No Turning Back

Chapter 128: Who are the witnesses


Xu Jiuyan put on Guan Zheng's coat and went out with Guan Zheng. The entire yard was lit, and Guan Zheng walked to the crowd and said, "Excuse me, let me go."

The whole scene stunned Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan. The owner of the farmhouse had fallen to the ground, and the blood from his neck kept flowing out. There was a girl lying next to him, still crying.

Guan Zheng hurriedly gave first aid to the owner of the farmhouse. Guan Zheng took one side of the towel and put it on the injured person's neck. Xu Jiuyan hurried to the refrigerator, took out the ice cubes, and handed it to Guan Zheng.

Despite this, the man was not saved. Guan Zheng's hands were full of blood, and he said, "You don't need to call an ambulance, let someone send the survey box."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Okay."

Xiao Huan'er had come over and said, "Give me the body."

Guanzheng stood up and said, "Okay, Yoko, go to lock down the scene."

Xu Jiuyan helped the girl up and asked, "Are you okay?"

The girl was crying harder, Xu Jiuyan looked so unaware that she said, "I will check her first."

"There is also ** forensics."

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng and said, "Ah? Why?"

"Her pants are wet..." Xu Jiuyan realized that it might be sexual or assault.

Guan Zheng immediately showed his credentials: "We are the police, please keep calm, no one is allowed to leave without our permission, thank you for your cooperation."

Guan Zheng immediately began investigating the identity of the victim. Li Chongyang said: "The victim is called Han Baoan, and this girl is called Han Fang, the daughter of Han Baoan. We found an axe at the scene, and the blood on it has been collected for evidence. As a result, we still need it. time."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "When the Korean side is in a better state, immediately record a confession. Xiaojiu, remember the portrait."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Okay."

Sekisei went on to say: "Go back and investigate a murder and rape case in August 2013. That case is very similar to this one. Is it necessary for one person to obtain evidence, so please get the file."

"no problem."

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng and said, "Are you a robot? Remember every case so clearly?"

"Miss, I also memorized it."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "What did you find?"

Guan Zheng pointed to the notebook on the table and said, "I lost one of that notebook."

"Is this? This is an information book used to record people who come to stay at the hotel. But how can I lose one? Is it the murderer? Is it the murderer's information on it?"

Guan Zheng said: "Unfortunately, there are no clues."

Xu Jiuyan drew a few strokes on the paper with her carbon ink stick, and she slowly appeared on the previous page: "There really is no clue."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Yes, because this book is not very standardized, only the name and related addresses."

"Is it Zhou Jicheng? Zhouhuai Village, Beicheng Town, Nanyi City."

"Is it Zhouhuai Village in Beicheng Town?"

"Well, but it’s a bit strange. Didn’t Zhouhuai Village be renamed Beicheng Village a few years ago? And according to the local people’s habits, either Zhouhuai Village in Zhouhuai Town or Beicheng Village in Beicheng Town, how could they say that? ?"

"Because he is not a local. He has no knowledge of the local situation, so he can only say that."

"Is this murderer the same person?"

Guan Zheng looked at the house and said, "Uncertain."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "I will ask Yoko to check Zhou Jicheng this week and see what he has gained."

"There are many people in the country by this name. Basically, I can't find it."

"Look up then!"

Xiao Huan'er took off his mask and said, "Let’s take a look at the corpse. The deceased male was about 55 years old, 174 cm in length and 82 kg in weight. He had multiple traumas to his body, including one of the straight central arteries, which led to excessive blood loss and death. .

And this young lady had many bruises on her body, which should have been caused by confronting the murderer. Unsurprisingly, this lady had sex and behavior, and part of the *** we extracted from her body will be put into the library for comparison immediately. "

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Thanks. When can we make a statement with the Korean side?"

"Wait for tomorrow, her mood is not particularly stable today."

"All right."

Although the infirmary in the village is not large, the equipment is still complete. The Korean medicine was in a coma at first, and he lost control of his emotions as soon as he woke up.

As soon as Guan Zheng walked in, he saw that several nurses couldn't stop the Korean medicine. Guan Zheng ran over to appease the Korean medicine: "Calm down, please calm down, we are the police!"

The Korean side slowly stopped choking, and tears kept streaming down. Guan Zheng said, "Sorry, we are already investigating. I believe that person will be found soon."

"Where is my dad? Where is my dad?"

Guan Zheng said with some regret: "I'm sorry, your father has passed away."

South Korean: "How could this be, why?!"

Guan Zheng comforted: "Please be sad, people are gone, please actively cooperate with us, and then click to find the murderer, so that you can be worthy of your father."

The Korean side nodded and said, "I saw that brute sneaking up in the house. I knew I should have called the police first. Unexpectedly, he actually killed my dad..."

Sekisei continued, "Can you elaborate on it?"

"Last night, he came here to stay, my father opened a room for him, and then he said he wanted some snacks and asked me to go to the supermarket on the street to buy. Then I put on my coat and went to the supermarket and waited for me When I came back, I found my father lying on the ground covered in blood.

As soon as I was about to call, he knocked me down from behind. When I woke up again, I realized that I had been... Then I screamed. "

"What kind of person is that?"

The Korean side shook his head and said, "I didn't see his face. He attacked me from behind."

"Then does he have any characteristics?"

"Uh, the accent is a local, he seems to have a disability in his leg, he should be lame on his right leg."

"Can you be sure? Are there other marks on his face?"

"Well, it should be like this. I really didn't see the other signs."

Coming out of the infirmary, Xu Jiuyan said somewhat discouraged: "I thought I could draw a portrait. I didn't expect it to be of no use at all."

Guan Zheng said, "Go, and ask if anyone saw the murderer last night."

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan asked around, and an uncle said that he did see a lame man in the toilet last night, and he was not from the village.

Guan Zheng asked, "Is my right leg lame?"

"Eh? No, it's the left leg."

"What? You said the left leg? Did you read it right?"

The uncle was a little unhappy: "I am getting older, but I can still distinguish between the left and the right."