inexplicably hesitant at this moment.

"Manning, I heard that you are now the major shareholder of Yuean Real Estate, and you own a lot of their stocks. Is it true?"

Schumann hummed, wanting to hear what else he could say.

"Yue'an Real Estate is the hard work of your Uncle Feng. He has worked hard all his life, but now he has to see the company change hands. Dad really can't bear it. Otherwise, how about I ask Li Rui to buy it back from you at double the price, anyway. You are not at a loss."

It turned out to be Li Rui's lobbyist, Schuman couldn't help but sneer.

There were very few memories of Shu Jiawei in her mind, but after what he said, she just felt baffled.

Why let her sell it.

She crossed her hands on her knees, and said lightly, "I'm not selling." Then she turned to look at Shu Jiawei, "Is there anything else, if you don't have any troubles, don't come to me in the future."

"Man Ning, how can you be so ruthless." Shu Jiawei couldn't hold back his temper, and raised his hand to hit Schu Manning, "No matter what, I am your father, don't think that if you are with Li Yueze, he can keep you, Do you really know what kind of person he is?!"

"What kind of person he is, you don't need to tell me."

"You are so naive! Li Yueze is so ruthless that he can ignore his family members, how could he treat you wholeheartedly."

Shu Jiawei thought that what he said was the truth, but seeing Schuman's face softened a little, he thought she had listened.

So he continued: "I won't hide it from you. The decline of your Uncle Feng's family property is all caused by Li Yueze." He sighed for a long time. Buy all the assets at a low price, and then sell them to others, especially real estate, I know that he asked you to buy the shares of Yuean Real Estate, and he is using you!"

Shu Jiawei gritted his teeth, "Now your Uncle Feng is so angry that he is hospitalized, and the house is made a mess by him." I am convinced again, "He is using you. He has been using you since childhood. He wants to arouse your sympathy. He's making trouble together!"

Shu Jiawei doesn't seem to know, she doesn't remember what happened when she was a child.

Because his lover fell in front of her, she forgot what happened when she was a child.

Moreover, Li Yueze never forced her to recall, if it wasn't for people like Li Rui, Su He, and Shu Jiawei waving back and forth in her ears, she wouldn't even know that she and Li Yueze knew each other when they were young.

The truth comes more quietly than anything else, as quietly as leaves in the autumn wind.

It let itself be carried away by the wind, and landed waddlingly on the ground.

There was a sudden sourness in his nose, and Schuman recalled in his mind the scene of Li Yueze peeling eggs for himself in the small breakfast shop in the morning.

She always thought that his coldness and dignity were due to his good background, he was pampered since he was a child, and it is normal to look down on ordinary things when he grows up, but after thinking about it later, she felt that it was wrong.

It's not that he doesn't like it, but that he can't have it.

It's not that Li Yueze doesn't have fireworks, it's just that there is no place for him to have them.

Her heart was slightly cold, and she suddenly missed Li Yueze very much.

Pushing the door to get out of the car, Shu Jiawei wanted to drag Schumann, she stood at the door and looked at him, "I hope this is the last time we meet, just like the past ten years, if you don't have my daughter, I won't look for you .”

The autumn wind rolled up her long hair, and Shu Manning stopped a taxi by the side of the road, and quickly sat in the back seat.

The master asked her, "Where are you going?"

Schuman saw Shu Jiawei get out of the car from the rearview mirror, and seemed to want to chase him.

She quickly said to the driver, "You drive first, and I will tell you later."

The master driver froze for a moment and started the car.

Schu Manning didn't know where Li Yueze was, and she didn't call to ask him.

She closed her sore eyes, and the fragments in her mind flooded like a tide.

The phone suddenly buzzed, Schuman glanced at the caller ID, it was Ruan Yueying.

She sniffed, picked up the phone, "Hello, Mom."

Ruan Yueying immediately recognized that her voice was wrong, "Crying?"

"No." Schumann pinched his nose, "I have a cold, it's okay."

"Oh, I was packing my things at home just now, and suddenly I remembered something. Is your boyfriend called Li Yueze?"

Schumann held his breath, not knowing what the meaning behind this sentence was.

She hums.

Ruan Yueying said again: "It's nothing. He came to look for you at home that night. I drank too much and forgot. Now I suddenly remembered that he looks similar to when I was a child."

Schuman could hear something in Ruan Yueying's words, and after thinking for a moment, she asked, "Mom, do you want to ask how I got together with him?"

On the other end of the phone, Ruan Yueying didn't speak, but the answer was clearly the same.

Schumann sniffed again, "He didn't tell me about the past, I thought this was the first year we knew each other."

After finishing speaking, both of them were silent for a long time, until Coke called out.

Ruan Yueying said: "You take care of yourself, I'll go for a walk with the dog."

After hanging up the phone, Shu Manning noticed the driver's eyes in the driver's seat, she looked embarrassed.

"Master, go back to where I got in the car."

She thought it over, no matter where she was, as long as Li Yueze said he would come to pick her up, he would.


The author has something to say:

Maybe a chapter or two to finish...

Thank you for following up, I wish you peace and joy.