No Turning Back

Chapter 11: Accurate killing


Xu Jiuyan didn't take care of the customs, but Lao You said: "This, it is really verifiable, it is in the lunisolar calendar."

Lao You reached out and drew a simple sketch on the whiteboard and said: "I have measured it. This room is just 333 cm high, which is ten feet.

A total of 40 cm from the beam to the top, the rope on the head of the deceased is 33.3 cm, which is one foot, and the rope on the feet is 3.3 cm, which is one inch. The instrument has been measured,

And I asked Xiao Huan'er to weigh the deceased's weight 33.3 kilograms. The deceased was 3 feet 3 above the ground, which is 10.9.9 centimeters. The height of the deceased was 143.2 centimeters, which was just one foot more than the height above the ground. I went to check the date of birth of the deceased. The day of death happened to be 13 years old and 13 days old.

Do you know that this day can be said to be the heaviest yin in life, not only that, I asked Xiao Juan'er, his death time was at three o'clock in the morning, when the yin was the heaviest in the day. This murderer really has a grudge, otherwise he wouldn't have to spend so much time and effort to make their family cut off their children and grandchildren, ridden with ghosts, and can't stand up for generations? "

Guan Zheng is not a superstitious person, but these strange figures make Guan Zheng still nervous. Who is the murderer? Who would do such a thing? Why do you want to cut off the grandchildren of the Sun family in this way

Xu Jiuyan shuddered, and Lao You squinted his chin and asked, "But why, why is the match in the deceased's mouth? Why do you want the deceased to drink so much water? Just to make up the weight? A 3.3-kilogram scale does not at all. To death, why is it so delicate? Is it really just to suppress the wronged soul?"

Guan Zheng thought for a while and said: "It's the five elements!"

Lao You asked: "What are the five elements?"

Guan Zheng said, "Hanging on the beams of the house, this is wood. It was filled with a lot of water. This is water. There is a match under the tongue. This is fire. It is 3 feet 3 feet above the ground. This is soil. , This is gold."

Lao You looked at the photo and said, "It really is!"

Guan Zheng sighed and said, "This matter may not be that simple!"

A little bit of time passed, but there was no clue. The evidence of suburban housing was not easy to preserve, which also brought great difficulties to the case.

Guan Zheng has always been at a loss, not knowing where to start, if there is no evidence, even if the murderer is found, it will be useless.

Guan Zheng couldn't sit still, turned around and pulled Xu Jiuyan back to the scene.

Before entering the door, I heard someone arguing inside. Guan Zheng walked in and saw seven or eight people arguing in the yard. Guan Zheng interrupted them and said, "What is it, who let you in? Did not see the cordon what?"

Guanzheng pulled the people out and asked, "What's the matter? What is the noise?"

Boss Sun turned his head and said, "It's not because of this broken house!"

"Broken house? Are you still rushing to get a broken house?" Boss Sun opened his mouth and said nothing.

Guan Zheng glanced at them and said, "Now that the child is still lying in our forensic room, you still have the mind to fight here, why don't you think about the child quickly and cooperate with us to find the murderer?"

Everyone didn't speak, and seemed to have no sense of the child's death. Guan Zheng's doubts in his heart became more serious. What is the status of this child in the Sun family

Guan Zheng condemned walking away from idle people, etc., and went around the house several times, but there was no sign.

After the case, everything that could be found at the scene, and possibly related to the case, was brought back to the bureau, and there were no clues at all.

The customs policy went back and forth, but returned to the bureau.

An ordinary case took three days in vain, and Shi Jinyu was a little anxious.

Shi Jinyu looked at Guan Zheng's depressed look, poured a cup of tea, and said, "Young man, depressed again?"

Guan Zheng lay on the table and nodded. Shi Jinyu said, "You, can't you really solve this case?"

"I do not know either."

Shi Jinyu asked again: "Do you believe you can solve this case?"

"Uh, I'm not sure."

"Not sure? Why not sure?"

Guan Zheng couldn't tell why.

"Because this case involves the calculation of the lunisolar calendar?" Shi Jinyu continued: "Your specialty is psychology, and you should know the butterfly effect.

The deceased in this case is indeed strange, and these clues all point to lunisolar calculations, including autopsy and technical examination, which are unreasonable, so you naturally think that this case is a ghost from the heart.

You and I are both law enforcement officers and people who believe in science. Don't be confused by superficial phenomena. As long as someone does a case, there will be clues. Put down the lunisolar calendar and start with the victim, modus operandi, motives, and interpersonal relationships, and approach the truth step by step. "

Guan Zheng thought about what Shi Jinyu had said, and began to examine the case again.

Guan Zheng ran to Lao You and pushed the door open. Lao You was taken aback and said, "Boy, what do you want to do?"

Guan Zheng laughed and said, "Old you, do you have a book on the yin and solar calendars?"

Old You took off his glasses and said, "Didn't you not look at it, why do you remember this again?"

Guan Zheng said, "Don't I want to learn?"

As Lao You flipped through the book, he said, "So what is there to learn?"

Guan Zhengdao: "Didn't you say that Yiduo doesn't press down?"

Lao You handed the book to Guan Zheng and said, "Send it back to me after reading it!"


Guan Zheng watched for a day, but he didn't see the head. Shi Jinyu looked at Guan Zheng busy, and the final result is no longer important.

Guan Zheng ran to Xu Jiuyan's desk and said, "You draw a portrait of me."

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng and said, "What kind of portrait is it, you are so dark, what is it to be painted?"

Guan Zheng touched his face and said, "Am I very dark?"

"What do you say?"

Guan Zheng said, "Who said you want to paint me? Come on, I say you paint."

Xu Jiuyan took out the paper and pen, and said, "Just tell me."

Guan Zheng pulled a chair and sat down, and said, "Square face, short head, narrow eyes, many eyebrows, slightly thicker lips, and a high nose bridge!"

Xu Jiuyan said while painting, "Who is this?"

Guan Zheng said: "The murderer!"

Xu Jiuyan pushed her glasses and said, "Have you seen a murderer?"

Guan Zheng shook his head and said, "No!"

"Then what do you draw? Stupid?"

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "You haven't finished reading those files."

"No, it's only in 198o. I was delayed by you recently and I haven't watched it for a long time."

"Haha, look back, it's about 1991, our Director Shi used this trick to solve the case."

"Really? Can you solve a case by guessing it out of thin air?"

"Of course! This is scientifically based, you have to learn it slowly!"

Guan Zheng looked at the painting Xu Jiuyan handed over and said, "Do you think this person is familiar?"

"It's familiar, I think I've seen it somewhere, it seems to be..."

Guan Zheng slapped the table and said, "It's Sun Lao Si!"

"Then go arrest people!"

"You are stupid, how can you catch without evidence? Let's go to the old house of Sun's house again."

Guan Zheng immediately pulled Xu Jiuyan, brought a toolbox, and went back to the Sun's house together.

Xu Jiuyan was a little unhappy, why did she not only carry her own picture package, but also the political toolbox

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan carrying two big bags with a sad expression, reached out and took the two big bags, and said, "I'm so reluctant to come here?"

Xu Jiuyan glanced at the horses in the stable, if only she was like an animal.

Xu Jiuyan walked into this darkened room and said, "This room is too abnormal, and why are you bringing me here after get off work? On purpose?"

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "I'm bringing you to catch ghosts!"

Xu Jiuyan gave him a white look and said: "Don't ask me to come here in the future, it's scary." (End of this chapter)