No Turning Back

Chapter 164: Dead end of thinking


Xu Jiuyan flew into the car and went straight to the game.

Xiao Lin in the archives saw that Xu Jiuyan's was different at a glance, and said, "Oh, Xiao Jiu has become more beautiful today. It looks good."

Xu Jiuyan smiled slightly and said, "Really, thank you."

Xu Jiuyan’s high-heeled shoes sounded evenly and orderly. Li Chongyang heard it from afar, and Li Chongyang waved to Xu Jiuyan from afar, saying, “I know how to clean up today? It’s so good and beautiful, isn’t it.”

Xu Jiuyan smiled and said, "Am I not pretty before?"

"It's pretty, if it's not pretty, how can we get our political master's eyesight?"

Xu Jiuyan smiled slightly and said, "I will be more beautiful in the future."

Li Chongyang nodded and said, "Is it all night last night?"

Xu Jiuyan shook her head and said, "No. What's wrong?"

Li Chongyang pointed to Xu Jiuyan's dark circles and said, "You have dark circles, you didn't use a concealer pen to block it?"

Xu Jiuyan looked in the side mirror and said, "It's okay, don't care about these details."

Li Chongyang smiled and said, "Yes. By the way, how are you doing with the case?"

"I'm just about to tell you about this. I reorganized it. The age, gender and his good at make-up should be correct. There is no need to change, but I think his position needs to be re-selected.

He painted exquisite makeup on the victim, indicating that he is proficient in this type of work, but does this mean that he must be engaged in such work

He chose to commit crimes in the amusement park. This is a crowded place. Why did he choose here? This is because the playground is a place for him to yearn for, which also shows that his childhood is incomplete. He may have experienced family divorce or other things when he was young.

In addition to taking pictures with a point-and-shoot camera, what else can it be because of the quick shooting of the point-and-shoot camera? Because he has a child's heart, this also fits the previous inference.

He prepared the most elegant makeup for the victim, which can also be said to have a certain paranoid personality, and his heart pretended to be high-minded. Then why beat the victim? Because of his nature and incompetence, he can only be satisfied through violence. "

Li Chongyang nodded and said, "That's right, your profile is much more detailed than the last time, and ah, I think this person's characteristics are already in place. I will check and re-screen suspicious persons right away."

Obviously it is very detailed, but some personality characteristics will not appear in the person's file, and the information in the file is still limited after all.

Xu Jiuyan asked: "Why is this?"

Li Chongyang said: "This is the difference between you and Guan Zheng. Every psychological portrait of Guan Zheng can lock clues from the file as much as possible. This will also provide us with more clues and save police force."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "I know, but I may not be as comprehensive as Guanzheng now. I'm really in a hurry, but I still don't know what's wrong."

Li Chongyang patted Xu Jiuyan on the shoulder and said, "Don't be too anxious. Take your time. It is not so easy to solve the case. You have only been here for a few days. Don't worry."

Li Chongyang continues to screen people, but Xu Jiuyan feels like she has fallen into a trap.

Shi Jinyu passed by the office and saw Xu Jiuyan digging through the information, looking a little bit unable to start. Shi Jinyu knocked on the door and said, "Xu Jiuyan, come to my office."

Xu Jiuyan raised her head in confusion, and followed Shi Jinyu into the director's office.

Shi Jinyu poured Xu Jiuyan a cup of tea and said, "Come on, drink some water."

"No, thanks."

Shi Jinyu said: "I came to you to talk about this case, which is the funfair murder case you are doing. I want to talk to you about something."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "This case is still being investigated. Although it is a bit unsuccessful, I believe I have the ability to handle the case alone."

Shi Jinyu said: "I don't doubt your ability to handle cases alone. After all, you are not from a professional class, so I have to talk to you about some skills. I am an early criminal psychology expert in China, so I have to talk about some professional skills. you say.

Guan Zheng is indeed talented, and his attainments are indeed very high, but he is not by your side now, so I can only talk to you. If this case is to be solved, finding people is one aspect, and more importantly, finding evidence. Evidence is tangible, but criminal psychology is intangible.

Criminal psychology is an auxiliary method, and traditional criminal investigation is the magic weapon. As soon as you came to the bureau, you followed Guan Zheng to learn criminal psychology. Guan Zheng is an expert. He can freely switch between traditional criminal investigation and criminal psychology, but you may not be so easy to accept.

When you set the direction of quasi-investigation based on criminal psychology, you must also consider the power of traditional criminal investigation. People will not change, and evidence will not change. He stopped the murderer before committing the crime, this is the meaning of the criminal police. "

Xu Jiuyan asked strangely: "You mean, this person will commit crimes?"

Shi Jinyu asked: "Don't you think? Such a murderer usually does not have a clear motive for the crime, which means that he may have committed the crime because of changes in his psychological conditions, so it is difficult for him to stop."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "I know, I will find this person as soon as possible."

Shi Jinyu sighed and said, "I hope you can understand what I said today. These can help you solve the case better."

Xu Jiuyan came out of the director's office and just happened to ran into Jia Zhenkai, and said, "Go to the playground again."


"How to solve the case if you don't go?"

Xu Jiuyan parked the car at the gate of the amusement park. The normal business amusement park was still crowded with people, and the cordon was not affected by tourists.

Xu Jiuyan and Jia Zhenkai got into the murder scene, and the evidence remains on the ground. Jia Zhenkai asked: "The exhibits here are limited, and you will see it as many times as you want."

Xu Jiuyan asked suddenly: "Have we not visited the parade of floats yet?"

"Yes, what's the matter? Go now?"


Xu Jiuyan contacted the relevant person in charge and quickly found the parade of floats.

The producer of the float parade is a very young woman. Jia Zhenkai showed her credentials and said: "Hello, I am from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. I would like to ask about your team's loss of the doll's coat."

The woman nodded and said, "Hello, my last name is Ren. I am not very clear about the doll coat you are talking about. I am not in charge of this, but what is weird to ask? What I want to say is the key to our dressing room. I haven't lost it for a while, and no one told me about the missing doll. This is the strangest thing, because the missing doll is a spare doll. We haven't moved at all, so no one cares about losing it." (End of this chapter) )