No Turning Back

Chapter 46: Help message


Xu Jiuyan couldn't believe her ears. A school that spreads knowledge and hope hides such a big secret. Z

"According to the current situation, Chang Yuxin is dead. No one knows what happened that day. If you are a judge, how would you judge it?"

"Even if it is known that the school has committed violence, there is no direct evidence to prove that Zhang Yuxin's death was related to the school. At the same time, the school handled the corpse privately. According to the "Regulations on the Transport of Corpses", only relevant responsibilities will be pursued, and criminal punishment will generally not be imposed. So if I were a judge, I would impose related fines, and very few would sentence the main person in charge to imprisonment within one year."

"What if the victim has clear information to prove the murderer?"

"That's different. Depending on the situation, the death penalty or life imprisonment can be imposed if serious consequences are caused."

Guan Zheng didn't speak, put his hands in his pockets, and walked downstairs.

Xu Jiuyan trot to catch up. Guan Zheng hoped that Chang Yuxin would not die in vain. A school that uses the blood of students for profit is destined to not exist, and Chinese teenagers should be protected by the Chinese Constitution.

Guan Zheng walked against the wind on the training ground where the slogans were still being heard. The students had no smiles on their faces for a long time, and the youth that should have bloomed were all shattered by this school.

Xu Jiuyan came over and said, "How does it feel?"


Xu Jiuyan stroked her bangs, which was tossed by the wind, and said: "I have lived an independent life like this since I was a child. My parents are police officers and they are very busy.

I have been a boarding since I went to school. Although it is hard, I still remember that they are the heroes of this era. No matter how hard the life is, I can't give up, because I am not qualified to fail my parents. "

The corner of Guan Zheng’s mouth raised slightly and said, “I admire you people with parents the most. My dad passed away when I was a child. I only know that he is a researcher in biomedicine, but when I and Xiao Nuo were sick, I always couldn’t see it. His figure.

Later, I learned that he was still experimenting with new drugs with his body at the last moment, and was still thinking about the National Science and Technology Innovation Plan. My university did not hesitate to choose biomedicine. In addition to my biology teacher, it was me. I hope to be like my father. "

Xu Jiuyan quietly listened to Guan Zheng's story and asked: "Then why did you become a criminal policeman in the end?"

Guan Zheng closed his coat together, sat on the stone bench, and said, "Because I like it. I studied biology because it was a memorial to my father, so I got a master's degree in biopharmaceuticals, and I chose criminal investigation because I wanted to I live by myself, so I accepted the invitation of the Bureau of History and participated in special police training."

Xu Jiuyan smiled and nodded, and said: "There is always a reason to be strong in life, and there is always a direction in life to make one live persistently. No matter how bitter, there is a sweet moment."

Guan Zheng nodded, turned to look at Xu Jiuyan, and asked, "Why did you promise me?"


"Why promised me to be a detective?"

Xu Jiuyan smiled and shook her head, and said, "I don't know, I feel that I should do this. This thing is more valuable to me than being a lawyer."

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan's profile and said, "Why is a criminal policeman a question that must be answered, because..."

Xu Jiuyan turned her face to look at Guan Zheng, waiting for him to continue, Guan Zheng spoke slowly, hesitated, and said, "Because this is the soul of your police uniform."

Not knowing what was going on, Guan Zheng thought of Xu Ji unexpectedly. Xu Ji shouldn't have left so early. He is the vanguard of the police force and the person who has ever admired the most.

It was myself who was wrong, and always has been. It was myself who let this life go for dozens of years.

A gust of wind came, and my heart was infinitely depressed.

Xu Jiuyan tightened his coat tightly. The two of them were so close, but Xu Jiuyan didn't know what Guanzheng was thinking, so she pushed Guanzheng and said, "Let's go, Laoyou and the others are almost finished, let's go back to the game! "

Guan Zheng shook his coat and said, "Okay!"

Xu Jiuyan's little coat can't keep out the cold at all. Guan Zheng smiled, took off his windbreaker, hung it on Xu Jiuyan's shoulder, and said, "Don't catch a cold."

Xu Jiuyan raised her head slightly to look at Guan Zheng. Guan Zheng carefully helped Xu Jiuyan close her coat, then stretched out her hand and took Xu Jiuyan's cold fingers, and walked down the asphalt tunnel.

Lao You looked at Xu Jiuyan's coat and said jokingly, "Yo-yo-yo, show affection during working hours?"

Guan Zheng was not shy at all, and said, "Yes, working hours are the right combination of work and rest!"

Guan Nuo and Li Chongyang both single dogs said with dissatisfaction: "Go aside!"

Guan Zheng ignored them and asked Lao You, "Is there anything happening?"

"Forget it, there is a piece of blood here that is different in color and taste, and it seems to contain flocculents. It's hard to say what it is now."

Guan Zheng nodded and said, "I also found a different blood on the railing upstairs. Xiaojiu said it was the blood."

Old You said with a puzzled look: "That blood? What kind of blood is that blood?"

"Menstrual blood." Guan Zheng said that his face was not red, but the people who listened blushed.

Old Youyou asked unquestionably: "Are you sure, this is relatively rare!"

"I don't know, Xiao Jiu said, she said she is more sensitive to women's affairs,"

Xu Jiuyan said: "I think the blood is not far from ten, the blood is darker and has a peculiar smell. The flocculent inside should be the shed endometrium, so I think it should be menstrual blood."

Lao You nodded and said, "Girl Xiaojiu is more and more like a political master."

"Who wants to be like him?" "Who wants to be like me?" Xu Jiuyan and Guan Zheng said in unison.

The tacit understanding between Xu Jiuyan and Guan Zheng made Lao You, Guan Nuo, and Li Chongyang laugh endlessly.

Old You smiled and said, "Xiao Jiu is not like a political master, he is just a person!"

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan looked at each other in embarrassment, did not speak, and turned their heads away in embarrassment.

Lao You had packed his toolbox and said, "Young man, take it easy and cherish it!"

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan walked out, Xu Jiuyan asked, "Where are we going now?"

"Let's drop by Zhang Yuxin's house first, find Zhang Yuxin's family letter, and then go back to the bureau."

"Do you really suspect that Chang Yuxin sent out a distress message?"

"This is normal. Put what you want to say in the letter. What's weird about this?"

"Isn't Zhang Yuxin afraid that her family won't see it?"

"What if you leave more obvious information in the letter, but the school does not perceive it?"

Xu Jiuyan was a little bit unbelievable to put aside the politics, and said: "You watched too many spy war dramas, right?"

Guan Zheng said nonchalantly: "Whatever, read the script on a donkey, just walk around!" (End of this chapter)