No Turning Back

Chapter 21: The mist is vertical and horizontal


Guan Zheng hung up, and Xu Jiuyan asked, "The case is closed?"

"Quickly, go, go back to the team!"

"Just your hand, why are you going back? Watching the fun?"

Guan Zheng got off the bed, stepped on his shoes, put on his jacket, and said, "Be calm in your heart."

Xu Jiuyan sighed, helped Guan Zheng put on her coat, then bent down, put up Guan Zheng's shoes, and returned to the bureau together.

Guan Zheng stood on the other side of the double-sided glass, watching Li Chongyang and Xu Jiuyan interrogating Cong Kai.

Li Chongyang showed Jin Yao's photo to Cong Kai and asked, "What is the relationship between this girl and you?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"It doesn't matter? It doesn't matter that you buy a lot of luxury goods for her? You ran out of all your savings from working in Nanyi for so many years?"

Cong Kai’s eyes were filled with anger in an instant, and he said: "It's all this bad woman, she lied to me! She made me nothing! This is what she deserves! I can't get things that others don't want to get!"

"How did you kill Jin Yao and Jiang Yingying?"

Cong Kai smiled and said: "They are so dirty, I had to put them in sulfuric acid to corrode all their sinful faces, a little bit!"

"You calm down, I was asking how you killed them."

"How did you kill it? I used a knife to cut their necks, put a little bit of blood into the plastic bucket, and the test solution turned red a little bit, so beautiful..."

Li Chongyang interrupted Cong Kai's sigh and asked, "Why did you push Zhu Qian into Wang Shui alive?"

"Because she is too dirty, even dirtier than Jin Yao and Jiang Yingying."


"Because Zhu Qian had a child, she still used the child to blackmail money, but she had knocked the child out a long time ago. You said, is she too dirty?"

Guan Zheng listened to the sinful voice, his fists clenched little by little.

Xu Jiuyan came out of the interrogation room, and Guan Zheng asked, "How is it?"

"not so good."

Guan Zheng smiled and said: "This case has your credit. Let's go and invite you to dinner."

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng's bandaged hand with disgust, and said, "You can pull it down, just your hand, and still eat?"

Guan Zheng didn't speak, and took Xu Jiuyan to the hot pot restaurant opposite.

Xu Jiuyan sat down and said, "Do you like hot pot?"

"No, it's just that this one near our public security bureau can eat."

It didn't take long before the dishes were ready. Guan Zheng reached out and picked up the plate and poured all the meat into the pot. Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng holding the spoon with difficulty, and said, "Do I need to feed you?"

Guan Zheng said: "No." Guan Zheng stretched out his left hand, picked up the chopsticks, and ate quickly.

Xu Jiuyan asked: "Are you left-handed?"

"Why ask that? Such an idiotic question."

Xu Jiuyan said, "Can you still use chopsticks with your left hand?"

"Why not? I can do everything that my right hand can do with my left hand."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and muttered: "Who knew you could have such a great ability!"

Guan Zheng laughed and said: "I say you are an idiot not because you don't know that my left hand can be used, but because you have been with me for so long, you don't even know my dominant hand."

"Should I know?"

Guan Zheng said: "Of course it should. In China, the number of left-handers is relatively small. If we know that the murderer is left-handed, it will be much easier.

Strictly left-handed is very rare. First of all, the hand movements include pulling, throwing, twisting, holding, holding a pen, using needles and many other movements. There are quite a few people whose dominant hand is different for different movements. For people who use one hand for one-handed movements, the dominant hand for two-handed movements may be the other hand.

Another factor that affects the judgment of left-handers is acquired correction. However, no matter how they are corrected, these people are still left-handed by nature. If you consider the movements of the legs and feet, the problem is even more complicated. High jump, long jump, pedaling, stepping, rubbing and so on. Many right-handed people who use their hands 100% have their legs and feet dominated by the left side.

There are also some left-handed people who are assimilated by the acquired right-handed environment and use their right hands. Other left-handers who are corrected or assimilated, or whose natural left-handedness is similar, will become dexterous double-handed.

In order to have a standard, it can generally be considered as follows: Left-handers are people who are naturally left-handed in writing or using chopsticks, and people who are naturally left-handed in sports events. "

Xu Jiuyan squinted her head and said, "Speaking of people!"

Guan Zheng put down his chopsticks and said, "You stand up and put your hands in your pockets."

Xu Jiuyan stood up, put her hands in her pockets, Guan Zheng handed the chopsticks to Xu Jiuyan, Xu Jiuyan reached out to pick it up, Guan Zheng held Xu Jiuyan's hand and said, "Did you see it?"

"See what?"

"When your two hands are bound, facing the situation, you instinctively stretch out your right hand. This shows that your dominant hand is the right hand."

Xu Jiuyan sat down and said, "So what? You still didn't make it clear, how do you see which hand is your dominant hand?"

"Didn't I say it? I said it!"

Xu Jiuyan was shocked and said, "When did it happen?"

Guan Zheng smiled and said: "It's funny. If you want to know which hand is your dominant hand, you need to look at the emergency response. For example, if a cup falls, you can see which hand wears the watch and which hand picks up things. Usually comes Say, if there is a cup flying over, which hand is the dominant hand, which hand is the dominant hand, which hand wears the watch and which hand is the dominant hand."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and asked: "Then which hand is your dominant hand?"

"I am a double-handed."

"Huh? Can you use both hands?"

"Yes, you can write, eat, or something."

Xu Jiuyan's waiting eyes looked at Guan Zheng and said, "How many things do you still have that I don't know?"

"You don't know a lot!"

"Don't you tell me how do I know?"

Guan Zheng said: "The criminal police are looking for answers in their ignorance. If the murderer tells you, what else will the criminal police do?"

Xu Jiuyan was a little discouraged, pouting, and said, "If you don't say it, don't say it."

Guan Zheng smiled: "Let's make a bet, if you win, I will give you all my skills, if I win, you will honestly follow me to handle the case!"

"I'm not going, I'm not at ease!"

"Are you afraid of losing?"

"Who is afraid of losing? Comparing!"

"Then walking?"

The two left the restaurant, Guan Zheng didn't get in the car, and went around outside to buy a tea bag in the city on the other side.

Xu Jiuyan followed behind and did not speak. Guan Zheng paid the money before pulling Xu Jiuyan into the car.

Guan Zheng asked: "How many people were there in the city just now?"

"... Four or five, right?"

"It's eight, you didn't count the two of us and the cashier. Then again, how much did I spend on shopping just now? How much did each item cost?"

"Uh, I saw this, 42!" (End of this chapter)