No Turning Back

Chapter 148: Peel the cocoon and spin silk


"You said you didn't set the bomb, who did it?"

Zhu Qi raised his voice a few times: "Really, I didn't do it, I, how can I get the bomb, the bomb!"

Xu Jiuyan patted the table and said, "You calm down. One. What about after you grab the gold shop?"

"Lei, Brother Lei told us that after the grab is over, put the things in, and put them on the chair on the side of the street."

"Which chair?"

"That's, on the street, on the food court, on the chairs of an open-air table."

"Why write on the counter?"

"I don't, I don't know, that was written by the old dog."

Xu Jiuyan: "How to contact Lei brother? Also, where is the old dog?"

Zhu Qi said: "I don't know, how, how to contact Lei brother, every time it is him, he sends us a package. Old dog, he, he has returned to his hometown, a long time, a long time has not seen him."

Coming out of the interrogation room, Xu Jiuyan dangled her notebook in front of Guan Zheng and said, "How about? There are many clues, right?"

Guan Zheng smiled and said: "Sometimes too many clues are not a good thing. For example, if there are too many, I am afraid your IQ is not enough."

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng with contempt and said: "You are the only one!"

Guan Zheng slightly bent over, her hand tightly covering the wound, Xu Jiuyan asked nervously, "Can you do it? Going to the hospital will die?"

"It's okay, I suddenly feel uncomfortable in my heart."

How is this going? How is this feeling so familiar? Why can't I remember it

Xu Jiuyan pushed Guan Zheng who was staying, and said, "What's the matter?"

"No, I'm fine."

With that, Guan Zheng straightened up and staggered out.

Xu Jiuyan trot to follow her, grabbed Guan Zheng, and said, "Hey, you haven't overturned my conclusion today!"

"Because your conclusion is correct."

"I haven't said my conclusion yet. Why do you say that my conclusion is correct?"

Guan Zheng continued to limp and walked out, saying: "I know, you want to find the old dog, check the clues of those four words, and then look for Brother Lei. This should be done, and it must be done."

"how about you?"

"I, go to bed. I haven't closed my eyes for 27 hours."

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng's almost desolate back until she got into the lounge. Xu Jiuyan looked at the time, it was already past six in the evening. Whatever happened to the old dog, I had to wait until tomorrow. Xu Jiuyan sat at the desk and sorted out those confessions.

Suddenly, when she heard a "hum" in the lounge, Xu Jiuyan stunned and hurriedly dropped her pen and rushed into the lounge.

Guan Zheng lay straight on the ground, sweating and panting.

Xu Jiuyan heard from Guan Zheng and said, "What's the matter? Did it break?"

Xu Jiuyan helped Guan Zheng up with difficulty, and Guan Zheng sat on the ground, her brows furrowed. How could you have such a dream? Why did you dream of Xu Ji again? What's going on

Xu Jiuyan asked again: "Have a nightmare?"

Guan Zheng said lightly: "It's nothing, how long did I sleep?"

"It's only a quarter of an hour, do you want to sleep again?"

"No, help me up."

Xu Jiuyan helped Guanzheng to the sand and said, "Lie down and rest for a while."

Guan Zheng slowly lay down, Xu Jiuyan put Guan Zheng's head on the pillow, and then sat down on a chair.

Guan Zheng closed his eyes slightly, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Xu Jiuyan bent down and looked at Guan Zheng's face through the dim light. In fact, apart from the black spots, she was quite handsome.

Xu Jiuyan was thinking about it, but she actually laughed.

Xu Jiuyan looked at her phone and turned around so late to buy some takeaway.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Jia Zhenkai standing at the door.

Xu Jiuyan smiled and asked, "You haven't left yet?"

Jia Zhenkai smiled and said, "No, there is a detailed report missing. I will leave after writing. What about you?"

"Me, one of the criminals in today's robbery has been captured, and my dad's confession will be sorted out."

Jia Zhenkai nodded, pointed to the coat in Xu Jiuyan's hand, and said, "Where are you going? Have you eaten?"

"Oh, no, isn't this just going to eat!"

Jia Zhenkai raised the lunch box in his hand and said, "Would you like to eat together?"

Xu Jiuyan smiled and said, "Okay, but forget it, I have to take care of the sick number."

Jia Zhenkai looked at Guan Zheng who was asleep in the house, nodded, and said, "Well then!"

Xu Jiuyan said, "Then I'm out!"

Jia Zhenkai nodded and watched Xu Jiuyan walk outside. Xiaojiu, can't we even eat a meal

Xu Jiuyan habitually went to the hot pot restaurant on the opposite side of the game. As soon as Xu Jiuyan entered the door, she saw Aunt Huang coming out of the counter with a smile: "Girl, here again? What do you want to order?"

Aunt Huang liked Xu Jiuyan at first, and she pulled Xu Jiuyan to talk long and short. After a while, Xu Jiuyan came out of the hot pot restaurant with vegetables.

Xu Jiuyan returned to the lounge, put the lunch box on the table, walked to the sand, and was about to wake Guan Zheng, when he stretched her hand over, Guan Zheng suddenly grabbed Xu Jiuyan's wrist.

Xu Jiuyan was taken aback: "Hey, what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, boss, I'm sorry..."

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng's panic movements, and she was puzzled. What did he dream of? What kind of dream is this

Before Xu Jiuyan came back to her senses, she heard Guan Zheng muttering: "Don't go, Xiaojiu, don't go..."

Xu Jiuyan slumped into Guan Zheng's arms, listening to Guan Zheng whispering in her ears, a rush of heat dyed Xu Jiuyan's cheeks.

Guan Zheng slowly opened her eyes and looked at Xu Jiuyan in her arms with a flustered and overwhelmed expression. She quickly sat up and said, "You...I, sorry!"

Xu Jiuyan clutched her red cheeks and said, "It's nothing, you, you must be hungry, let's eat!"

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Um, your wound hasn't healed yet, so I bought something light."

Guan Zheng frowned, holding the braised winter melon, and said: "This is too light, right?"

"You are sick, of course you have to be lighter."

"Next time, can you give me a Kung Pao chicken, boiled pork slices or something."

"You can't eat something so spicy, so let's talk about it when you get better."

"All right, let's make do with it! Is it the hot pot restaurant opposite?"

"how do you know?"

"I'm familiar with this smell!"

"Can you remember this?"

"I am the strongest brain."

Xu Jiuyan scolded with a smile: "Hey again!"

Guan Zheng said while eating: "Tomorrow, I will accompany you to Yujiang County to find an old dog. Lei's problem is not so easy to solve. Let Li Chongyang investigate first."

"Can you do it physically?"

"It's okay, you forgot, I am not a normal patient."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Well then! Let's go home after dinner and take a good rest."

"Good." (End of this chapter)