No Turning Back

Chapter 113: No fire spontaneously


"Nothing?" Xu Jiuyan asked.

"Then what else do you want to know?"

"What about the portrait? How to draw it?"

"In the book "The Criminals" by Lom Brosso, it is clearly pointed out that the four arsonists are particularly long, with smaller heads and thinner bodies than ordinary people."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Long Brosseau, what's the matter, have you seen it?"

Xu Jiuyan shook her head and said, "No. Who is Longbroso?"

"one person."

"... nonsense!"

"A dead person!"


Guan Zheng smiled and said: "He is an Italian criminologist, psychiatrist, and founder of the criminal anthropology school. He was born in a Jewish family in Verona. He was a military doctor, dean of a mental hospital, and a university graduate in Turin. professor.

Pay attention to the study of the pathological anatomy of criminals, comparatively study the relationship between mental patients and criminals, use anthropological measurement as a method of studying other criminals of mentally ill criminals, and pay special attention to the criminals’ skulls and human aspects. "

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Is it very beneficial for us to simulate the portrait?"

"Well, it's in the third drawer under my desk. You can take it yourself."

"You really are a god, you remember all of this."

"Who is like you, don't even know where your key is."

As he was talking, Lao You came in from outside and said, "I bought all the tickets, but I called it back in a daze. What are you doing."

Guan Zheng laughed and said: "You can see your son anytime, and the murderer can't drag him."

"Okay, the world is not as big as your case."

Guan Zheng patted Lao You on the shoulder and said: "The arson case is not easy to investigate, so it takes a lot of snacks."

"Do you still need to talk about it? Leave it to me."

When Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan returned to the bureau, the first thing they did was to check the surveillance. There was no doubt on the scene. A cleaning staff was dragging the floor in the screen. When everyone reacted, the fire had started.

"Where is the cleaner? Called for questioning."

"What happened to the cleaner?"

"She is the person closest to the camera. If she hasn't done anything, she must have seen something."

"Just because she is close?"

"Look, after the cleaner walked over, he glanced at this corner and then paused. Just as he was about to see what was going on, the figure disappeared from the screen and the fire had risen. So there should be someone here at that time."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "I'll look for it right away."

After a while, the cleaner arrived. Guan Zheng glanced at the cleaner and asked Xu Jiuyan, "What do you think?"

"Not quite like her."



"Intuition is also the accumulation of a lot of experience. You can use your intuition in the future."

Xu Jiuyan smiled and said, "I like to hear that."

The corner of Guan Zheng's mouth raised and said, "Go, go in and see if you are right."

Guan Zheng walked in, pulled the chair away, and said, "Hello, eldest sister, I am the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, my name is Guan. This is my colleague, and her surname is Xu. This time I asked you to ask about Tang The relevant circumstances of the Korean kTV fire case."

The eldest sister nodded in a panic and said: "I know, just ask if you have anything."

Guan Zheng handed over a glass of water and said, "Sister, don't be nervous, just come to you to inquire about the situation."

The eldest sister held the cup tightly, and Guan Zheng said, "What did you see on the day of the fire?"

"me… "

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Sister, why are you nervous? I won't eat you. Where are you from? I hear your accent is not a local."

"... I'm from Lin'an, and I got married here."

"Really, I am from Mingzhou, very close to Lin'an." Guan Zheng deliberately put out a few words in the Mingzhou dialect, and the thick northern accent made the elder sister gradually relax.

Guan Zheng also said, "Is the eldest sister's child also going to university? Where do they go to school and how is their study?"

"At NTU, I am a graduate student."

Guan Zheng laughed and said: "I just said that we are very fate. I also graduated from Nantah University. I am a student in bioengineering. I remember that I was soaking in the laboratory every day. There were a lot of experimental reagents and the smell was very unpleasant. That's right. Sister, did you smell any strange chemicals on the day of the fire?"

The eldest sister was stunned for a moment and said: "... Yes."

"Is it gasoline or alcohol?"

"Uh, it's not. I can't tell what the smell is. It seems to be a fragrance? It will dissipate in a while."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Did you see any strange people that day?"

The elder sister shook her head and said, "There are no strange people, but there is a strange thing."

"You say."

"The bottle at the door is not right. You also know that Nanyi is close to the sea and the wind is relatively strong. The bottle was filled with water to hold the warning sign, but the bottle that day was spilled without knowing why. Just when I was going to see it, it caught fire."

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Sister, wouldn't it be so evil? How could it catch fire without a flame?"

"I didn't lie to you, I still think it's weird! There was no spark, and it suddenly caught fire."

Guan Zheng, take a look at Xu Jiuyan, so evil

After sending away the cleaning staff, Xu Jiuyan asked, "Is it true that I can do it by myself?"

Guan Zheng, like an encyclopedia, has begun to popularize science again: “According to the cleaning staff, it should be benzene. Anything that exists in a state of ** at room temperature, will easily cause combustion when exposed to fire. The substance with a flash point below 45°C is called Flammable substances.

Or steam is flammable and explosive, heat-expandable, easy to accumulate static electricity, high flow expandability, and oxidizing strong acid and oxidant action, with varying degrees of toxicity. But there is no proof that you can light yourself without fire. "

Jia Zhenkai took the report and said, "President, the report has come out, and it's benzene."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "The witness said that if there is no fire, it will be on. What do you think?"

"There should be a first-class spontaneous combustion item."

Xu Jiuyan asked: "A first-class spontaneous combustion item?"

Jia Zhenkai said: "The first-class spontaneous combustion products have very active chemical properties and are easily ignited dangerous products in the air, such as yellow phosphorus, reduced iron, reduced nickel, and a variety of metal organic compounds that are used as polymerization catalysts."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "So it's like this."

Guan Zheng said: "This time the amount is not particularly large. There are not many chemical plants in Nanyi City. I can't find any leftovers in the chemical plant. Immediately check the university laboratories in this city that can contact the relevant substances. Be sure to check. Clear source."

Jia Zhenkai said faintly: "Um, I have checked it handily. Here it is."

Guan Zheng glanced at Jia Zhenkai and said, "It's not bad this time."

"Thank you Zhengye."

Guan Zheng glanced around, and suddenly saw the Bioengineering Laboratory of Nanyi University. Xu Jiuyan pushed Guan Zheng and said: "What's wrong, what are you looking at, so dumb?" (End of this chapter)