No Turning Back

Chapter 14: Ghost hunting adventure


Guan Zheng pulled Xu Jiuyan out of the car and entered the old house of the Sun family.

The brothers have been waiting for a long time. As soon as Mr. Sun saw Guan Zheng, he asked, "Police officer, when will my son go home? It's already past seven."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Yes, today is the first seven. The first seven is a funeral custom. It is customary to think that the "first seven" refers to the seventh day after a person's death. The soul of the deceased Seven "When returning home, the family should prepare a meal for the soul of the deceased before the soul returns. After that, it must be avoided. The best way is to sleep. If you can't sleep, you should hide in the bed. However, today I want to use this to resurrect the soul. Days, find out who this murderer is, so that everyone can feel at ease!"

Sun Laosi said: "Jing nonsense, are your police so superstitious?"

Guan Zheng smiled and said: "This kind of thing would rather be trusted but not believable. Didn't Confucius also say to respect ghosts and gods?"

Sun Laosi stopped talking.

Guan Zheng pulled a chair and sat down and said: "After our police inspection, the report did not tell your family members. Today I will give you some information so that you can rest assured.

That's it. The state of death of the deceased is very strange. Just like Ms. Zhou Li saw, it is extremely spiritual. We not only discovered the strange data on the deceased, but also found the five-element symbol on the deceased.

We looked through the ancient books and found that this kind of death is to choose a pure male in the family who died at the age of 13 years and 13 days. Everything must be calculated carefully before the deceased can be regarded as the best gift to Lord Yan. The purpose is to Let this victim's family be cut off from their children and never live forever. "

Everyone heard goose bumps all over, looked at their watches, and said, "It's almost twelve o'clock, and it's time for the child to come back and see the murderer!"

Xu Jiuyan sent a text message to Li Chongyang on her mobile phone: "Prepare to release ghosts."

Li Chongyang looked at his watch, touched the child's head, and said, "Have you remembered?"

"Don't worry, Brother Yoko, I remember it clearly."

"Okay, go ahead, if it's done well, please eat KFC!"

"This is what you said, don't regret it!"

"Yes, don't be mean, go quickly, I'll wait for you here! Be careful, don't be caught by others, can you hear me!"

"Oh, let's call you mother-in-law Yangzi again."

"You bastard! I'll take care of you when I come back..."

The child jumped into the yard, ran to the stable, poked the horse's butt with a small wooden stick, and the horse made a weird scream.

The people in the room looked at each other and sat in fright. Wu Xiaomei asked: "Have you heard any sound?"

"Listen... I heard it, it seems that the horse is barking."

The child poked the horse so hard that he didn't like to move, and said as he walked: "I died so bad...

The kid walked to the door, grabbed a big rock, and shattered the jar full of pig blood with a "clang".

The red blood flowed out, as if crying out grievances.

Sun Laosi looked at the little bit of blood, a jealous spirit, holding his head, squatting on the ground and saying: "Don’t don’t, don’t find me, I, I didn’t mean it... I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. … You, you, you, don’t come back… I’m sorry, I’m really sorry… I, I, I shouldn’t kill you, shouldn’t be superstitious to sacrifice you to heaven, you and you… I shouldn’t fight for the old house, I’m sorry, I’m sorry …"

Wu Xiaomei was also scared to kneel on the ground: "I still have me, I shouldn't hit your golden lock idea, I'm sorry, don't blame your fourth aunt, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry..."

Guan Zheng sighed, put the handcuffs on Sun Laosi and Wu Xiaomei, and said, "In fact, the human heart still has a bottom line after all."

Guan Zheng watched the police car drove away from Qingshan Village little by little, and said to Xu Jiuyan: "There are no ghosts in this world. The so-called ghosts and gods are just a desire in people's hearts, what do you think?"

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Yeah, actually looking at this old house now, it's not that scary at all. We have all fallen into a psychological trap!"

"Okay, has it improved!"

Xu Jiuyan pushed him and said, "Fuck you!"

Guan Zheng smiled and asked, "Have you decided? Will you come to me?"

Xu Jiuyan shook her head and said, "I don't know! I haven't thought about it yet!"

Guan Zheng got into the car, opened Xu Jiuyan's painting package, took out the portraits of people painted by Xu Jiuyan, and said, "Look at the person you painted. Doesn't it look like Sun Laosi?"

"It looks like, but I don't really want to..."

Guan Zheng took Xu Jiuyan and said as he walked: "When I was a child, I never thought that I would be a criminal police officer. When I was in high school, I met a biology teacher who changed my life. She taught me a lot of knowledge that is not in the books, so I Begin to expand in the direction of biology.

Not long after I arrived at Nanyi University, our school opened a criminal psychology course. I happened to help a friend of my psychology to sign in. After listening to a course from the Bureau of History, I suddenly realized that this profession is as meaningful as biology.

Later, I liked this profession more and more, and I was determined to win a double bachelor degree in biology and criminal psychology. A little bit, the Bureau of History took me to see cases of innumerable large and small numbers, and I was in the year of my graduation internship. Participated in special police training and successfully joined the police force.

Thinking about it now, those six months were really the happiest day of my life. It's not because I had the title of Skynet Boy during that time, but I simply felt that I had found a way to realize the value of life. Everyone has different ways to realize value, but I want to say, don't miss the opportunity to realize value. "

It is not the first time that Xu Jiuyan has heard Guan Zheng talk about her past. She still feels that Guan Zheng still has a lot of things she doesn't know.

Guan Zheng sighed and said, "Let's go, get in the car, it's cold, don't catch a cold!"

Xu Jiuyan stood there without leaving, Guan Zheng looked back at her and said, "Why don't you leave? Want to be an iceman?"

"That, I promise you!"

Guan Zheng was taken aback, then smiled, turned around, stood at attention, raised his right hand, saluted, and said, "Welcome to the Nanyi City Public Security Bureau Criminal Brigade!"

Xu Jiuyan bowed slightly and said, "Thank you!"

Back in the bureau, Guan Zheng couldn't wait to go to the office of the bureau, pestering the bureau to handle the police registration and entry procedures for Xu Jiuyan.

The Bureau of History ignored the political affairs and said: "Have you asked clearly? Did they agree?"

"I really promised, you can go through the formalities as soon as possible. There is no one in our criminal police team, and you don't know."

It just so happened that Xu Jiuyan came to the office to deliver the materials. Guan Zheng took Xu Jiuyan and said, "You, uh, no, did you promise me to join the team early this morning?"

The Bureau of History looked at Xu Jiuyan and said, "Don't pay attention to him, just say what you think? Really like this kid said, want to join our police force?"

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Yes, I agreed to Guanzheng."

The Bureau of History put down the pen and asked, "Girl, have you really thought about it? It's easy to get in or out of this wolf den!"

Xu Jiuyan smiled and said: "I think it's OK. Interpol is also my father's profession. I think he will be very happy if he inherits his father's career."

The bureau's expression changed, he looked at Guan Zheng, and then at Xu Jiuyan, and said, "Well then, I respect your choice!"

Within a few days, the police officer's card came down, a third-level superintendent, no big or small officer. Xu Jiuyan looked at the photo of her police uniform and said, "The police uniform is really beautiful!"

Guan Zheng laughed and said, "Of course, police uniforms and guns are the dignity of our police!"

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Thank you!"

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for letting me find the direction in my heart!"

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "You don't want to agree with your body, do you?"

"It's shameless again..."

"I am your superior now, kind of polite!"

"No! You bite me!"

"Hey, hey, can you two not show affection?"

Guan Zheng looked at the door, scratched his head awkwardly, and said, "Not going to school?"

Guan Nuo sat down unceremoniously and said, "Have you ever seen a doctor shrink in school every day?"

Guan Nuo pulled Xu Jiuyan and said, "How is your criminal police team, is it fun?"

Xu Jiuyan smiled and said, "It's okay, it's pretty good."

"Then I will transfer over too?"

"No!" Guan Zheng said decisively.

Guan Nuo said: "Your team does not yet have a computer expert, why can't I come?"

"I'm afraid you are dead!"

"People Xu Jiuyan is alive and well, how can I hang up?"

Guanzheng waved his hand and said: "Do whatever you want, I can't control you!"

Guan Nuo was a little unhappy, Xu Jiuyan said, "Don't worry about your brother, just do what you want to do by yourself."

"It's still your best! Then I'll apply for a job in a few days!"

Xu Jiuyan said: "Okay, come on!" (End of this chapter)