No Turning Back

Chapter 479: Imprisoned treasure hunt


Everyone realized that Peng Jiadi's disappearance was premeditated, not a murder.

Xu Jiuyan analyzed: "It seems that what Wei Qiang said is right. Those little guys are following Peng Jiadi to catch Peng Jiadi. They take good care of Peng Jiadi and want to use Peng Jiadi in archaeology. The ability to excavate cultural relics continuously provides them with sources of cultural relics. The reason why Xiaoluo disappeared is because they knew about it, so they were silenced. It’s a pity that Professor Peng Jiadi is confused now. Otherwise he will definitely tell us more."

Guan Zheng frankly faced Peng Jiadi: "Professor Peng, please trust us. The task force we established is to find you. I can assure you that these people and I are the most reliable people in the public security system. One, you can doubt, but please try to believe us, we will definitely take you out of here."

Peng Jiadi remained silent and continued to stare at the things in his heart.

Guan Zheng said to everyone: "Let's find any clues around, Guan Nuo, you can take care of Peng Jiadi here."

Everyone got out of the car following Guan Zheng, Xu Jiuyan first said, "I think Peng Jiadi is not as serious as we thought."

Guan Zheng touched a chocolate bean out of his body and said, "It's not what you feel, it's the way it is."

Everyone looked at Guan Zheng suspiciously. Guan Zheng said: "People who are easily hypnotized usually have the following characteristics. First, they often have daydreams with vivid plots; they are rich in imagination; they are easy to be immersed in scenes in front of their eyes or in imagination; secondly, they are Strong dependence, often seek guidance from others; deeply believe in the role of hypnosis. Generally speaking, the stronger the tendency of an individual in the above-mentioned aspects, the easier it is to be hypnotized. From the perspective of personality, people do not engage in scientific research. It is easy to be hypnotized. Obviously, Peng Jiadi is a person who is not easy to be hypnotized, so in the later period, he said he wanted to come out. This is also the strangest place."

Liang Yien suddenly realized, "You mean, Peng Jiadi is not insane?"

Guan Zheng nodded and said: "If you think about it, he has been in such an environment. He was forced to do something against his conscience. He must be unwilling. Peng Jiadi has been engaged in archaeological research for decades. The cultural relics are the cusp of him and the country, and he certainly does not want the bad guys to get them."

Xu Jiuyan asked suspiciously: "But let's think from another angle. If Peng Jiadi did not tell them the whereabouts of the cultural relics, why did they keep Peng Jiadi? If Peng Jiadi has special meaning to them , Or use, what are these?"

Guan Zheng shook his head and said, "It's not clear yet, but we can catch turtles in an urn."

"Catch turtles in the urn? What did it come from?" Zhou Jielin asked with a dull look.

Xu Jiuyan expressed kindness and said: "It's about to lead a snake out of the hole."

"Didn't you understand that way?" Zhou Jielin still complained about Guan Zheng.

Brother Chuan said with some concern: "I just don't know if Peng Jiadi will cooperate with us."

Guan Zheng said firmly: "As long as he does not betray his conscience, he will definitely cooperate with us. This is also the best time for us to test Peng Jiadi."

The sky dimmed a little bit until there was no gleam in sight. Everyone turned out the dry food and ate it hungrily. Suddenly Peng Jiadi ran off the car by herself, and Guan Zheng hurriedly pursued it.

In a cave, Peng Jiadi stored a lot of food, including biscuits, ham sausage, instant noodles, and so on. There were three large and tattered quilts piled beside it. Peng Jiadi picked up a large bag and handed it to Guan Zheng. Guan Zheng was surprised and said, "Is it for us?"

Peng Jiadi didn't say a word, picked up a portion by himself, then walked into the car by himself and ate. Everyone simply ate something, and in a space without internet, they can only wrap up in military coats and get ready to sleep.

Seeing Peng Jiadi curled up in a ball, Guan Zheng thought of the big tattered quilt in the cave. Guan Zheng really couldn't imagine how he could survive for ten years in an environment with extreme temperature difference.

Guan Zheng handed his military coat to Peng Jiadi and said, "Put it on, don't freeze it."

Peng Jia looked at Guan Zheng in a panic and said, "How about you?"

Guan Zheng tightened his clothes and said, "I'm fine."

Xu Jiuyan couldn't bear to see her husband received a loss of harm: "Come here and come with me."

Guan Zheng smiled and patted Peng Jiadi on the shoulder, and said, "Sleep in peace, it's okay."

This night, everyone was not sleeping well, some were worried, some panicked, and some thoughtful.

As soon as the day broke, everyone was awakened by the sun. When Guan Zheng opened his eyes, his first reaction was to see Peng Jiadi, only to find that Peng Jiadi was not in the car.

Guan Zheng cautiously got out of the car and looked for it. Not far away, he saw Peng Jia squatting on the ground, as if planing something.

Guan Zheng did not have a light-handed past. Instead, he said, "Professor Peng, what are you looking for?"

Peng Jiadi turned his head, stood up, and said, "It's nothing."

Once Guan Zheng heard this tone, he knew that everything was normal.

Guan Zheng raised the corners of his mouth and said, "It's nice to meet you, Professor Peng."

Peng Jiadi said politely: "Long Yang Da Ming, the youngest expert in criminal psychology, Guan Zheng."

"You also know me?" Guan Zheng was somewhat surprised.

Peng Jia nodded and said, "Of course, before I was trapped here, I knew about you, a new police star. But I think you will be more interested in my experience."

Guan Zheng said: "I listen with great respect."

Peng Jia waved his hand and said, "No, no, no, what I experienced here, you can't finish listening to it for a few months. What I want to tell you now is to grab the man in the robe."

"Thank you very much for your cooperation." Guan Zheng said.

Peng Jiadi was really as weird as the rumors, saying: "No, I am saving myself."

Guan Zheng laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, this world is like this, and interests come first."

Peng Jiadi said directly: "This man is looking for the Sun Tomb on the surface, but I don't think his purpose is like this, because the Sun Tomb is just a group of tombs, and the people buried here should be the people of Loulan or people from 3,800 years ago. From an academic point of view, from an academic point of view, they will not have funerary objects during the burial, and they will also have advanced things such as gold and silver jewelry. Therefore, this temple has no commercial value at all, so I think their ambitions Bigger."

"Then what do you think they are looking for?" Guan Zheng asked curiously.

Peng Jiadi said: "They are looking for the original site of Lingtian Ancient Kingdom."

Guan Zheng asked: "Isn't the Lingtian Ancient Kingdom site located in Linchuan, it is a national scenic spot?" (End of this chapter)