No Turning Back

Chapter 34: Carnivorous monster


Xu Jiuyan asked tremblingly: "Why hasn't anyone come to rescue us yet?"

"How can it be so fast? It takes time for the call to reach the alarm center, and it will take a long time to assign the police task!"

Guan Zheng watched Xu Jiuyan shrunk into a small ball, tangled for a long time, and asked, "Is it cold?"

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said, "It's kind of."

Guan Zheng cautiously leaned over, took off his coat and put it on Xu Jiuyan.

"Don't, don't you get sick. I'm fine."

Guan Zheng ignored her, put her clothes on Xu Jiuyan, and said, "It's okay if you are fine, I don't care."

"What are you doing so nice to me?"

Guan Zheng hesitated and said, "There is no why!"

Guan Zheng raised her arm and took Xu Jiuyan over. Xu Jiuyan did not hesitate, leaned in Guan Zheng's arms generously, and pressed her side face to Guan Zheng's chest, which was very warm, especially warm. Xu Jiuyan said, "We will always be like this, right?"

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Okay!"

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng and asked, "Guan Zheng, do you like me?"

Guan Zheng didn't speak, stretched out her index finger, gently tapped Xu Jiuyan's palm, and said: "If the evil has a direction to return, I will run with you to the light."

Xu Jiuyan didn't know what it was like listening to Guan Zheng's words.

Sweet, really sweet; bitter, really bitter.

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan who was sleepy and said, "Don't sleep, look at me, eh?"

Xu Jiuyan shook her head weakly and said, "Who said I was asleep? I didn't sleep. I want to chase the sun with you."

I don't know how long it took before I felt that someone was opening the door, and the two of them had lost consciousness and could not move.

Guan Nuo rushed in and watched Guan Zheng tightly cover Xu Jiuyan in his arms, feeling a little apart.

The medical staff rushed over and checked the two people. After making sure that there was no major problem, the two people slowly woke up.

I want to get Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan into the car, but the two are hugging each other tightly, and they are hard to separate. Xu Jiuyan smiled and said, "Don't be naive, let go."

"I let go, will you run away?"

"I'm taking you with me if I want to run!"

The two entered the hospital with smiles on their faces. The little nurse smiled and asked Xu Jiuyan: "I was so happy to see someone in the hospital for the first time!"

"Today is special!"

"You must have gained love? Isn't it the one who came in with you? I heard that the love in the freezer has always been beautiful?"

Xu Jiuyan smiled and said, "Yes, it's the same as the TV show."

Guan Zheng was happier here, Guan Nuo looked at him and said, "You are stupid? Why do you always laugh?"

"You don't understand this? Is it special today?"

"You and Xu Jiuyan don't know what to do, right?"

Guan Zheng scolded: "Fuck you, what do the little heads think? We are a pure love relationship."

"Tsk tusk, pure love relationship? This word is really new!"

"Don't talk if you don't understand, go home and stay there, there is nothing to do with you."

In the middle of the night, Guan Zheng got up from the police and sneaked into Xu Jiuyan's ward.

Xu Jiuyan was washing in the bathroom, and she heard someone sneaking outside. There would be no thief, right? !

Xu Jiuyan searched for a while, raised the basin, and carefully approached the door.

Xu Jiuyan plucked up the courage, opened the door, and buckled the basin on the man's head. With a scream from Guan Zheng, Xu Jiuyan threw the basin into the bathroom with a dull look, and said, "Are you okay? Do you want to see a doctor?"

"The basin is cracked, do you think something is wrong?"

"Then I shall call a doctor?"

"My doctor can't cure it."

Xu Jiuyan glanced at him, why didn't he know he was so rascal before

Guan Zheng pestered Xu Jiuyan to paint for herself, but Xu Jiuyan went to the nurse's station to ask for pens and paper, and seriously painted a portrait of Guan Zheng.

After Xu Jiuyan joined the police force, she spent more time on the portrait. Xu Jiuyan used a ballpoint pen to make Guan Zheng's painting alive.

Guan Zheng admired the painting and said, "It's done, go back and mount it."

"Are you sure?" Xu Jiuyan pointed to the big red letter on the top line of "Nanyi City Second People's Hospital".

"What does it matter? It's not enough if you painted it?"

The two people had a fight all night, but their energy was exceptionally vigorous. The two lived for only one night and ran out in a hurry. The case wasn't over, so I went to the hospital. What is this

Shi Jinyu also threw himself away, thinking about seeing the two children, but they left the hospital early in the morning. Guan Nuo smiled and said to Shi Jinyu: "Shi Ju, do you think Xu Jiuyan is worthy of my brother?"

"Xu Jiuyan and Guan Zheng?"

"Yes, I think, they must be very affectionate because of their talents and beauty. What do you think? Is it appropriate?"

Shi Jinyu was stunned, feeling a little nervous.

If Xu Ji’s case has not been solved for a long time, Guan Zheng will always be caught in the middle. If Xu Jiuyan knew about the relationship between Guan Zheng and her father, would it really be as Guan Nuo said? In the case six years ago, should we make it clear to Guan Zheng

Guan Nuo tentatively shouted: "Historical Bureau? Historical Bureau?"

Shi Jinyu was clever and said, "It's nothing, just go back to the game if there's nothing wrong, there are a lot of things in the game!"

Guan Nuo nodded and said, "Okay!"

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan returned to the slaughterhouse together. The manager looked at the two in surprise, and Guan Zheng asked, "Why, don't you know me?"

"No, no, please come in!"

Guan Zheng sat down unceremoniously and said, "Who closed the door of the freezer after we went in yesterday?"

"This, I don't know!"

"Don't know if you can check it? Go to the monitoring!"

The manager nodded repeatedly.

After a while, the manager ran in and said, "That what, yesterday's videotape, I lost it."

"What did you say?"

"Our video tapes are organized once a month to facilitate inspection by the epidemic prevention and food safety departments. Yesterday, we just changed the video tapes, but they couldn't find them."

"I want to know who is in charge of the videotape. Anyone who went to the fire freezer after one o'clock yesterday afternoon is suspected. Also, I want to record the entry and exit of the freezer."

"No one of us takes care of the videotapes. We have been locked in the accounting office. Apart from me, the field director has the key."

The manager passed the entry and exit records to Guan Zheng. Guan Zheng took a look at him. After the first batch of animals came in yesterday morning, no one came back.

Guan Zheng took the record and said, "Are your keys still there?"

"Come on, I'll look through it."

The manager turned over for a while before he took out a small key. The manager tilted his head and said, "It's strange, why did this key fall?"

"What's the meaning?"

"It turns out that these keys are all hung together. Why did they fall today. Anyway, weird things have been going on in the last few days."

Guan Zheng took the small key in his hand, looked at it for a while, and then smelled it. It seemed that there was some ointment on the key.

Guanzheng put it into the evidence bag on time, and said with a smile: "We also feel that weird things continue." (End of this chapter)