No Turning Back

Chapter 109: Game black hole



"Because this type of case will not be published publicly, and only the case-handling personnel can contact it.

"But have you ever thought that this scope is too big? From our criminal police team, to the prosecutor's office, and the detention agency, there are too many people involved in it, and it's not you and I can solve it."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said: "Sometimes I really feel powerless."

"So what? This is the path of chasing evil. Even if you can't do it, you have to go all out."

Early in the morning, Li Chongyang sent this video material to the procuratorate, and was seeing Zhao Rongyu busy sorting out documents.

Zhao Rongyu saw Li Chongyang, took the video material, hesitated, and asked, "Where is Officer Guan? Didn't he come?"

Li Chongyang said: "He said that the case has not been clarified and he is not suitable to come forward to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Zhao Rongyu nodded dullly, then smiled and said, "It makes sense."

Li Chongyang's eyes rolled, and he said without a trace: "Xiao Jiu in our team also asked for leave today. It should have been taken by the politician to play, right? Really, sprinkle dog food madly."

Zhao Rongyu's heart sank again, and asked, "Xiao Jiu is?"

"Oh, it's Xu Jiuyan, the simulated portraitist in our team, the top student in the law department. It was our political master who specially invited into our team."

As a man, Li Chongyang naturally felt Zhao Rongyu's feelings for Guan Zheng. Which woman doesn't like a man like Guan Zheng who treats his care as an occupational disease? but! Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan are a pair, so the so-called fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders!

In fact, Guan Zheng just took Xu Jiuyan to the combat training hall. Although Xu Jiuyan had a numb scalp, she knew in her heart that she should learn this skill.

Xu Jiuyan was still thrown to the ground by Guan Zheng, after all, this is not something that can be done. Guan Zheng's mouth said nonsense, Xu Jiuyan didn't remember so many technical terms, only knew that she was reckless.

The two of them fell tired on the mat, and Guan Zheng said with a smile: "You are so desperate, but you can talk about some skills."

"What technique, black cat and white cat, a good cat is a good cat if you catch a mouse. You taught me this."

"That's right, let's go, invite you to dinner!"

After leaving the fighting hall, Guan Zheng took Xu Jiuyan to the hot pot restaurant opposite the public security bureau. As soon as I walked in, I saw Aunt Huang clearing the table.

Aunt Huang threw down the rag and ran over and asked, "Take a rest today?"

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Well, I will rest today."

"By the way, I heard that the deflorator's case was successfully solved, and it was done beautifully. By the way, I watched your press conference and it was awesome. I saw you! And more, Just this young man, what a good point."

Guan Zheng's head was raised, and there was no expression on his face. Xu Jiuyan retired from the government, smiled and nodded and said, "Thank you for your attention. Our police should do it."

"Yes, yes, what do you want?"

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng and said, "You want to invite me to dinner." Guan Zheng said casually, "Here is a spicy pot."


Guan Zheng took Xu Jiuyan aside and waited. Xu Jiuyan squinted her chin and said, "It's so boring, why don't you go back to work after dinner?"

"Whatever! But if it's boring, shall we make a game?"

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng's unkind look and said, "I don't want it, liar."

"Huh? When did I lie to you?"

"All right!" The girl is still very curious after all, especially Xu Jiuyan.

Guan Zheng took out two coins from his pocket and stuffed one into Xu Jiuyan's hand. Guan Zheng began to talk about the rules of the game: "In the first round, I put the coin in my right hand."

"so what?"

"So, you put it on your right hand too."

Xu Jiuyan came back to her senses, bowed her head, and it turned out to be her right hand.

Xu Jiuyan pouted her lips and said, "Nonsense, I took it with my right hand."

Guan Zheng asked: "Then do you know why I said you also put it on your right hand?"

"You saw it!"

"...What the hell? I didn't pay special attention, but you are right-handed, so the probability of you picking it up with your right hand is about 70%.

Secondly, I put the coin in my right hand, and at this time your eyes are completely focused on my hand, so you can easily receive my inducement signal, and I will be more likely to succeed. "

Xu Jiuyan shook her head and said, "I don't care, you just saw it."

Guan Zheng didn't care about her and said, "Let's go to the second round."

"Okay!" Xu Jiuyan said vowedly.

"You got hit again."

Xu Jiuyan stared her eyes and said, "I really want to know what the hell is this!"

Sekisei explained: "Just before the game, I said the first round, not a round, it means that I still have a second move. At the same time, you have received my signal and you are already curious about the next thing.

So after the first round you think there is no mystery, you can't wait to enter the second round, but have you ever thought about it, my purpose is to make you eagerly jump into my second round. "

Xu Jiuyan really wants to pretend not to know him, he is too dangerous!

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan's dull and confused little eyes, and said, "Are you ready?"

Xu Jiuyan struggled for a while, and said, "Am I saying yes or no?"

Guan Zheng laughed and said: "This is no pit!"

"I do not believe."

"If you don't believe me in this world, no one can believe it."

Xu Jiuyan couldn't understand Guanzheng's thoughts more and more, and now she couldn't even understand what he said, so she waved her hand and said, "That's it, you go ahead."

Guan Zheng shook his eyebrows and said, "You can put your hand under the table, and then put the coin in any hand."

Xu Jiuyan obediently did it, and then said, "Okay."

Guan Zheng said: "Put your hands on the table."

Xu Jiuyan clenched her hand into two fists and placed it on the table. Guan Zheng started to brainwash her: "Sometimes what I say is not all the point, for example, I'm just talking nonsense now!"

Xu Jiuyan rolled her eyes and said, "I heard it, hurry up and continue."

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "On the left hand."

With that said, Guan Zheng had already spread his left hand, exposing the coin. Guan Zheng motioned Xu Jiuyan to open her left hand, and the coin was in it.

Xu Jiuyan asked incredulously: "How do you know?"

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan's hand and said, "Through your fist. When you rolled your eyes and complained about me, your right hand was obviously relaxed. This is a normal reaction, but your left hand has tightened, so Your coin is in your left hand."

Xu Jiuyan hasn't recollected yet, Guan Zheng said: "We still have the third round that you desperately need to turn over. Put your hands under the table, just like me." (End of this chapter)