No Turning Back

Chapter 15: Dissolve the corpse in the water


There is a chemical plant in the southern suburbs, which specializes in processing strong acid and strong alkaline industrial reagents. Nanyi City will hold an international economic forum meeting this year, and chemical plants in the southern suburbs have also been ordered to strictly control and reform.

Old Deng pulled up his apprentice Xiao Cong and sorted out some scattered blue plastic buckets. Old Deng said, "Isn't it good to take this bucket back and fill it with water? There are still so many in the factory anyway."

Xiao Cong didn't speak, but Old Deng said, "Come on, take a hand, and pour out the contents. I can't move it alone!"

Xiao Cong said: "Oh, master, slow down, don't flash your waist."

The two of them tried their best to push the bucket down, and the bright red blood slowly flowed out from the inside, and the floor tiles wherever they passed slowly disappeared!

Old Deng trembled and asked, "What is this?" Xiao Cong shook his head and said, "I don't know. Why is it like blood?"

Old Deng cautiously walked over and took a look at it. A black charcoal came out inside. Old Deng didn't dare to see what it was, and said, "I think so, why is it so like a mummy? Or call the police. "

Guan Zheng was sleeping soundly, and Li Chongyang ran over to wake him up and said, "You have a big job this time!"

Guan Zheng rubbed his eyes, sat up, and asked, "What's the big job?"

"I'll know when I go."

Guan Zheng stood up, shook his coat, and said, "Xiaojiu, it's out!"

Xu Jiuyan packed things into her painting bag and said, "Okay!"

Guan Zheng pulled Xu Jiuyan into the car and said, "This case is probably a vicious case. Be careful."


Xu Jiuyan pulled Guan Zheng into the cordon happily, but was frightened and vomited by the red cock.

Li Chongyang asked amusedly: "What's the matter with you? If you vomit, then vomit. Are you happy?"

Guan Zheng gave him a vain look and said, "Fuck you!"

Xu Jiuyan pointed at Guan Zheng while vomiting, speechless.

Guan Zheng put on his gloves and said, "What do you mean to me? I didn't do anything. How could I make your belly bigger?"

Xu Jiuyan ran over in small steps, pretending to vomit on Guan Zheng's body. Guan Zheng hid far away, and carefully handed the tissue to Xu Jiuyan, and said, "I was wrong, all right? Don't throw up on me."

Li Chongyang took the tools and said, "It's really you. How many months has it been sincerely serving you?"

"Fuck you, I'm such a simple person!"

Xu Jiuyan rinsed her mouth with the water handed by Guan Zheng, and said, "I blame you, it's okay to ask me to drink some strawberry juice. It's literally. When I saw it, I thought..."

With that, Xu Jiuyan turned around and vomited again.

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "I heard you, I didn't do anything bad?"

"That's also your fault. Who told you to ask a girl to drink strawberry juice? Look, a little police flower was destroyed by you. Tsk tsk, hey, all good things are on your side."

Guan Zheng squatted down and said, "Fuck you, isn't the small circle in our forensic room just fine? Although he is a little older, he is okay with you!"

Li Chongyang shook his head and said, "You can pull it down. Xiaoquan'er has been in the game for a long time. She was there when I first entered the game. She has not been married until now. This shows the strong deterrence of forensic medicine. Who do you think would dare to marry her? I don’t know if I was dismembered in the middle of the night. Sister Xiaoquan’er should leave it to you!"

"Who said I'm old?" Liu Huiyuan came in from the outside, stared at Li Chongyang, and said: "Bad boy, how many times have I said, don't call my sister!"

"Yes, Sister Xiaoquan'er, uh, that's not right, Dr. Xiaoquan'er!"

Guan Zheng smiled, pushed Xu Jiuyan, and said, "Have you finished vomiting? Come and see the corpse after vomiting!"

Xu Jiuyan wiped the corners of her mouth and said, "This is called a corpse? It's just a pool of blood!"

Guan Zheng waved his hand and said: "The blood is right, but there will be clues."

Xu Jiuyan pinched her nose, leaned over, and asked, "How do you look at this?"

Guan Zheng used tweezers to pick up a gold earring on one side, and said: "This earring is a female in style. It can be seen from rural or suburban origin. Although this earring is gold, the pattern is not tacky, indicating that the deceased was less than 30 years old. Look at this corpse again, although part of it was melted, but the remaining part was charred..."

"Uh, that, charring means..."

Guan Zheng looked at Li Chongyang’s pure and harmless eyes, and patiently explained: “Carbonization is also known as dry distillation. The thermochemical processing method of solid fuels. The organic compounds are thermally decomposed into carbon and other products in the absence of air, and a strong water-absorbing agent is used. The effect of dehydrating compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen into charcoal is also called charring."

Li Chongyang nodded and said, "Go on!"

Guan Zheng continued: "The corpse is still intact. Although it is more difficult to extract the intact DNA, there are small circles, which is not a big problem? In addition, the more critical point is the identity of the deceased and the motive of committing the crime. The source of such a large amount of solvent."

Liu Huiyuan blinked and said, "Oh, no problem!"

"The body has been charred, but the gold ornaments have not changed, which means that the solution is strong acid or strong alkaline, but not aqua regia."

Li Chongyang asked suspiciously: "What water?"

Xu Jiuyan sighed and explained helplessly: “It’s aqua regia, which is also known as “Royal acid” and “Nitrohydrochloric acid”. It is a very corrosive and yellowish mist. A mixture of hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid in a volume ratio of 3:1.

Aqua regia is generally used in the etching process and some detection and analysis processes, but some metal elements such as tantalum, inorganic salts such as silver chloride, barium sulfate, polytetrafluoroethylene, candles and other advanced alkanes are not corroded by aqua regia. Moreover, aqua regia is very perishable and has the smell of chlorine. "

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan with some appreciation, and said, "Not bad, I still know Wang Shui!"

"It's weird if I don't know. It's obviously junior high school chemistry knowledge, let alone I am a science student!"

Li Chongyang scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, I just returned it to the teacher!"

Guan Zheng looked at the "charcoal block" and said: "No matter what science or liberal arts students, it's good to catch the prisoner. What do you say? Black cat and white cat, catching a mouse is a good cat!"

"That's a mouse!"

"Is there a difference between a mouse and a rat?"

Xu Jiuyan was too lazy to take care of the political affairs, hiding far away alone, and went to paint.

Guan Zheng stood up and asked, "Who found the corpse?"

"Two workers, over there!"

Guan Zheng waved to the two people and said, "Come here, who of you found the corpse first?"

"Me." Old Deng raised his hand tremblingly.

"Tell me in detail, what's the matter?"

Lao Deng looked at Lao Wang and said: "This is my apprentice. This year the factory will rectify and eliminate a batch of plastic barrels. Let's think about it!"

"I think I want to make public property private!" Guan Zheng said with a smile.

Old Deng scratched his head and said, "I admit that we are selfish, but I really didn't expect it to be that thing. It's really bad luck!"

Guan Zheng looked at Xiao Cong, nodded, and sent the man away.

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan and said, "What do you think of these two witnesses?"

"It's nothing, it's all normal."

Guan Zheng was silent for a while, without speaking.

Xu Jiuyan asked: "Do you think something is wrong?"

"I don't know, I can't tell what's going on, I always feel weird."

Guan Zheng walked around a few times, and said: "It's almost the same, so let's leave!"

"Just leave?" Xu Jiuyan followed Guan Zheng's ass.

Guan Zheng said, "Otherwise? Go, please go eat fermented bean curd."

"Don't disgust me..."

Guan Zheng stretched out his arm, put it on Xu Jiuyan's neck, and said: "My subordinates not only have to work together, but also eat with them, and occasionally sleep with the office!"

Xu Jiuyan was still amused by Guan Zheng, and said: "You are not serious in two minutes?"

"It's all my people, why are you polite? Let's go and eat fermented bean curd."

"I don't eat..." (End of this chapter)