No Protection Tonight

Chapter 61


In order to be open and fair in the competition selection process of JMH, the scores are selected directly on the spot. Contestants sit at the bottom of the booth, while judges study entries in the row above.

One group was watched nervously, while the other group waited anxiously.

Schuman sat by the window, she looked sideways outside.

After the cold dew, the sky was getting darker and earlier, but after five o'clock, the lights outside were already brightly lit, and the night was getting darker.

Schumanning took out her mobile phone from her pocket and looked at WeChat, but there was no news of Li Yueze.

Subconsciously rubbing the smooth black screen with her index finger, her eyes flickered and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Until the voices of two boys exchanging came from beside me, "I bet, she will definitely be the first one, believe it or not?"

"What's the bet?" The man was very interested, and then said, "I think it's her."

"I also think it's her. See how the judges greeted her just now."

As the two discussed, more and more people joined in, whispering and gathering together.

It's a pity that Schumanning has sharp ears and can hear those words clearly.

"I heard from a classmate in Haishi that she was released from the back door when she competed in Haishi."

"You don't even think about it. The judges stood with her father and greeted her. What kind of identity~"

"That's right, I heard that the big sponsor of our competition is her husband, the boss of Langyue."

All the listeners showed shocked expressions, took a breath, and then looked at the back of Schumanning's head.

It was a subconscious action of admiration, but Schumann turned half sideways and looked at the person behind her who was talking about her.

Not only was there no anger on his face, but he even showed a smile, "I'm not a husband yet, but I want to borrow your good words."

She blinked her right eye on purpose, then sat up straight and continued to 'supervise' the work of the judges on the stage.

The people behind them were exposed face to face, with embarrassed faces, they returned to their positions sparsely.

The two boys who took the lead at the beginning said in a low voice: "It's so arrogant, it's really annoying."

"Forget it, I have that capital."

The episode came and went quickly, and soon everyone's attention was on the judges on stage.

Just at this time, a staff member came up and said something to the judges. After listening, the judges all got up and walked outside.

The drowsy contestants in the audience suddenly cheered up and whispered to each other.

Schumann pinched the phone in his hand, trying to see if Li Yueze had sent a message, but found that he still hadn't.

She snorted softly, writing, deleting and deleting in the input field.

No, she can't be too active.

Just as he had this thought, he suddenly noticed a tall black shadow passing by his side.

She looked over subconsciously, just in time to see the man unbuttoning his suit jacket.

The bony right hand unbuttoned all the buttons in less than half a minute, and Schuman stared at him with wide eyes, "Why are you here?"

Li Yueze frowned, pretending to be thoughtful and said: "I remember promising someone to pick her up from school."

Hearing this, a blush appeared on Schumanning's face, and she took Li Yueze's hand, urging him to sit down quickly in a low voice.

Li Yueze smiled helplessly, seeing that she was wearing thin clothes, he put his coat on her body.

"The judges don't know what to do." Schuman muttered, pinching the sides of his coat, "It's past six o'clock, and it's not over yet."

When Li Yueze just came in, he just happened to meet the judges. At that time, he glanced casually, and several people gathered together to discuss the report.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, "Did you meet anyone today?"

Schumann didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Shu Jiawei."

The man hummed lightly, as if he was thinking about something, after a while, he took Shumaning's hand.

"Are you hungry, or should I take you to dinner first?"

Schumann's originally cold palm was completely wrapped by him, and the warmth gradually struck.

"I'm hungry, but I still want to wait and see the result." According to the rules of the competition, it's okay for them not to wait at the scene, but the result of this competition is related to the final, and most people may think the same as her.

If you want to know what's going on right away, or if you're really afraid of something tricky, you should just stare at it and rest assured.

"Okay, let's wait then." The man said softly.

After another ten minutes or so, the judges finally returned, bringing with them an announcement from the staff.

"Every contestant, because we have just received a report that we believe that this review is unfair and there are malpractices for personal gain, so this review will be suspended."

There was an uproar in the audience.

Schu Manning, who was drowsy by Li Yueze, had to cheer up.

In addition, I felt that this matter might have something to do with me.

The staff went on to say: "According to the decision of the organizing committee after communication, regarding the review of this competition, in order to ensure fairness and openness, we will randomly select judges and experts from the review library half an hour before the review."

As soon as the voice fell, someone from the audience asked.

"Then can we still watch it live?"

The staff nodded, "Yes, I will inform you of the specific time later."

On the way back to the hotel, Shumaning kept frowning, she always felt something weird.

Li Yueze looked at her sideways, and raised his hand to push away a strand of hair that was hanging on the corner of her mouth without paying attention.

"What are you thinking, little detective?"

"Is this related to Shu Jiawei?" Schumanning asked.

But after asking, she suddenly remembered, "I forgot, you are not here during the day." She mused, "At noon, Shu Jiawei came to see me, and he looks very familiar with our judges."

"What did he tell you?" Li Yueze asked.

Schuman pursed her lips, not knowing what to say to him, so she stammered.

"That's right, come to me to catch up on the past, and then talk about the past, he is very annoying, I don't know what to do..." Then he began to change the subject, "By the way, so you and I knew each other before?"

Hearing this, Li Yueze's heart tightened, and then he smiled again, "Your words sound a bit strange."

"Didn't you tell me that?" Schumann glanced at him, "But in fact, after I met you, sometimes I would have some strange dreams, and the scenes in the dreams were basically in Linheyuan , I thought it was strange when I thought about it, I have obviously never been here before."

Schumanning thought of something while talking, she swallowed, feeling pain in her heart.

She subconsciously covered her chest with her hands, thinking that she could ignore those nightmares, but found that she still couldn't.

Li Yueze noticed her face, and quickly reached out to hold her in his arms, leaning on his chest.

Slender fingers pressed lightly around her temples.

"Don't think about it, we don't have to care about those things in the past."

The man's voice bewitched her to gradually relax her body, and Schumann unconsciously fell asleep.

When the car was approaching the hotel, the assistant in the front seat received a call, and after answering a few times, he looked sideways at Li Yueze.

He whispered: "Boss, the old house said that Dong Li has entered the ICU."

The expression on Li Yueze's face remained unchanged, and his palm seemed to cover Schumanning's ears unintentionally.


The assistant sat up straight nervously, hesitating to speak.

Schu Manning didn't wake up until the sound of a car's horn came from her ear.

She first looked around, in the dimly lit carriage, she was leaning against Li Yueze's arms, covered with his coat.

The heat was blowing slowly from the vent, and she rubbed her eyes.

Looking out of the car window again, it turned out that he had already arrived at the hotel.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

Li Yueze raised his eyebrows, and raised his hand to smooth her sleepy hair.

"Because I don't want you to live here."

Schumann understood what he meant in seconds, and stretched out his hand to push away his hand on his head.

"No, I have to work at night." After she finished speaking, she wanted to open the door and get out of the car.

Li Yueze took her arm, "You just left?"

Schumann caught a glimpse of the shirt wrinkled by himself inadvertently, and wondered what happened in his office when he first met in his mind.

The same goes for the pleated shirt.

She pretended to be mysterious and smiled, "Then you wait for me, I will go up and change clothes, and then come down to have dinner with you."

Li Yueze nodded.

Watching her walk into the hotel door.

The cell phone of the co-pilot's assistant rang again, and it was Li Feng's secretary, Chen Fang.

After answering a few times, he turned around and handed the phone to Li Yueze.

"Boss, Secretary Chen's."

Chen Fang rarely took the initiative to call Li Yueze, usually because of important matters.

Li Yueze answered the phone.

"President Li, the chairman's condition is very bad, I hope you can come to the hospital!"

That end is in a hurry.

Li Yueze sneered, and continued to look sideways at the door where Schumann disappeared.

"Is Li Rui not here?"

"President Li!" Chen Fang was anxious and helpless, "The chairman told me before he fell into a coma, and if it is not a last resort, I can't notify you."

Seeing that Li Yueze had no voice, he said again: "Please, Chairman, he really wants to see you again."

Li Yueze didn't say anything, but returned the phone to the assistant.

The assistant was still uneasy. As an assistant of Langyue Mingcheng branch, he didn't have much communication with Li Yueze. Instead, it was Li Feng who would communicate with him from time to time.

So he felt that at this time, maybe he should do something.

"Boss, are we going to the hospital?"

"How far?"

"Very close, five minutes by car."

Li Yueze looked down at his watch, and then at the hotel.

"You wait for her here, I will go to the hospital by myself."

The assistant nodded hastily and quickly got out of the car.

Twenty minutes later, Shumaning changed her clothes and went downstairs, only to find that Li Yueze's car had disappeared when she reached the hotel entrance.

"Miss Shu." The assistant ran over from the side, "I'm sorry, Miss Shu, the boss has something to do at the moment, so you may need to wait here."

"Where did he go?" Schumanning was a little confused. According to her understanding of Li Yueze, he would not leave so silently.

"Boss, he's gone to the hospital." The assistant reached out his hand to signal her to enter the hotel lobby, "It's cold outside, please come in and sit for a while."

Schu Manning turned around and walked in his direction. Before taking two steps, she ran into Shu Jiawei head-on.

Schuman's expression changed instantly. She wanted to stagger away from him, but Shu Jiawei grabbed her arm.

"Let go!" Schumann said sharply.

Shu Jiawei had a strong hand, he pulled her and walked outside.

Schumann hurriedly asked Li Yueze's assistant for help, but the assistant turned a blind eye.

Deliberately look away.

When she was wondering, Shu Jiawei said sharply: "How long are you going to mess around!"