No Turning Back

Chapter 125: Heaven is jealous of talents


The two people accompanied the smiley face, patiently accompany the grandfather and aunt for the whole morning, and did not ask for a one, two or three. Wenwang 1. Guan Zheng looked at the dozens of remaining families, and he was almost dead.

At noon the sun was still quite big, and the two of them ate sandwiches in the car, drank some mineral water, and then went on walking the streets to inquire about the situation.

Guan Zheng knocked on the big iron door and walked into the small courtyard. A woman was washing clothes under the faucet. When she saw someone coming, she wiped her hand on her apron twice and said, "Who are you looking for?"

Guan Zheng said: "We are from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau. We want to ask about Han Zhigang."

The woman nodded and said, "Okay, come in."

Guan Zheng waved his hand and said, "No, we want to ask where Han Zhigang went, do you know?"

"I don't know, it seems to be going to see his daughter, right?"

"Oh, on the 27th of last month, is there anything strange about Han Zhigang?"

The woman thought for a while and said, "There really is such a thing. One night, he came to my house to borrow a cart and said he wanted to push sand. But it was night, but it was dark, and I couldn't see anything. But early the next morning, he sent the car back. He also washed us very clean."

Guan Zheng felt unusual for a moment, and asked, "Can you borrow my cart?"


Xu Jiuyan quickly took out the survey box from the car and handed Guan Zheng a pair of gloves. The two people rubbed the luminol reagent on the car little by little, and blood stains appeared on the edge of the cart.

Xu Jiuyan said excitedly: "I found it."

Guanzheng nodded, and said, "Quickly take a sample and take it back for inspection."

Xu Jiuyan solemnly placed the sample in Lao You's hand, and Lao You said amusedly: "It's useless for you to look at me like this, yes, yes, if you don't, I can't help it."

Two and a half hours later, Lao You also solemnly handed the report to Xu Jiuyan. Xu Jiuyan couldn't wait to turn to the last page, and everyone was excited by the fact that they were in line with these four words.

Guan Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Han Zhigang is wanted."

On the other side, Han Zhigang hasn't been seen for a long time, and he has never been able to come back to justice. Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan and frowned and asked, "What's the matter? People are locked, so why are you worried?"

Xu Jiuyan said: "That's not the case. Do you remember the testimony of Han Zhigang's brother Han Zhiqiang? He said that Han Zhigang was at home on the night of the case, but the physical evidence showed that Han Zhigang was the murderer. I don't know whether to believe in human evidence or physical evidence."

Guan Zheng smiled slightly, and said, "Of course it was the material evidence."

"En? Is the physical evidence more reliable?"

Guan Zheng said: "Yes, people have thinking, they can lie and destroy evidence, and physical evidence is always true and reliable. But..."

"But what?" Xu Jiuyan asked.

"However, physical evidence sometimes hides some truth, so that we can only see the surface and ignore the essence."

Xu Jiuyan said, "I was thinking, could Han Zhigang and Han Zhiqiang conspired?"

Guan Zheng nodded and said, "It's possible! But everything will be decided after Han Zhigang is arrested."

Within a few days, Han Zhigang was still caught by the tail by the police. Han Zhigang had already entered Nanyi City, he was caught by Li Chongyang, and he was taken directly back to the game.

Guan Zheng looked at Han Zhigang's trembling, and Guan Zheng called it all as soon as he bluffed.

Han Zhigang said: "That night, I took a knife and squatted at Liu Lin's door. I just saw Zhang Yongcheng coming out of Liu Lin's house. I caught him and warned him not to interact with Liu Lin. But he didn't listen, and then I just , I took out the knife, stabbed him a few times, and died."

"And then? What did you do afterwards?"

"After that, I ran to the neighbor's house, borrowed a cart and took some plastic sheeting, and then I transported Zhang Yongcheng to the suburbs and buried it."

"When did you dug the pit?"

"I, I dug it a long time ago."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "I'm sorry, you are suspected of deliberate murder."

Han Zhigang nodded dullly without saying a word. Later, I learned that Han Zhiqiang did not give false testimony. It just happened that Han Zhigang went home to pick up things after finishing the case and was seen by Han Zhiqiang. He mistakenly thought that Han Zhigang was always at home.

This case was just a simple case, but because Han Zhigang could not be found, it dragged on for half a month, which suddenly reduced the criminal investigation team's case handling efficiency this month.

Shi Jinyu gave an order to deduct the bonus, but the government officials said without any haste: "It's okay, I will help you make up for it."

Shi Jinyu took Guan Zheng a fiercely and said, "Just you!"

In the evening, Guan Zheng asked the whole team to go to Aunt Huang's hot pot restaurant, and there was a lot of trouble, but Aunt Huang was not annoyed, and kept serving food on the table.

The government was boring, and he poured wine into his belly one by one. Xu Jiuyan hurriedly stopped and said, "Want to die, do you like this?"

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "You think too much, but it's been a long time since I drank it. I kind of miss the taste."

"What are you talking about? Alcohol is good if you drink too much. Drinking too much will hurt your body."

Xu Jiuyan pushed the bottle away and said, "That can't be the case. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Guan Zheng shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Xu Jiuyan didn't ask further, and said, "You, your character is really unpredictable, it's really troublesome."

Guan Zheng smiled and said nothing. After the meal, Guan Zheng was drunk. All the big guys went back to their homes, and only the drunk Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan were still sitting at the table.

Xu Jiuyan pushed Guan Zheng several times and did not respond. Xu Jiuyan sighed, made a phone call and handed in a surrogate driver, finally settled.

Aunt Huang said as she packed her things: "This kid is heartless, so he always uses wine to pour his sorrows. But it's your girlfriend."

Xu Jiuyan was so embarrassed for an instant, she waved her hand and said, "Aunt Huang, I am not his girlfriend."

Aunt Huang said like an old naughty boy, “It’s okay, as long as I think it’s fine. This young man is always going in and out of the police station. He’s busy with the life and death of other people’s homes. I look distressed. NS."

Xu Jiuyan pointed to Guan Zheng, who was sleeping on the table, and asked curiously: "Are you familiar with him?"

"Familiar, well-acquainted. He joined the criminal police team six years ago. He is the only criminal police officer in the criminal police team who has a non-scientific background, but his crime detection rate is very high. Within a few months, he became a well-known criminal investigation expert in the country.

But ah, maybe it's really a jealous talent. After more than half a year, it was just because a suspect in a case died unjustly, and there was a lot of trouble. After that case, he only focused on that one case for a year, but he still didn't solve the case.

Later, he withdrew from the police force and went to teach at Nanyi University. During his five years at Nantah University, the class was full, and the pass rate and graduate admission rate of the entire class were the highest, and he even trained many provincial criminal investigation experts. "(End of this chapter)