No Turning Back

Chapter 30: Looking for human flesh


The environment in the wild is very variable, soil and vegetation may have clues, but they may also be perjured. Guan Zheng still didn't give up. After looking around for a long time, he found a bag, the lady's, but it was not certain that it belonged to the deceased.

Before long, some scattered small objects were found nearby. Guan Zheng gathered them together, and there was not even one thing that could prove their identity.

Xiao Quaner was still sorting out the clothes of the deceased, and said to himself: "Is this clothes work clothes?"

Guan Zheng leaned over, looked at the blue clothes in Xiaoquan'er, and said, "Taxi driver's clothes, right? sx, which company is this?"

"Thinking, realization, three-star, midsummer..."

Li Chongyang started talking nonsense again. Guan Zheng, Xu Jiuyan and Xiao Quan'er flew past three people with blank eyes. Li Chongyang scratched his head and closed his mouth.

Xu Jiuyan said, "It's Shunxin Taxi Company!"

"Yes, that's right. Yoko, ask if there is anyone missing from this company."

Guan Zheng asked Xiaoquan'er: "What about other information? The more the better."

"Can I say no?"

Guan Zheng looked at the small circle. Xiao circle said: "I really can’t see it. I can only say that this pelvis is wide and shallow, and its weight is relatively light. The upper mouth is approximately round, the lower mouth is wider, and the pelvic cavity Short and wide, with a barrel shape, the sacral promontory protrusion is not obvious, and the lower pubic angle is almost perpendicular to the horizontal plane, so this is a female.

The cristae of the joint surface was blunt to disappear. The ossified nodules gradually merged with the joint surface, and an ossified shape appeared. The dorsal edge is fully formed. Therefore, they are between 23 and 27 years old and have no history of childbirth, but have had sex and behavior. They should be married. Calculated from the tibia, it should be about one meter six, and the bones are relatively thick and heavier. A typical northerner should be a local. "

Since the computer expert Guan Nuo, the efficiency of the Interpol team has been improved as a whole. After a while, Guan Nuo found it out.

Guan Nuo stared at the screen while making a call: "Shunxin taxi company has indeed lost a sister, Zhou Jingyi, a native of Nanyi City, 26 years old, married, and her husband is a bus driver. The case was reported last Wednesday. When I came home from night shift two weeks ago, there was an accident on the road. According to her husband Liu Qiang's account, she did not see anyone after looking for it all night."

"Go to her husband immediately, go to the Shunxin taxi company again, check it in detail, and rule out the possibility of a vendetta."

Li Chongyang rushed to the Shunxin Taxi Company immediately. Xu Jiuyan followed Guan Zheng and asked, "What do you think?"

"This is what I want to ask you, what do you think?"

"I do not know either."

"First, is the murderer a male or female?"

"Man, according to Xiaoquan'er sister, this woman should weigh 55 to 60 kilograms, which is impossible for ordinary women."

"Secondly, the age and occupation of the murderer?"

"It shouldn't be a professional such as a butcher, a chef, or a doctor, because the corpses are not clean, otherwise there won't be so many maggots."

"Ask you again, the identity and background of the murderer?"

"If you can move an adult woman, you should be at least 17o cm tall and have a stronger body. This is a big job, so he should have his own living space."

Guan Zheng nodded and said, "It's not bad, but don't forget the purpose of throwing the body. One is that the murderer can't save such a large bone, and the other is that the bone has lost its meaning to the murderer.

As for the place where the corpse was thrown, why was it chosen in Kurishan? There are a lot of people here. From the murderer's point of view, the murderer does not want to be discovered, so there is only one reason for the bones to appear here. He lives nearby. What do you think should be done next? "

"Well~ first find Zhou Jingyi's husband to find out the relationship between the two and eliminate his suspicion."

"Why should he be ruled out of suspicion? Why is this not love killing?"

Xu Jiuyan tilted her head and said, "I don't know, a woman's instinct."

Guan Zheng put his hands in his pockets and said: "The case is handled by evidence, not instinct."

Xu Jiuyan thought for a while, trot to follow, and said, "Then where are we going now?"

"Go find where the meat went."

"Can you stop being so disgusting?"

"Then let's find the muscle tissue of the corpse."

Xu Jiuyan muttered: "Why is it more disgusting?"

"That's it?"

Guan Zheng drove the car, took Xu Jiuyan around at the foot of Lishan for an afternoon, but didn't see a way. Xu Jiuyan asked: "How do we find it? Ask each person?"

"Of course not, I want to see if there are any special catering services."

"You mean, the meat was used to make food?"

Guan Zheng laughed and said, "I didn't say that. You said it yourself. Did you accidentally expose your cruel nature?"

"screw you… "

Before he finished speaking, Li Chongyang called: "President, go to the food street, find a restaurant called Shiquan Jiu Mei, look at the trash can at the door, I will be there in a while."

"Should I go to the food court or that store? Or to see the trash can?"

Xiaoquan'er took Li Chongyang's phone and said, "Hurry over. A sanitation worker found a package of unknown police. We suspected it was what we were looking for."

Guan Zheng is really speechless. It is neither a food street, nor a restaurant, nor a trash can, but the talent of the sanitation worker is the key. "What's wrong with Li Chongyang? He always speaks upside down."

"You don't understand this? There must be someone you like in front of you!"

"It shouldn't be, Xiaoquan'er is with him, doesn't he like Xiaoquan'er?"

"No wonder it is said that men are emotional idiots, people can change, and what men are best at is duplicity?"

Xu Jiuyan said the truth, but Guan Zheng didn't say it, and she felt that it made sense in her heart.

Guan Zheng had been blocked at the entrance of the food street, Guan Zheng had to stop the car on the side of the road and walk past with Xu Jiuyan.

Xiaohuan'er has arrived there. Inside the black plastic bag, there are slices of cut meat!

Guan Zheng instantly realized the importance of this incident, and the crowds onlookers blocked this prosperous food street. What was supposed to be a normal criminal case suddenly turned into a vicious case.

Guan Zheng watched Xiaoquan'er stand up, Xiaoquan'er took off his goggles and said, "This is human flesh, the color of human flesh is white, the color of pork is red, human flesh feels smooth, and animal flesh feels relatively dry. It must be human flesh. But whether the person we found on the mountain is the same person still needs to identify the DNA."

"Is there a high chance of success?"

"It should be possible, because the spinal fluid on the bones can extract DNA, these tissues are not damaged, and DNA extraction is relatively easy."

Guan Zheng nodded and said: "As soon as possible! Contact Lao You and let him see if he can extract the relevant fingerprints and traces." (End of this chapter)