No Turning Back

Chapter 41: living hell


Lao You’s son seems to be about three years old, but he spends every day in the Internet cafe. Lao You is so busy at work. You’s wife is also very hard to help people in lawsuits every day. He can’t control his son when he grows up, and is planning to send him to a closed military. Go to the school of management. . 1

Guan Zheng walked in and said, "Who is looking for a school for quitting Internet addiction? I want to find a school for quitting Internet addiction. There is a place that is absolutely formal."

Old You turned his head and asked enthusiastically: "Where?"

"People's Liberation Army!"

Lao You shook his head, sighed and said, "That kid in my family is busy playing Internet cafes every day. I can't control it. Going to the army? It's really a low quality of the soldiers! You guys, the scores of seven subjects are still no one. The door score is high, and you can count on him in the college entrance examination!"

Guan Zheng smiled and said: "What is the urgency, normal phenomenon, adolescence, why are you going to mess with him, what should you do, and then get in touch with him more, talk about celebrities, your first love, etc., He won't dislike you anymore, so he will be back on track in half a year."

"Is this reliable? Why do I think you are harming me?"

"I don't know, I haven't tried it. If you try it first, I can consider whether to try it for my child!"

Everyone unanimously looked at Xu Jiuyan, Xu Jiuyan adjusted her bangs awkwardly, and the phone rang. Xu Jiuyan quickly said, "Well, I'll answer the phone."

Xu Jiuyan ran over and answered the phone: "Hello, Nanyi City Public Security Bureau Criminal Police Brigade."

"This is the 11o Alarm Center. At the Nanyi Science and Technology Information Defense School, a parent requested a thorough investigation of the student Zhang Yuxin's fall from a building. Please go to the police as soon as possible."


Xu Jiuyan hung up the phone and said, "Lao You, do you want to go to the Internet Addiction Quit School? Check it out?"

Guan Zheng threw down the folder and said, "What are you stupefied? Nanyi Science and Technology Information Defense School, hurry up!"

Guan Zheng put his hands in his pockets and said, "Call Guan Nuo back and start work immediately!"

Xu Jiuyan said, "Is someone dating?"

"What's wrong with dating? Is life important or dating important?"

Xu Jiuyan nodded, and called Guan Nuo.

Guan Nuo answered the phone very depressed: "Hey, where are you going?"

"Back to the game."

Guan Nuo said a little irritably, "Well, I'll go back right away."

Guan Nuo hung up the phone and turned angrily: "What's the matter?"

Guan Nuo regretfully said: "There is a case in the bureau!"

"I'll take you back!"

Guan Nuo smiled and said, "Thank you."

Li Shaoyan sent Guan Nuo back to the downstairs of the Municipal Bureau. Guan Nuo smiled and said, "It's nice to chat with you. Thank you."

"It should be me thank you, you give me a different feeling."

Both of them laughed, and Guan Nuo said, "Then I will go in!"

Li Shaoyan nodded, watching Guan Nuo hurriedly get into the building, and then no longer see Guan Nuo's shadow, Li Shaoyan left.

The people at the table quickly dispersed, Lao You returned to the forensic department to get a toolbox, Xiao Huan'er returned to the forensic room to get a knife, scissors, and immediately rushed to the Nanyi Science and Technology Information Defense School.

Guan Zheng stopped the car at the door, showed the police officer ID, and said to the guard: "I am the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, here to investigate the case of Chang Yuxin's fall. Please open the door to cooperate with the investigation."

The guard shook his head and said, "It is not our report. We will not be investigated."

Guan Zheng pushed Xu Jiuyan and said, "Miss Lawyer, come on, teach this uncle the law."

Xu Jiuyan caught a section of the criminal law indiscriminately and began to violate the Criminal Law: “If the judgment or ruling of the people’s court is capable of being executed but refused to execute it, if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or fine; if the circumstances are particularly serious, He shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years, and shall also be fined.

If a unit commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph, it shall be fined, and the person in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. "

Xu Jiuyan said in a snap, the uncle did not understand a few words, anyway, she remembered the imprisonment and the fine, and immediately said: "I ask the director, you will wait a moment."

Then listened to the voice of the director on the phone: "Get away. Don't come in."

Guan Zheng took the phone: "Hello, I am the first-level police inspector Guan Zheng. If you insist on rejecting the investigation, I have to apply for a search warrant. As long as we want to enter, we will be able to enter. The rest is just a matter of time. But I I believe you will not let your school disappear from now on?"

The director hesitated and said, "Let them in."

Guan Zheng didn't pay any attention to him at all. He pulled a teacher on the playground and asked, "Where is the student falling from the building?"

The teacher looked at Guan Zheng suspiciously, Guan Zheng took out the police officer's card and shouted: "Say!"

"In the back dormitory building."

The group of people rushed to the dormitory building at the back, and there was no abnormality at all, and there was no blood stain at all.

It is really difficult to detect clues in a scene where all the scenes have disappeared.

Guan Zheng glanced a few times and said, "Go, go to the school leader."

Guan Zheng took Xu Jiuyan to the administrative building, glanced at the floor plan, and went straight to the director's office.

The director was on the phone and said, "What should I do? The police are here?"

Guan Zheng did not alarm the director, he heard the phone say: "What are you afraid of? Hold on! She can't do anything to us."

Then the phone hung up. Guan Zheng said softly, walked in, and asked, "The director is very busy?"

"Does this have anything to do with you? The police should knock on the door when they enter someone else's room?"

"I've knocked, you didn't hear it." Xu Jiuyan turned aside the government, it was obviously that the government didn't knock on the door!

Guan Zheng looked at the nervous look on the director's face and said, "Hello, my surname is Guan, I want to ask who the student who fell from the building is, and the relevant information."

"This is a file." The director quickly took out a portfolio from the drawer under the desk, Guan Zheng looked at the director's actions and said, "Is it ready?"

"What are you talking about? People are dead, of course they have to be taken out."

Guan Zheng looked through Zhang Yuxin's portfolio. Before the third grade, this was a girl of good character.

Guan Zheng closed the portfolio and said, "Where is Chang Yuxin now?"

"Where? In the Yin Cao Jifu!"

Guan Zheng patted the table and said: "Please show respect, the deceased also need respect!"

"Crap, are there any good people who come to our school? They are all future social scum." The director said dismissively.

"Sorry, I can sue you for slander and framing like this." Xu Jiuyan couldn't hold her breath.

"People are dead, what are you accusing me of?"

Guan Zheng stopped Xu Jiuyan and said, "Don't worry about him. Director, I asked the last time, where is Zhang Yuxin now?"

The director said a little impatiently: "I was taken away by her family." (End of this chapter)