No Turning Back

Chapter 478: Tomb of the Sun


Zhou Jielin was looking at the left and right with a flashlight, trying to see the dark cave clean. Zhou Jielin suddenly stopped, pushing Lao You, and said, "Director You, look, what is that?"

"What are you looking at?" Old You looked at it for a long time and said, "What is this? Is it cultural relics?"

Zhou Jielin shook his head and said, "I don't know."

The flashlight shone straight past, and the sun totem seemed to move.

This shocked the two of them. Zhou Jielin said, "Let Zhengye and Guan Nuo come down and take a look. Maybe they know what they are."

"That's right." Old You knocked on the car window and said, "This way, I'll take you to see a good thing."

Guan Zheng got on the walkie-talkie, got out of the car, walked over, and said, "What is this?"

Guan Nuo took a closer look: "What cultural relic is it, but what is it like this? Does it look like the sun?"

When Guan Nuo said that, everyone really felt alike.

Liang Yin asked curiously: "Why do you set the sun?"

"It's sun worship!" Guan Nuo introduced: "Sun worship is a kind of natural worship that targets celestial bodies. The sun existed before human beings were formed. After human beings were born, the sun was a natural object. , Get along with humans day and night. But in the early days of human society, that is, the age of primitive gathering and hunting, sun worship has not occurred yet, because although the sun has a significant impact on people, it has no direct impact on people’s lives and life safety after all. After entering the Neolithic Age, that is, human beings can carry out productive production including agriculture and animal husbandry. Later, the sun has a direct interest on people, and people feel that the fruits of their labor are restricted by the sun, thus prompting people Think more about the sun, guess the sun.

Primitive people don't understand the mystery of the sun, thinking that there is a supernatural power that can revive and grow all things, and they even regard it as the main giver of fertility. Primitive people also believed that the sun was like a human being, with a soul, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. This formed the concept that the sun is spiritual. Later, people gradually personified the sun, and at the same time regarded it as a god and worshiped or sacrificed it. The aforementioned Sun Temples in Central and South America, and various sun shapes from the prehistoric culture or the slavery culture era in various parts of China, should be the offerings of this kind of sun sacrifice.

The oracle bone inscriptions unearthed in my country's Yin Ruins also contain many records about "binri", "out of the sun", and "entering the sun", reflecting that the Yin people worship at sunrise and sunset. In modern times, the Ulianghai people in Altai, Xinjiang, who were still in the primitive tribal society, still kept the custom of worshipping the sun in front of their homes. On the first day of the first lunar month in the northeast of the Oroqen people, both adults and children bow down to the sun to pray for blessings; and when they encounter difficulties, they also pray to the sun for comfort. "

"Then we are now..."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Yes, we are in the temple."

"Then, will there be a mummy here?" Liang Yin asked cautiously.

Guan Nuo said: "This is not good. Because there was an Indo-European beauty of Loulan who was unearthed 3800 years ago. Nearly ten ancient human sites have been discovered, some stone balls and hand-made Gaza. Pottery shards, bronze shards, triangular-shaped winged bronze arrowheads, animal bones, material beads and other human relics are exposed on the surface of the loess that is not completely covered by sand dunes. There are also some stone knives, stone spears, and stones from five to six thousand years ago. Arrows, small stone leaves, stone cores, etc. This clearly shows that Rohrmi, which is now a barren land, has indeed had green grass from the late Neolithic, Bronze Age to the early Han Dynasty, and the forest coverage rate has reached half.

The sun tomb has a strange and magnificent appearance. Surrounding the tomb are seven layers of thin and thick logs. The stakes are in order from the inside to the outside. Outside the circle, there are columns spreading out in all directions in a radial pattern. They are undisturbed and magnificent. The whole shape resembles a sun, which makes it easy for people to have all kinds of mysterious associations. The prevalence of the Sun Tomb and the felling of a large number of trees caused the Loulan people to unknowingly bury their homes. According to the seven tombs that have been discovered, there are more than 10,000 finished logs, which is staggering. "

"You mean, the pillars inside are all tombs?" Xu Jiuyan still trembled while looking at the surrounding environment.

Guan Nuo nodded and said, "Should it be, should we take a look at it?"

Guan Zheng stopped Guan Nuo and said, "These are all national cultural relics. What are you going to do? Don't make trouble!"

Guan Nuo pouted and said, "Then we can't get out, so what should we do?"

"There must be a way to get out here, but we didn't see it." Guan Zheng said without believing in evil, "We have to rely on him for everything now."

"Hypnosis again?" Xu Jiuyan asked Guan Zheng suspiciously.

Guan Zheng shook his head and said, "No, the interval is too short. Hypnosis will increase the burden on the brain. I'm afraid he won't be able to hold it."

Brother Chuan had a bright light and said, "You mean, take him off?"

Several men ran towards Peng Jiadi, turned him clean from top to bottom, and found nothing.

Everyone was a little frustrated. Guan Zheng sat on the ground for a long while and said, "No, we are going back to where we started."

Guan Zheng explained: "The place where we first met Peng Jiadi was the residence where the person who held Peng Jiadi stayed. Do you remember what San Ye said? No one would go to the hiding place chosen by the man in the robe. No one dared to go, I suspect, he was referring to this."

Lao You nodded and said, "Then you mean, this man who held Peng Jiadi is a man in a robe?"

"Yes!" Guan Zheng started the car, and several people returned to the place where they started in ten minutes.

Guan Zheng got out of the car and said, "Look carefully at this neighborhood, and see if there are any strange places, any ancient characters, and ancient paintings."

Guan Zheng thought it would be very concealed, but it was very simple to act. In the cave at the starting point, there are basically discoveries, maybe antique calligraphy and painting, or gold hairpin jewelry, anyway, they are all cultural relics.

Guan Zheng took the thing to Peng Jiadi and asked, "Why are these things here?"

Peng Jia looked at Guan Zheng and muttered alone: "I didn't mean it, they forced me, they forced me."

"What did they force you?" Guan Zheng continued to ask.

Peng Jiadi was a little bit nonchalant. Guan Zheng grabbed Guan Nuo’s favorite lollipop and comforted Peng Jiadi: "You tell me the truth, is there a man in a robe asking you to dig these? Something? If your answer is correct, this lollipop will be given to you."

Peng Jiadi took the sugar and said: "It's him!" (End of this chapter)