No Turning Back

Chapter 206: Case business card


Guan Zheng rushed into the house and saw the contents of the bun. He panicked. After all, he was born. W

Guan Zheng fastened the bag and said, "It's okay, relax. I will give it to Lao You tomorrow so he can check it."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "I'm fine, but I haven't seen such a sudden thing for a long time, and I was shocked."

Guan Zheng called the bureau, Li Chongyang, Xiaoquan'er, and Lao You were all here, and everyone looked at the pile of things, and their hairs stood up.

Xiao Huan'er licked his lips subconsciously, and said, "My mother, I haven't seen such a stylish corpse for a long time."

Everyone couldn't help but shudder, Li Chongyang said, "Don't be disgusting, I can't do it. The Japanese food I just ate at night, the sashimi will be spit out."

After the old friend took the picture, Xiao Huan'er put on white gloves, fumbled in the pile of meat, and then took out a card. Xiao Huan'er handed the card to Guan Zheng and said, "It looks like it's for you and Xiao Jiu."

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan, then took the card, which was written with a bunch of passwords: 638371691949...

Li Chongyang asked: "Would you like to find Guan Nuo to decipher?"

Guan Zheng shook his head and said, "No, this is the simplest password to tic-tac-toe. Bring paper and pen."

When Xu Jiuyan saw Guan Zheng drew a tic-tac-toe on the paper, divided it into nine areas, and replaced the numbers with tabs in turn, the real password numbers reappeared. Guan Zheng continued to match the numbers to the letters without panic. , And then the plaintext appears.

Xu Jiuyan asked: "What did he do with such a simple password?"

"He knows my abilities, and I can crack no matter how complex the password is, so his purpose is to let me get the plaintext as soon as possible." There was no waves between Guan Zheng's words.

Xu Jiuyan sighed and said, "This is too rampant, right?"

Guan Zheng did not say anything, took the paper in his hand, and read: "Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan, I am very satisfied with the way you dealt with Brother Lei. This is a gift for you. I will re-read the case you did not solve in the past. I am slower than you, then please arrest me!"

"Please arrest me again?" asked Li Chongyang on one side

Guanzheng nodded and said, "This is really tough!"

Xiao Huan'er poked his head out of the room and said, "Do you want to listen to my analysis?"

Guan Zheng should arrive: "Of course!"

Xiao Huan'er stuffed the shredded squid into his mouth and said: "According to my experience, these meats are indeed human flesh, and they all have life reactions, that is, they are cut off while the victim is alive. These meats come from different sources. Limbs and backs, so from the scene analysis, the victim should be a person, and maybe still alive."

Xiao Huan'er saw Guan Zheng staring at herself and said, "What's the matter?"

"Where did the squid shreds you eat?"

The little circle pointed to the table and said, "I took it on the table."

Guan Zheng sighed and said, "I bought it for Xiaojiu!"

Li Chongyang pinched his nose and said, "Besides, there is such a big smell of blood in the room. Why do you want to eat such fishy shredded squid?"

Xiao Huan'er looked at the shredded squid in his hand and said, "It's better to eat like this!"

Dinner is really peculiar.

Xiao Huan'er went on to say: "There are hundreds of pieces of these meats visually. I squeezed them. There are about 16 or 7 kilograms, which is about 8.32 kilograms! Not only that, these meats have been cleaned, and the amount of bleeding cannot be judged, but All have life reactions. It can be inferred that the victim is a man, otherwise he has no physical strength to persist. This person handled the meat slices very cleanly, and the thickness of each slice is very close, about 0.3 to 0.5 cm, and the content in the bag The meat is very neat. So the psychological quality is good."

Guan Zheng touched his chin and said, "This case was a homicide case ten years ago. At that time, I was invited to a seminar on this case, but after more than a year of chasing it, there was still no result, so we temporarily put it down. ."

Xu Jiuyan asked in surprise, "Is it Xi Yuanqing's case?"

Guan Zheng nodded, thinking back to ten years ago, and said: "At that time, this case happened very suddenly. A college student disappeared after going out for a walk. The body was divided into multiple pieces and thrown in different places, exactly the same as the package just now. "

Li Chongyang thought for a while and said, "Yes, is the case still unsolved?"

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Yes, it's one of the few cases I haven't solved, and it's still fresh in my memory!"

Old You looked at it inside and out, and said with a little regret: "This house has no traces of outside. The door is good, and the window is good."

Xu Jiuyan felt curious after hearing this: "That's weird, can it not fly? Or... he already has my key?"

An analysis of the customs administration said: "This house should have not been inhabited for half a year. On the one hand, Xu Jiuyan is on a business trip. On the other hand, there are many people coming and going in and out of the house. Once one person loses his key, he can enter and leave at will."

Li Chongyang remained the same, grasping the important point that was not the key point: "What does it mean to have a lot of people coming in and out? Will there be a lot of people here when you go out to study?"

Xu Jiuyan said in a little embarrassment, "Uh, that's it, I have a part-time worker to help me clean up the house."

Li Chongyang laughed and said: "I still think about why it's the matter. From now on, I can just leave this kind of trivial matter to me. If I use it, please work part-time, and you are satisfied!"

Xu Jiuyan had no choice but to smile, and said nothing.

Lao You answered the phone and came back and said, "That politician, my son is back, and I want to go home. Let Jia Zhenkai do the work here, okay?"

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Yes, we are almost done here, let's go together."

The group got into the old van, and Guan Zheng said: "Yes, Lao You, your son hasn't come back since joining the army, right? You should get together!"

Lao You said with a smile: "This kid, I gave up all the vacation opportunities to others. It has been more than four years, almost five years, and I only come back once."

Guan Zheng patted Lao You on the shoulder and said, "What's the matter? It's been five years, and you will soon become an officer, right?"

Old You asked in amazement: "You all know this? The information is very well-informed!"

Guan Zheng said, "Yoko told me that your son has passed the military academy and is about to graduate."

Old You said proudly, "Not right away, but already. He has just graduated, and he has all been assigned, the little company commander."

Guan Zheng laughed and said, "That's pretty good, right now?"

Lao You also laughed and said, "It's not a good idea to raise your eyebrows, as long as he is having a good time!"

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Pity the parents of the world!"

Old Juhaha laughed and said, "There is nothing pitiful about parents' hearts, it's just where humanity lies."

"Yes, it's just parental instinct." (End of this chapter)