No Turning Back

Chapter 219: Especially dangerous


Guan Zheng picked up the phone and asked, "Hello, I am Guan Zheng. Chinese

"I'm Old You, I want to ask, have you contacted my son recently?"

Guan Zheng said, "I called a few days ago, what's the matter? Is something wrong?"

Lao You's tone was full of tension and anxiety, and said, "That's it. Yesterday I called him and no one answered him. Later, the people in their company said he couldn't answer the phone when he was on duty. Today I called him again, but no one answered him. I picked it up, what's the matter?"

Guan Zheng suddenly became nervous and said: "Old You, don't be nervous, I'll help you ask."

Guan Zheng hung up, and Xu Jiuyan asked, "What's the matter?"

Guan Zheng put the phone back in his pocket and said, "We are going to find Teacher Feng Yuan."

The two went to Feng Yuan's house, but no one responded after knocking on the door for a long time. Guan Zheng called Feng Yuan, but no one answered.

Xu Jiuyan asked: "Nothing will happen, right?"

Guan Zheng said: "It's not good, let's go to Nanda."

In the laboratory, Feng Yuanzheng was discussing with Chuan Ge Qiao Ge, Guan Zheng cautiously pushed the door in, Feng Yuan asked: "You still come to me so late? In a hurry?"

Guan Zheng said: "It seems to be in a hurry."

Feng Yuan motioned to Guan Zheng to sit down and said, "What's the matter? Tell me."

Guan Zheng said: "That's it. My colleague’s son, our armed police corps, lost contact yesterday, and their detachment phone couldn’t get through. I’m a policeman. I don’t know anything about the armed police, so I thought. I'm asking you what's going on."

Feng Yuan said faintly: "How can people be lost? Not to mention the heavily guarded barracks. Maybe it's just to participate in the mission."

Guan Zheng was still uneasy, and said, "Teacher, your police rank is so high, and it is not troublesome to find someone, so you can help."

Feng Yuan looked at Guan Zheng suspiciously and said, "Who is this, is it worth your political master's so much trouble?"

Customs officials still dare not tell the truth. Military camps are a place where words must be lost, and some situations cannot be normalized. Guan Zheng just smiled and said, "You can help me."

Feng Yuan nodded and said, "My identity is not convenient for doing this kind of thing, you can find them."

Guan Zheng turned his gaze to Brother Chuan and said, "Brother Chuan, I think you are so witty and smart, you should be able to help me with such a small thing, right?"

Brother Chuan had a difficult time and said, "No, I'm also very busy. Why don't you find my brother?"

Guan Zheng laughed and said, "Your brother's bored gourd, how can he do such a thing? Isn't it? You can help."

Brother Chuan was so entangled that he said, "You two have done it? I'll tell the truth if you are like this."

Guan Zheng caught the key word at once and said: "What's the matter? Hurry up and talk about it, I'm almost anxious."

Feng Yuan laughed and said, "Let's tell you this, this friend of yours is on a mission and can't show up, and it's normal to find it."

Guan Zheng responded very quickly, saying: "You are not investigating Li Tao, are you?"

Brother Chuan smiled slyly and said, "Yes, we are investigating Li Tao. Not long ago, someone anonymously reported Li Tao, saying that he had killed him. After all, Li Tao is a high-powered person, and the superiors carefully decided to let us investigate this matter. Son."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "That's right, you are special talents, it's very suitable to do this kind of thing."

Brother Chuan patted Guan Zheng on the shoulder and said, "So, don't worry, you said that you are the person we have been involved in from the beginning, and we will take care of it."

Guan Zheng then relieved his heart and said: "It's fine if people are alright."

Brother Chuan smiled and said, "This You Jian has been in contact with him several times. The young man is very good. I think I can show it to our special forces."

Guan Zheng waved his hand and said: "I can't control this. You can solve your internal affairs by yourself, as long as people are safe."

Brother Chuan nodded, not forgetting to say: "Li Tao is a very man, you have to relax a little bit, although you have not been asked to sign a confidentiality agreement, you can't talk nonsense."

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Can I not understand this? Don't worry."

Guan Zheng asked in detail: "How is your investigation of Li Tao?"

Brother Chuan adjusted his sitting posture and said, "I shouldn't have told you about these things, but we are not an outsider, so I will just say it. This Li Tao still has a lot of doubts. He suddenly quit the medical profession a few years ago. This is unreasonable. A while ago, his son suddenly disappeared. He did not report it immediately, but secretly searched for it. Everyone knows that there is a problem."

The Guanzheng also no longer concealed it, saying: "You Jian told me before that Li Tao looked different to a recruit named Lin Huai. Have you checked this?"

Brother Chuan nodded and said, "We have heard about this, but we are still investigating the relationship between them, but the strange thing is that this Lin Huai has nothing to do with Li Tao, so it is still difficult to start from here."

Guan Zheng asked, "Then have you asked Lin Huai to find out about the situation?"

Brother Chuan said: "We are already coordinating. This Lin Huai was urgently transferred on the second day of the Xialian team and transferred to the border area of the neighboring city. Because it is too remote, it takes time to find him. Longer."

Guan Zheng also felt the complexity of the matter, and Qiao, who had been quiet for a long time, said: "Actually, according to our practice, recruits are not allowed to be transferred in a short period of time, so there must be an inside story about this matter. The latest is tomorrow. There will be news."

Several people turned their heads to look at Brother Qiao. Brother Chuan said with a smile: "If you don't say anything, I almost forget that there is a fifth person in this room."

Everyone laughed, but Brother Qiao still had the poker face.

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan stayed in the laboratory for a long time before they came out of Nanyi University. They walked around to the small street behind the school, and they saw the flower shop at a glance.

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng's eyes and said, "Have you not checked this flower shop?"

"Of course I checked. Although there are results, it is the same as no results."

Xu Jiuyan asked suspiciously: "What does this mean?"

"We did get a blood stain reaction using the luminol reagent, but the blood test showed that it was animal blood, not human. Later, according to the shopkeeper, his pet dog was accidentally squeezed by the door and broke his leg that day. A lot of blood was left behind, and this statement has also been confirmed."

Xu Jiuyan was very surprised when she heard this, and said, "Is there such a coincidence in the world?"

Guan Zheng sighed and said, "Who said this kind of thing? But this is the conclusion of deductive reasoning."

Xu Jiuyan always reacts fiercely to new things: "What is deductive reasoning?" (End of this chapter)