No Turning Back

Chapter 18: Evolution killer


Guan Zheng dropped the teapot and entered Shi Jinyu's office.

"Bad boy, will you knock on the door?"

Guan Zheng leaned over and said, "Teacher, do you think this murderer in the heart will really evolve in the practice of killing people again and again."

Shi Jinyu asked: "What's wrong with you? Why do you ask this?"

"Teacher, hurry up and say, I'm almost anxious!"

Shi Jinyu said: "This is possible, and the chances are still very high!"

Guan Zheng nodded and said, "That's right."

After that, Guan Zheng ran out.

Looking at Guan Zheng's back, Shi Jinyu really hopes Guan Zheng has always been so aggressive.

Guan Zheng ran back to the office, took Xu Jiuyan, and said, "I have it, I have it!"

"What did you find?"

Guan Zheng pointed to the whiteboard and said, "The murderer is evolving!"

"What's the meaning?"

Guan Zheng said: "I mean, the murderer keeps killing people. Use this to improve skills."

"So disgusting?"

Guanzheng nodded and said: "This is not disgusting, there will be more disgusting in the future!"

"But what's the use of this?"

Guan Zhengdao: "This way you can make a portrait."

Xu Jiuyan immediately took out the pen and paper to prepare the portrait.

Guan Zheng looked at the messy clue map, and said: "The suspect is 20 to 30 years old, 175 to 19 cm tall, has a high school degree or above, likes chemistry, and has access to large doses of chemical reagents. He has considerable income and outstanding appearance. He has recently taken a ride. airplane,"

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng blankly and said, "How to draw?"

Guan Zheng scratched his head and said, "I don't know, no matter what, you check first and find those who meet the requirements."

Xu Jiuyan boarded the police system and typed the keywords. A manager of a chemical company named Tao Ye caught Xu Jiuyan's attention.

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan went to this chemical company together.

Tao Ye welcomed the two people into the office very enthusiastically, then handed over two cups of tea, and asked, "What can I do with Comrade Police?"

"Oh, we want to ask if you have been on a plane recently?"

"Yes, I was on a business trip a while ago and made a plane."

"When?" Guan Zheng asked.

"At the end of last month, on the 27th."

"Where did you go?"

"new Zealand."

"Remember which airline you took?"

"China Airlines."

Guan Zheng nodded and asked: "Did you have any holidays with the stewardess?"


Guan Zheng handed the photos of Jin Yao and Jiang Yingying to Tao Ye and said, "Are people here on the plane?"

"Yes, these two people seem to be there."

"All there?"

"Yeah, one of my employees had a misunderstanding with Jin Yao that day. It was this girl who explained it, and she didn't know what the girl said, and the two of them started to fall in love."

Guan Zheng was a little surprised and asked, "Can I see your employees?"

"Okay, but he is not here, he is in our old factory. I will write you an address, and you can find it."

Guan Zheng took the note, and he said in his heart, this address, I've been to this address before.

Guan Zheng thanked him and took Xu Jiuyan to the old factory.

Guan Zheng stopped the car and Xu Jiuyan said, "Is this the place where Jin Yao died?"

Guanzheng nodded and said, "And we have seen this person before."

Xu Jiuyan looked at the note in Guan Zheng's hand curiously and said, "Is it Cong Kai?"

Two people entered the building, and the receptionist came over and asked, "Hello, can I help you?"

Guan Zheng showed his credentials and said, "I'm looking for Cong Kai."

"Okay, Mr. Cong is in the factory now, please wait a moment."

It didn't take long before Cong Kai arrived.

After Guan Zheng and Cong Kai shook hands, they said, "Hello, we met."

"I know, is there something to do with me?"

"We want to ask you where were you at 11pm on the 27th of last month?"

"Last month on the 27th? I'm at home."

"Who can prove?"

"There is only myself in my rental house, no one else. By the way, the doorman in our community should be fine."

"Okay, we will verify. What is your relationship with Jin Yao?"

"We are friends."

"We investigated that you and Jin Yao are dating."

"I said, we are just friends!"

Cong Kai's sudden fire shocked Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan. Guan Zheng asked, "I'm sorry, I hope you can cooperate with our investigation."

"I didn't fail to cooperate!"

Guan Zheng asked Cong Kai: "Don't you want to know what happened to Jin Yao?"

"I'm not interested." Cong Kai calmed down and said.

"Jin Yao is dead!"

There was no shock on Cong Kai's face, he just said: "Such a woman deserves it!"

"What's the meaning?"

"It's nothing, she's not single-minded about feelings, and she's everywhere."

Guanzheng nodded and said: "Well, according to the regulations, please Mr. Cong Kai not to leave the city in the near future."

"What do you mean?"

"This is just a normal procedure! Thank you for your cooperation."

After that, Guan Zheng got up and took Xu Jiuyan out of the factory.

After getting in the car, Xu Jiuyan asked, "Is Cong Kai the murderer?"

"It's hard to say, but there are many doubts. In his confession, he kept emphasizing that the subject is me. From a psychological point of view, the reason for this is to prove his authenticity and rigor to others, but it also reflects that his testimony must be There is a lie, or the fact is deliberately concealed.

We have to verify his alibi, and his emotions have changed rapidly just now, which shows that he had anticipated all this. Not only that, there are similar inferences in criminal psychology, and often these people are more likely to develop. Perverted killer! "

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng suspiciously and said, "If you say so, you are more likely to become a murderer!"

Guan Zheng gave her a blank look and said, "Can you please me to order? Curse this thing, a good spirit is not a bad spirit!"

Xu Jiuyan smiled and said: "Just kidding, you won't be a killer!"


"Because you told me that you have faith in your heart!"

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Yes, I still have faith in my heart."

Xu Jiuyan squinted her chin and said, "If you become a killer, no one will be able to catch you!"

Guan Zheng thought for a while and said: "If I really become a killer, only two people can catch me."


"my teacher!"

"History, who is the other one?"

"I won't tell you!" Guan Zheng smiled slyly, and then slowly moved the car.

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan's profile, in fact, the other person is you! One is a teacher who teaches by precepts and deeds, and the other is a disciple who is trying to find his way.

Back in the bureau, Guan Zheng reintegrated all the clues, starting with the victim, re-reading, re-thinking.

Xu Jiuyan watched Guan Zheng sitting on the chair, staring at the whiteboard in a daze. Xu Jiuyan took the pen and notebook and drew the appearance of Guan Zheng a little bit.

Guan Nuo came quietly from behind, watched Xu Jiuyan painting, and said, "Why are you painting my brother?"

Xu Jiuyan was taken aback and said, "You want to scare me to death? Who said I painted your brother?"

"It's exactly the same, what else do you quibble about?" Guan Nuo pointed to Xu Jiuyan's painting and said.

"By the way, what are you doing here again?"

Guan Nuo took out his ID from his pocket and said, "I, I have officially joined your criminal police brigade!"

Xu Jiuyan looked at the certificate in Guan Nuo's hand and said, "Okay, it's great, when will you invite me to dinner?"

"I'm still waiting to drink your and my brother's wedding wine!"

Xu Jiuyan blushed and said: "Fuck you, just talk nonsense!" (End of this chapter)