No Turning Back

Chapter 4: The bleeding wall


The way Xu Jiuyan saw Guanzheng's work for the first time was really different from what he usually did.

After the meeting, Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan and asked, "Is there something on my face? Or did I say something bad?"

Xu Jiuyan shook her head and said, "I think you are not the same as usual."

"Haha, it's really different? Many people say that. But I don't know why."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and said nothing.

Guan Zheng looked at the English dossier in Xu Jiuyan's arms and said: "Are you really willing to do legal aid here for a case that hasn't been encountered for hundreds of years? Or are you here for a lifetime to translate international cases that you don't understand? "

Xu Jiuyan said: "This is my job."

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan and said, "Would you like to come to me."

"What are you doing?"

"Be a criminal policeman."

Xu Jiuyan's heart really stopped for a moment, and then she shook her head decisively and said, "No." Since the day Xu Ji died, Xu Jiuyan's mother told Xu Jiuyan not to go to the police station for the rest of her life, and not to talk to the criminal police for the rest of her life. Don't be a criminal police officer when dealing with them.

Xu Jiuyan asked why, Xu Jiuyan's mother kept silent, and never told Xu Jiuyan how her father died. Xu Jiuyan only knew that her father was a criminal policeman and died later. Until Xu Jiuyan's mother passed away, Xu Ji's cause of death became an eternal secret here.

Shi Jinyu would go to Xu Jiuyan's house every year on holidays and send some food and money. Xu Jiuyan didn't know why Shi Jinyu took care of herself in this way, but Shi Jinyu only said that he and Xu Ji were comrades-in-arms.

Especially after Xu Jiuyan's mother passed away, Xu Jiuyan would receive Shi Jinyu's remittance every month. Before the age of eighteen, Xu Jiuyan went to school and lived with Shi Jinyu's funding. After adulthood, Xu Jiuyan didn't move anything about the money that Shi Jinyu remitted. After saving for a year, all of it was returned to the remittance account.

Guan Zheng didn't ask why, he nodded and said, "Well then!"

After Guan Zheng got off work, he drove to the hospital to see Shi Jinyu. Shi Jinyu was in good spirits. Although he was very weak after the operation, he was very happy.

Shi Jinyu asked: "How is today? The case, are you sure of it?"

Guan Zheng said while peeling the apple: "Don't worry, the case will come to an end. I will walk around tomorrow. I guess I will be ahead of the murderer."

Shi Jinyu nodded and said, "Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Just let it go and do it. I will support you for other things."

Guan Zheng paused and said with a smile: "Don't worry, teacher, I've grown up."

Shi Jinyu smiled and said, "Yes, I've grown up."

Guan Zheng cut the apple into small pieces and handed it to Shi Jinyu.

Shi Jinyu asked: "How is the new girl?"

"You won't give me a blind date again?"

"Boy, I'll be serious with you."

Guan Zheng thought for a while, nodded, and said, "It's pretty good. Although he doesn't look good, I think it's pretty good."

Shi Jinyu complained: "Why don't you talk like this, and treat others well, have you heard it?"

Guan Zheng laughed and said, "It's not your relatives, right? You walked through the back door?"

"Fuck you, you have a lot of virtue in your mouth, others don't care, but you are not allowed to make fun of her, I hear you!"

Guan Zheng stared wide-eyed and asked, "Isn't it really your relative?"

"Fuck, she is someone you and I can't live up to."

"Is there anything to do with me here?"

Shi Jinyu ignored him and said, "You just have to remember it."

Guan Zheng said, "Okay, okay, I remembered it."

Just in time, someone knocked on the door and came in. Guan Zheng looked at the door and it was Xu Jiuyan.

Shi Jinyu paused and said, "Jiuyan, you are here." Xu Jiuyan nodded.

Guan Zheng got up and said, "Um, teacher, you guys talk. I'm going out first."

Shi Jinyu took Xu Jiuyan to sit down, Xu Jiuyan bit her lip, and finally did not say anything.

Shi Jinyu hesitated and asked, "Would you like to come to our criminal police team?"

In the middle of the night, Guanzheng’s cell phone kept ringing, and Guanzheng knew that it was not a good thing.

Li Chongyang's voice came over, "President, go to the scholarly house."

Guan Zheng said in a daze, "I see."

Guan Zheng got up from the police, put on his shirt and pants, and hurried to the scholarly house.

Before Guan Zheng entered the community, he saw that the whole building was bright, and Li Chongyang called Guan Zheng again, and Guan Zheng refused to answer the button.

Guan Zheng tightened his collar and got into the building with the most people.

There are already some residents in this community. Although it is more than twelve o'clock, there are still people working here with lights.

Guan Zheng walked in, the police officer stopped Guan Zheng outside, and Guan Zheng touched his pockets. The police officer's ID hadn't been retrieved yet. Li Chongyang saw Guan Zheng from a distance and said, "Don't stop it, isn't this our political master."

Guan Zheng smiled, walked in, and said, "Boy, do you know the honorific title today?"

Li Chongyang waved his hand and said, "Fuck your honorific name, why don't you answer if I call you?"

"Isn't this coming soon? Isn't it costly to answer the phone?"

"You can die, is the police officer's salary low? Is the professor's salary low?"

Guan Zheng said: "Don't talk about it. Tell me what's going on?"

Li Chongyang said: "This family came here to check on the work, and now a piece of the newly scraped white piece is not stained. I shoveled it with a razor blade, and it leaked out. As soon as I heard it was blood, I reported it."

Guan Zheng looked at the wall and said, "You should dig the wall before you call me."

"Should you not be there for such a big thing?"

"What am I doing here? Do you chisel the wall? Is there still blood? Who said it was a corpse? It's a fuss."

Li Chongyang pointed to the wall and said, "It's still a fuss? Isn't so much blood a corpse?"

Guan Zheng said: "So much blood? Have you tested it? What if it is animal blood?"

Li Chongyang didn't say a word. He knew that Guan Zheng meant that he expected the victims to be alive and was only arrested, but they were missing for so many days. There is no news. The four young girls are not good to hide.

Guan Zheng went out and asked: "Who is on the scene?"

A man raised his hand, his voice still trembling: "Me!"

"Are you afraid of me?" The man nodded and shook his head. Guan Zheng followed the manner of a man and said, "What does it mean to nod and shake his head?"

"Well, I am not afraid of you, but my house."

Guan Zheng said: "Don't be nervous, tell me, you guys are still working here so late, so hard!"

The middle-aged man said: "My son is going to get married, so the house should be quickly installed, aired, and smelled, so that we can move in as soon as possible."

Guan Zheng nodded and said, "When did you buy this house?"

"At the end of last year, my son was not in a hurry at the time, but now he wants to get married early and have a second child! That's why he is anxious."

Guan Zheng looked at the house and asked, "Is there no one staring at your house during the day?"

"No, my wife and I are going to work and we are about to retire soon. There are many procedures, and the keys will be put in the hands of the workers."

"where's your wife?"

"Oh, he, he was frightened by the wall and fell ill. He just went to the hospital. When can I go see my wife?"

"I'm afraid it won't work now. I have to wait a while."

Guan Zheng glanced around and asked, "Where is the one who scratched it?"

The middle-aged man looked it up and said, "It was there just now, why did it disappear in a blink of an eye?"

Guan Zheng walked out of the house and asked the police officer: "Did anyone come out just now?"

"There is a man, over there!"

Guan Zheng walked over and patted the man's shoulder with his hand. The man screamed, but Guan Zheng was taken aback.

Guan Zheng said helplessly: "Hey, what are you doing?"

The man said in a panic: "Comrade police, can you stop frightening me suddenly, it will scare me something wrong."

Guan Zheng asked: "What are you doing here?"

The young man said, "It's nothing, it's a little nauseous."

Guan Zheng looked at the vomit in the construction waste, and said, "Look at you for what you are doing!" (End of this chapter)