No Turning Back

Chapter 131: Axe fingerprints


"Apple is a low-calorie food, which only produces 6o kcal per 1oo gram. The nutrients in eight apples are highly soluble and easily absorbed by the human body, so it is called "living water", which helps to dissolve sulfur and make the skin smooth. Soft apples contain more potassium, which can combine with the body's excess sodium to excrete it from the body.

When the body consumes too much sodium, eat some apples to help balance electrolytes in the body. The elements such as phosphorus and iron contained in apples are easily absorbed by the intestinal wall and have the effects of nourishing the brain and blood, calming the mind and sleeping.

Clinical use has proved that after letting mentally depressed patients smell the apple scent, their mood improves greatly, their spirits are relaxed and happy, and their depression disappears. Experiments have also proved that insomnia patients smell the scent of apple before falling asleep, which can make people fall asleep faster and quietly.

Apples have a mild taste, rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements, including carbohydrates, organic acids, pectin, protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamin a, vitamin B, vitamin c and dietary fiber. Containing malic acid, tartaric acid, carotene, it is the closest to perfect nutritional value of all fruits and vegetables. "

Xu Jiuyan rolled her eyes and flew over: "Could you not be like Baidu Baike, I know you have knowledge."

"Does this have anything to do with my knowledge?"

Xu Jiuyan was too lazy to care about Guan Zheng, and said, "This case is so strange, have you thought about it?"

"Do I need to be so entangled if I think about it?"

Li Chongyang threw the file over at the right time: "Checked it out, there is a magical thing."

"What magical thing?"

"Then there is no doubt! This person is indeed dead."

The official government didn’t move the document: "Are you going to tell me the dead man committed the crime?"

Li Chongyang scratched his head and said, "Then I can't help it!"

"What about fingerprints?"

"What fingerprint?"

"Does the fingerprint and dna match?"

Li Chongyang asked, "Why compare?"

"You don't compare fingerprints and DNA to see if it's Wang Mixin? Then how can you be sure?"

"It's right, the dna left at the scene matches Wang Mixin."

"Then you still want to tell me that the dead are committing crimes?"

Xu Jiuyan couldn't listen anymore: "You have an enemy with Li Chongyang? Why do you torture people so much?"

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan: "I hope you think about this reasoning process carefully."

"The dna left at the scene matches Wang Mixin. What is there to think about? Wait a minute, you mean..."

Guanzheng nodded and said: "Yes, I suspect there is a loophole. No fingerprints were found at the scene, but DNA was found. According to our current appraisal report, it just said that the ** is more similar to Wang Mixin, that is, There is also the possibility of not being alone."

Xu Jiuyan shook the pen in her hand: "Do you trust your judgment so much? The accuracy rate is higher than that of a computer?"

Guan Zheng didn't say anything. If it were seven years ago, Guan Zheng would definitely say that the computer was wrong. As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, I was afraid of well ropes for ten years. Isn't Xu Ji just an example

Guan Zheng did not speak for a long time. It was Guan Zheng's cell phone ringtone that broke the silence: "Hey, what's wrong?"

"This is the alarm center. Three minutes ago, we received the alarm. At a farmhouse in the southern suburbs, the body and a survivor were found. The detailed address has been posted. Please rush to the scene immediately."


Guan Zheng pulled up his coat: "Let's go, there is a case."

"I'll notify Laoyou and Xiaoquan'er." Li Chongyang said.

Xu Jiuyan also hurried to the scene with the tools and survey box. Xu Jiuyan asked, "What's the situation?"

"At present, it is believed that it should be a similar case, and more clues can be obtained."

Xu Jiuyan nodded: "Can you break it?"

"Can you not ask me questions like this in the future? I can't be sure about this kind of thing, and I'm not a god."

Xu Jiuyan spread her hands in embarrassment: "Okay."

The Guanzheng car quickly stopped in front of the farmhouse. Xu Jiuyan got out of the car with Guanzheng and looked at the big farmhouse sign, "I have a question."

"You want to ask, why did the murderer choose to commit the crime in the farmhouse? The reason is that I have a special habit. I am not a murderer, I can't know everything, right?"

Xu Jiuyan turned her head, looked at Guan Zheng, and said, "I have another problem now."

"You want to ask me why I know what you want to ask? The reason is that I know you well, the question you want to ask, and this is the question I want to know."

Xu Jiuyan raised her head and said, "You are amazing!"

Guan Zheng smiled: "Thank you for the compliment!"

Two people walked into the yard, no different from usual, except that the pyre on one side was a bit messy.

Guan Zheng said: "Axe is the murder weapon?"

Xu Jiuyan came out of the house with a bloody axe: "Do you know this too?"

"The pyre is so messy, you can tell at a glance. I also have a question. The only tool for committing crimes is the axe. Why is this?"

"There is a plot!"

"Then what is the plot?"

"Maybe it's his profession, or some kind of memory."

"I agree with the former, you can put it in the portrait."

Guan Zheng walked into the room, and a middle-aged man was lying in the middle of the ground with a red scratch on his neck. The blood was still on the ground, not yet dry.

Guan Zheng squatted down, looked at the state of the deceased, and said, "It's exactly the same as the one we went back to. It's nothing strange. The specific forensic appraisal has been handed over to Xiaoquan'er."

Xiaoquan'er has already started working: "Oh, leave it to me."

Guan Zheng stood up and said to Lao You: "On-site forensics mainly look for fingerprints or DNA. Once there is news, immediately compare with Wang Mixin's."

After Guan Zheng made a circle, he ran to a corner outside the courtyard and ate an apple.

Xu Jiuyan looked at the apple in Guan Zheng's hand in surprise, and said, "Where did the apple come from? Didn't you get the apple on the spot?"

Guan Zheng said, "I just picked it up in the car. I picked it from the farmhouse last time and it's not broken. Would you like one?"

Xu Jiuyan waved her hand quickly and said, "Do you have any clues now?" Guan Zheng did not answer Xu Jiuyan's question, but asked: "Now there are DNA and fingerprints that do not match, and there is a portrait of an eyewitness, you Which one would you believe?"

"This, dna, right?"

Guan Zheng denied Xu Jiuyan's answer: "Wrong! Believe in fingerprints. DNA is indeed unique. In the chromosome map of DNA, there will not be two identical ones, but we usually think that within a certain range, it is the same. Personally, there is a certain error."

Xu Jiuyan tilted her head and asked, "Isn't that the same with fingerprints? Fingerprints also have a margin of error!"

"But even if they are identical twins, the fingerprints will be different. If it is DNA, it is very likely that there will be the same or even match!"

Xu Jiuyan spread her hands: "In other words, you still insist on your own judgment!"

Guan Zheng turned his head to look at Xu Jiuyan, and said, "Then let's take a gamble!" (End of this chapter)