No Protection Tonight

Chapter 7


Perhaps it was Friday because the peak period lasted much longer than usual, and it happened to be another traffic accident.

The whole road was completely paralyzed.

It is not street lamps that illuminate the city.

It's a car taillight with no end in sight.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Ji Shengrui looked down at his watch frequently. According to the original plan, they could arrive at Langyue Building in 20 minutes after the dinner, but the current traffic jam situation.


The driver feels like sitting on pins and needles, checking the condition of the car ahead every few minutes.

Ten minutes passed, and the car only moved one meter.

Seeing that the time was approaching eight o'clock, Ji Shengrui suggested: "Boss, can we have a meeting in the car? The computer is here."

"Noisy." Li Yueze said.

Ji Shengrui was very anxious, and the horns outside the car kept ringing one after another. Even in a car with the best sound insulation, the noise could still be heard.

But he can't let Li Yueze get off the car and walk back.

After a few minutes of silence, the condition of the car still did not improve. Ji Shengrui took out his mobile phone to find someone, but if it was impossible, he had to transfer another car from the company to connect on a nearby road that was not congested.

But Li Yueze still had to get out of the car and walk over.

Ji Shengrui hesitated for a moment, hesitating whether to ask, but the boss in the back seat suddenly opened the door and got out of the car.

"Bring the computer."

After Li Yueze left a word, he walked around from the rear of the car to the commercial area on the side of the road.

Ji Shengrui picked up the laptop, unfastened his seat belt, got out of the car and quickly followed.

The car behind was sitting in the driver's seat and was about to wait for the sleeping driver, when he suddenly saw a tall man in a gray shirt and black suit trousers walking out of the black Bentley in front of him.

The companion patted her, "What are you doing, your eyes are staring straight."

"Which star is that... so handsome..."

The companion took advantage of the situation to look over, and the man just walked around the rear of the car.

"Hold the grass, what a thin waist! Help, is this the waist a man should have?"


"It looks quite similar to me. Look at the place he went to - Journey to the East. Is this the Heavenly Court's office in the world?"

Chen Wei and Shumaning look at each other, and I look at you.

Everything in front of me happened a little suddenly.

At ten past eight o'clock, Ji Shengrui had just adjusted his laptop camera, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to send a message to the person in charge of the overseas business department, informing him that the boss can now attend the meeting normally.

Looking up, he saw the expressions on the faces of Schumanning and Chen Wei, and walked over with a smile.

"Miss Shu, I didn't expect you to open a teahouse. It's amazing."

Schuman laughed dryly, and the tea bag in his hand hadn't been put down yet, "It's not mine, I'm helping to look after the store."

After all, she paused and continued: "By the way, what kind of tea do you want to drink?"

Ji Shengrui looked at the boss who just sat down on the comb chair. Their boss didn't have the habit of drinking tea. If it wasn't for the traffic jam and no place for a meeting today, they wouldn't have come here.

Schumanning also looked at Li Yueze, and subconsciously guessed in her heart, what type of tea would Li Yueze like to drink

black tea

green tea

"This one."

I saw Li Yueze pointing to the teacup with lip marks on the table and said.

That was the cup that Shumaning used just now.

Ji Shengrui had a conditioned reflex and hurried over to pour tea for the boss.

Chen Wei stretched out her hand to stop him, "There's no reason to ask a guest to pour tea." After finishing speaking, she raised an eyebrow at Schumanning, signaling her to go quickly.

Schumanning walked to Li Yueze's right hand, and wanted to take the spare porcelain cup on the table, but worried that Li Yueze might have some cleanliness, so she turned around and went to the tea cabinet to get the unused Jiancup.

She likes to collect Jianzhan, but rarely uses it.

She lifted the teapot with one hand, poured tea into the cup very skillfully, poured it out when it was full, and poured tea again after cleaning.

The Pu'er soaked in the head is already a little cold, and Schumann doesn't know if Li Yueze can get used to drinking it.

Fingers gently pushed the cup to his hand.

"Thank you." The man whispered.

"You're welcome." She replied.

The two were sitting and standing, and the picture was so beautiful that Chen Wei couldn't help taking out her mobile phone and secretly taking pictures.

Ji Shengrui was about to stop him, but Li Yueze suddenly said: "Send a message to Wilson, and the meeting should be kept within 20 minutes."

"Okay." Ji Shengrui quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his colleagues in the overseas business department.

[Wilson, the boss is online, please report quickly and keep it within 20 minutes]


[I saw the boss's camera, isn't he in the office?]

Ji Shengrui raised his eyes from his mobile phone to look at where Li Yueze was sitting. There was a row of cabinets behind him with tea leaves and cups on them.

[No, we are stuck in traffic, now we are in a teahouse]

[It's so fresh, the boss likes to drink tea?]

So, Ji Shengrui looked up again, and saw that Schumaning, who was sitting on the bench beside her, was pouring tea from the teapot.

Quickly typing on the hand: [I don't like drinking tea]

As soon as he received the news, Wilson saw Li Yueze took a sip from his teacup on the computer screen.

[You lied to me, isn't the boss holding a teacup? !]

Ji Shengrui's career as a secretary suffered a tragic loss. As the boss's confidant for many years, no one knows Li Yueze better than him.

But today, I was slapped in the face.

Chen Wei quietly sat next to Schumanning, watched her fiddle with the new tea leaves with a small wooden spoon, and asked in a low voice: "What is this?"

"Zhangping Narcissus."

Chen Wei was very happy, "Oh my God, I love this fragrance to death."

"Shh." Schumann put no expression on her face, bumped Chen Wei with her shoulder, and signaled her to stop talking.

Chen Wei shut up knowingly, turned on her phone and quietly admired the photo she just took.


I want to print this photo, frame it, and send it to an art museum for exhibition.

It is said that men who work hard are the most handsome, but Schu Manning thinks that.

Handsome is handsome, but the aura is too strong, she tried to substitute if she was an employee of Li Yueze.

Seeing the serious face of the boss in the video, every data flaw will be discovered by him in time, and he will point it out in public for 'punishment'.

Terrible, hell mode session.

"Sorry Mr. Li, I may need to verify this data, because there seems to be no precedent in the London market..."

On the other end of the video, Wilson's voice became smaller and smaller.

Li Yueze carefully looked at the data on the shared screen, dense but full of loopholes.

He rested his arms on the edge of the tea table, crossed his fingers by his lips, and frowned.



"This is the last time I warn you. I don't want to hear such uncertain words as possible and seemingly in the meeting. If you feel that you are not qualified for this job, the headquarters can transfer you at any time, and the Indian branch is just right. Shortage."

Wilson wanted to cry, but nodded quickly, "Alright Mr. Li, I will remember."

"Next group."

When the meeting time was approaching fifteen minutes, the originally quiet president channel suddenly became noisy.

There is also an electronic female voice in the middle: [Welcome]

Schuman followed the sound and found that it was two curious ladies. She got up and walked to them.

"Hi there."

The attention of the two ladies was not on her, but they caught sight of the superb fairy man at the head of the tea table in the hall.

The two held hands and were a little excited, "My God, it's really here."

The noisy voice made Li Yueze frowned even deeper.

"Are the ladies coming to tea?"

Schumaning originally wanted to say that she would not be accepted after closing time, but considering that they all saw other customers in the store, it would not be good to close the door and refuse.

So he reached out and invited them to sit down at another vacant tea table, "This way please."

"Okay okay."

"What would you like to drink?" Schumann had a professional smile on her face, and she kept staring at the two ladies in front of her out of respect.

But the eyes of the two ladies have been on Li Yueze and never left.

Hearing Schumann's question, they said, "What is he drinking? Bring us a pot too."

Shumaning: "That's a bit expensive."

Private collection, the price depends on her personal mood.

"it's okay no problem."

Seeing that the two ladies had no objections, Schumann returned to the tea table at Li Yueze's side.

Picking up the tea bag, she noticed that his face was quite unhappy.

Reaching out to touch his arm, the man looked up at her.

She pointed to the tea room at the back with her finger. There was no one there, it was an independent box.

Li Yueze hummed, but did not refuse.

In order to revive Secretary Guangrong, Ji Shengrui quickly arrived at Mr. Li's side, picked up his laptop and walked to the tea room.

On the main seat, Li Yueze just stood up.

His fingers inadvertently touched Schumanning's arm passing by him, and the smooth and delicate touch reminded him of the episode in the office in the afternoon.


Before she finished speaking, Shu Manning skipped him and walked towards the table by the door, leaving only his back.

Today's cheongsam is more flattering than yesterday's one, with a cool white skin and a slim waist.

Wilson found that the camera on the boss's side suddenly went dark, but the work report was just in time for the boss to comment.

After a long silence, he tried to turn on the microphone and asked, "Boss?"

Waited for about a minute, no response from there.

Colleagues looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Just as he was considering whether to send a message to Ji Shengrui to understand the situation, the camera suddenly returned to brightness.

It's still the boss's face, but it's not as serious as before, it looks much gentler.

Wilson looked at his expression and saw that Li Yueze seemed to be in a good mood now, and his speech became bolder: "Boss, we are invited to sponsor the JMH Design Competition at the end of November. Do you think so?"

JMH is an international design competition that originated in London, England in 1987. It covers clothing, jewelry, home decoration, etc. It is hailed as the Oscar of the design industry in the industry.

JMH had also sent Langyue a request for sponsorship or co-organization before, but because Li Yueze himself was not interested in art, he refused.

Wilson is a bit selfish, his girlfriend is preparing to participate in the JMH competition recently.

There's no shame in winning a little highlight moment in front of your girlfriend!

"JMH?" Li Yueze was thoughtful.

There seems to be a brochure on the tea table just now that says this.

Wilson thought that Li Yueze was interested, so he struck while the iron was hot, "Yes, this competition will also be held in China, and design students from all over the world will participate, which happens to be an opportunity for our company to promote."

Li Yueze hummed lightly, without comment.


A woman's scream suddenly came from outside the tea room.

Wilson, who was far away in London, watched helplessly as the boss's camera was blacked out again.

About half a minute later, Ji Shengrui turned on the microphone and said, "The meeting is over, you can go offline now."

Wilson: My little head is full of big doubts.

The woman's scream, is the boss playing so wild


The author has something to say:

Wilson: Do you have to pay to watch later