No Turning Back

Chapter 29: Wilderness bones


There is an unnamed mountain on the outskirts of the city, but the view of the mountain is pretty good. There are lots of chestnut forests and small streams. There are more people coming, and it gradually became famous. Everyone called it Lishan.

In time for the May Day holiday, many people came to Lishan for hiking and people came and went, but only a group of people saw things they shouldn’t see. Is this a canopy luck

Guan Zheng pulled Xu Jiuyan up the mountain, and on a small hillside was crowded with onlookers around the yellow cordon. Guan Zheng took out his pockets several times, and finally said embarrassingly: "I didn't bring the police officer's card, can I brush my face? ?"

Xu Jiuyan helped her forehead, handed her police officer's card to the police officer who looked unclear, and said, "Captain of the Criminal Police Brigade."

"Oh, oh, Zhengye, right?"

Guan Zheng smiled triumphantly and said, "Well, it's me."

"Oh my god, I finally saw alive."

How can this guy say that, like a comedian. Guan Zheng patted the police officer on the shoulder and said, "Well, I will brush my face in the future."

After that, Guan Zheng has hurried into the scene. Guan Zheng complained: "Why don't you tell me to remember to bring the police officer ID before you leave?"

"Who knows you didn't bring it? Can you have a snack in the future?"

Guan Zhengdao: "These things are important? The case is more important, right?"

Xu Jiuyan left him and said nothing.

Before coming closer, Xu Jiuyan protested: "My God. What is it? It smells so bad?"

"This is corpse odor. At room temperature, 3 to 6 hours after death, the bacteria in the intestines multiply and grow, and begin to produce **** gas, which is called corpse odor. The gas contains oxygen and nitrogen. In addition to hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane, it also contains strong odor components such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

Due to the production of a large amount of gas, the colon is firstly swollen, and then the upper intestine is expanded, and the abdomen is highly swollen and swelled. The smell of corpse overflows from the mouth, nose, and ****. The smell of cadaver is mainly putrescine and cadaverine. "

Xiao Quaner shouted from a distance: "Who is robbing my lines?"

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "I'm a student, anyway, I still understand this."

Xiao Huan'er spread his hands and said, "Okay, let me go on. Cadaverine is a rancid compound produced by the hydrolysis of protein when animal tissues decay. It is a slurry** at room temperature and is deeply frozen. It can be solidified and crystallized. Cadaverine smokes in the air and can form dihydrate.

Putrescine is an organic compound, which is colorless crystal or colorless to slightly yellow** at room temperature. Putrescine, like cadaverine, is produced by the degradation of amino acids in proteins or proteins in corpses.

If you leave it on your body, the smell of the remains will not be washed off for several days, and you can smell it no matter what protective measures are used at the scene. So, comrades, I might be stinky for the next week. "

"It's okay, Yoko doesn't dislike you!"

"Huh? Who called me?"

Guan Zheng laughed and said, "How is it? Is there any cash?"

"It's all maggots, they're still squirming." After Li Chongyang finished speaking, he turned around and vomited.

Guan Zheng said jokingly: "Haha, it's your turn to be happy this time? Is it Xiaoquan'er?"

"Fuck you, let me calm down first."

Guan Zheng walked over and used the tweezers in Xiaohuan'er's hand to pick up a white maggot from the pile of white bones, and showed it to Xu Jiuyan. Xu Jiuyan hid far away and said, "Don't come here! Disgusting. died!"

"Oh, okay, at least you don't vomit. That buddy, I have been doing this for several years, and I vomit when I see this stuff. I will ask him to eat boiled pork belly tonight."

"What is boiled pork belly?"

"It's the kind of pork belly, cut into silk, rinsed, and cooked, white and tender, long and short, and even the smell is the same as that of the thing, and the nutritional value is the same." Guan Zheng refers to the white maggot on the carcass. Xu Jiuyan was also a little nauseated and coughed dryly.

"Director Shi’s home-cooked food, slowly get used to it. It’s strange to say that this guy has eaten so many times, every time it tastes so delicious, I don’t believe it if I change him next time." Guan Zheng Looking at the corpse, he chatted with Yoko who was vomiting upside down.

Xiao Huan'er was collecting one side of the worm's eggs and said, "Give it to me, I will give him a stir-fried maggot."

Guan Zheng patted Li Chongyang on the shoulder and said, "Look at the small circle of others, how virtuous."

Xiao Quaner said: "The regression equation of liver temperature and death time: o~4h is y=35. 4~24h is y=21...."

"It's so bad, you want to measure the liver temperature?"

"No, Yoko asked me about liver temperature."

Li Chongyang smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot."

Xiao Huan'er ignored Li Chongyang and said, "After the corpse is exposed to the open air for several hours, there will be eggs on the corpse. After forty-eight hours, it becomes a larva. After eight days, it becomes a pupa. After two weeks, it becomes a flying insect. The corpse. If there is an existing pupa shell, the time of death must be more than three weeks. Within four to six weeks in summer, the corpse maggots can completely eat the soft fibrous tissue on the corpse."

"So at least two weeks?"


Guan Zheng looked at the messy bones and asked, "What about the initial diagnosis?"

Xiao Huan'er tilted his head, looked at the pile of bones, and said, "The initial diagnosis... No, why is this dead?"

"You are a forensic doctor, why do you ask me?"

Guan Zheng looked around for several times and said, "Yes, how is this dead? The bones are all intact, not even a wound."

Xiao Huan'er said: "**The skin tissue has been removed. It is really hard to tell with this pile of bones. You will know when you go back to the autopsy."

"It's strange enough to die, you die without seeing the wound?"

Xiao Huan'er said: "It doesn't have to be that there is no wound, maybe it's just that we didn't see it."

Xu Jiuyan asked: "Why didn't it cause poison? If it was poisoned, there would be no wounds."

Guan Zheng said: "If it is poisoned, the corpse is generally poisonous and will not be destroyed by maggots. The poisoning must be carefully planned. Because the choice of poisoning is usually because the murderer is difficult to subdue the victim, or the body is not healthy. Allowed, all poisons have become one of the main methods of killing people for the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the sick, so that corpses are rarely thrown into the wild."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "Okay, what's next?"

"Look at what you can see and others can't see."

Xu Jiuyan became dizzy when she heard Guan Zheng's esoteric words.

Xu Jiuyan brought two masks, but still felt stinky. She kept pinching her nose. Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan's difficult expression and said, "Would you like to give you a gas mask?"

"I thank you, no need!" (End of this chapter)