No Turning Back

Chapter 476: Crazy


Xu Jiuyan looked through the rearview mirror, her entire heart bursting out, her fingers tremblingly pointed to the rearview mirror, and said, "Is it Peng Jiadi?!"

Everyone trembled, and the glass behind the car reflected in the rearview mirror, covered with sand, but the outline of the face was clearly visible.

Guan Nuo was bold, and said, "This is a half-face, not necessarily Peng Jiadi?"

Xu Jiuyan shook her head and said, "No, I drew portraits of people for so long, so I can't read them wrong."

Guan Nuo said, "Then I will go down and have a look?"

Xu Jiuyan quickly grabbed Guan Nuo and said, "Don't go, it's too dangerous."

Before Guan Nuo opened the car door, he heard Guan Zheng's voice coming from the walkie-talkie: "It's Peng Jiadi."

Xu Jiuyan swallowed silently and said, "Is it a human?"

"Nonsense, can it be a ghost!" Guan Zheng said, "Come down, there is nothing strange here."

Everyone got out of the car and everyone looked at Peng Jiadi like monkeys in a circus.

Peng Jia stood in the center with his hands folded, his eyes dull and somewhat energetic.

Xu Jiuyan asked Guan Zheng: "What happened to him?"

"I don't know, I saw him in less than five minutes. Where do I know?" Guan Zheng took a step forward and said to Peng Jia: "Mr. Peng, do you remember me?"

Peng Jiadi turned his head to look at Guanzheng, looked left and right, looked up and down, but did not speak. Suddenly, he screamed again: "No, oh, no, I won't do things for you! I won't do that! They are national! They are human!" Peng Jiadi called and hid while hiding. .

Guan Zheng pressed Peng Jiadi and said: "I know, of course I know that these cultural relics are national and the crystallization of human wisdom. I won't move them, I won't move!"

Peng Jia slowly calmed down, playing with his fingers like a child.

Guan Zheng took a deep breath and said helplessly: "It's post-traumatic stress disorder."

Liang Yien explained: “Post-traumatic stress disorder refers to an individual experiencing, witnessing, or encountering one or more actual deaths involving himself or others, or threatened with death, or severe injuries, or threats to physical integrity. The resulting delayed appearance and persistence of mental disorders in individuals. The incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder has been reported differently, and women are more likely to develop into patients with post-traumatic stress disorder than men.”

Sekisei went on to say: "He was repeating an incident just now that he hurt him. This is one of the typical characteristics of post-traumatic stress disorder, the symptoms of traumatic re-experience. The symptoms of traumatic re-experience are mainly manifested in the patient's thinking. , Memories or dreams repeatedly and involuntarily emerge from trauma-related situations or content, and there may also be serious emotional reactions to the scene, and even the feeling that the traumatic event seems to happen again.

Moreover, in the process just now, Peng Jiadi is making avoidance and hiding behaviors. This is called avoidance and numbness symptoms, which are mainly manifested by the patient's long-term or continuous avoidance of events or situations related to the traumatic experience and refusal to participate. To avoid the location of the trauma or the person or event related to the trauma, some patients even have selective forgetting and cannot recall the details of the event related to the trauma.

When he saw me, he repeatedly checked my state and appearance to judge whether I was aggressive. This is called increased alertness symptom, which is mainly manifested as hypervigilance and increased startle response, which may be accompanied by inattention and agitation. Increased sex and anxiety. Some patients with post-traumatic stress disorder can also show abuse of addictive substances, aggressive behavior, self-harm or suicidal behavior, etc. These behaviors are often the performance of the patient's psychological behavior coping style. At the same time, depression symptoms are also common accompanying symptoms in many patients. "

"We still hope to tell a clue, what should we do now?" Zhou Jielin said anxiously.

Guan Zheng looked at Liang Yi'en and said, "You need to see a doctor for medical treatment, right?"

Liang Yien thought for a moment and said: "According to the current evidence-based medicine, psychotherapy is the most effective way to cure post-traumatic stress disorder. Commonly used psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder includes cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, and eye movement. Desensitization and reprocessing, psychoanalytic therapy, etc. The effect of drug therapy on alleviating the symptoms of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and strengthening psychotherapy is affirmative. The combined use of the two should be the first choice. At present, the first choice is SSRIs. Among them, sertraline, paroxetine and fluoxetine have good curative effects."

Xu Jiuyan said: "Since psychotherapy is the most effective, it's better to use psychotherapy!"

"It's not that simple." Guan Zheng said: "Psychotherapy is a kind of professional helping activities. The first to implement this kind of help is the treatment of specially trained and proficient in the theory of personality formation and development, as well as the theory and skills of behavior change. Teachers, recipients and the aspects they receive are restricted. The nature of this restriction is their "psychological nature." , Academic or career adjustment difficulties; the focus of treatment is to assist the client to make changes in psychological and behavioral, restore or rebuild the damaged psychological function during the period.

Leaving aside my level for the time being, I think everyone still has some misunderstandings about psychotherapy. They think that psychotherapy can see the effect immediately, although the professional psychotherapy is much faster than the client’s self-solving of their own psychological problems. But it cannot be solved immediately after one or two treatments. On the contrary, if you have too high and strong expectations for psychotherapy and require immediate results, it will often be counterproductive. "

"Didn't you just talk about cognitive behavioral therapy? This is not possible?" Brother Chuan asked suspiciously.

Liang Yien explained: "Cognitive behavioral therapy believes that the goal of treatment is not only for the external manifestations of behavior and emotion, but also analyzes the patient's thinking activities and strategies to cope with reality, finds out the wrong cognition and corrects it. Theoretically, it is Yes, but including patients with hallucinations, delusions, severe mental illness or depression, patients with severe cognitive impairment, and patients with unstable family systems are not suitable for cognitive behavioral therapy."

Guanzheng scratched his head and said, "Hypnosis again?"

Brother Chuan screamed: "Hypnotic again?"

Liang Yien said: “Hypnosis is similar to other general states. In the hypnotic state, a person may experience some changes in perception, thinking, memory, and behavior. Through second-party intervention, it can directly overcome psychological obstacles. It’s more effective, and it’s more trusted in Pro**.” (End of this chapter)