No Turning Back

Chapter 481: Close to the truth


Everyone threw the body of the man in the robe out of the car, but they felt more or less unbearable. Liang Yien stood by and waited for thirty seconds in silence.

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng with a bit of complaint: "He didn't do anything harmful to the world, how could he end up like this?"

Guan Zheng said: "He didn't kill and set fires, but don't forget, what did they do that is not harming national interests?"

Guan Zheng clapped his hands and said: "Okay, everyone come over and have a small meeting."

Just such a few people also had a meeting around the two cars. Guan Zheng first introduced Peng Jiadi to everyone: "Everyone, this is the famous Professor Peng Jiadi, a famous archaeologist."

Peng Jiadi nodded slightly and said, "After waiting for ten years, I finally waited for you."

Guan Zheng explained: “Professor Peng Jiadi pretended to be crazy and stupid because he was unwilling to betray the national interest. In fact, he knew what he was thinking in his heart.”

Everyone came to understand. Peng Jia nodded and said: "There have been many major events in the past ten years. I have been thinking and speculating every day. I work hard every day. Fortunately, I met you people."

Xu Jiuyan asked: "Then you must know a lot of information."

Peng Jia waved his hand and said: "Not necessarily, the news I know is limited, and I don't know what happened outside, I can't guess all of them. But I can be sure of these aspects.

The first is the person who kidnapped me. There was more than one person who kidnapped me, but an organization. They came to me for the purpose of mining and digging out cultural relics. They did not specify what to look for, so I can be sure that they regard cultural relics as cultural relics. economic source. As the so-called crime also requires capital, you know this better than me.

Next is this place. I don't know how I got in, but I can roughly know how we are going out. The underground river here can lead to the outside, but the specific situation is not very clear. And there is another problem, that is, our car, the car is a necessity, but is there any way for it to take us out without destroying the building here? "

Guan Nuo is also very embarrassed: "In fact, it is really difficult. The buildings here are all connected to each other. Once we destroy a part of it, it is likely to collapse all, then none of us can get out. By car, we can’t get in touch, we can’t carry a lot of daily necessities, and we can’t guarantee that we can go out now.”

Old You touched his chin and said, "This is really a problem, Zhengye, what do you think?"

Guan Zheng said, "Then take a gamble!"

"How to bet?" Everyone looked at Guan Zheng.

Guan Zheng said: "Driving out. The Yadan landforms are all rocks after wind erosion, and our Rohrmi area is not completely desertified. It has a certain degree of endurance. So is our car. This off-road vehicle is For the aerospace material design, we might as well try to see how far we can go. If we can’t go out, we will recognize it.”

Peng Jiadi first raised his hand and said: "I agree, since we have no way out, we will fight for it, and this is the best way for us now."

Peng Jiadi looked at the map for a while and said, "Just follow this direction and go west, and you will see the ruins of the ancient city. We will look at the road later."

Everyone got in the car and headed west. The vehicle was driving, flexibly passing through narrow rock gaps. The outer shell of the vehicle had been scratched, but fortunately it could still work.

The most surprising thing is the style and features of this ancient city of Lingtian. More than ten of the walls around Lingtian Ancient City have collapsed, leaving only the intermittent walls standing alone.

Peng Jia got off the car and said: "This is the ancient city of Lingtian. The urban area is square and covers an area of about 120,000 square meters. The panoramic view of Lingtian site is ancient and solemn. The ruins of the ruined buildings in the city are lifeless, and they look particularly desolate and tragic. Loulan The ancient city is an irregular square city. The east city wall is 3333.5 meters, the south city wall is 329 meters, and the west and north walls are both 237 meters. Due to strong wind erosion, most of the buildings in the city are the same. It is incomplete, but the three government warehouses in the city are strong due to the thick walls, and they are well preserved so far.

Although the pagoda in the city is eroded by wind, it is still 10.4 meters above the ground, becoming a symbol of looking for the ancient city from a distance. The fence wall and ruined wall of Populus euphratica woven in the city are more preserved. Although it has been stolen by foreign expeditions many times, some broken ancient coins and decorative items of ancients can be found on the ground, and black and red sand-filled pottery can be found everywhere. The bulky houses are strewn from the east to the west, and there are dead Populus and tamarisk next to the ancient canal. The wind-eroded Lingtian ancient city is still intact. This is due to the Yadan landform, which is a hundred li around the ancient city of Tiantian, making it difficult for vehicles to move, causing the passage to be cut off in history. Therefore, the expedition team that can reach the ancient city is also riding a camel or walking. Follow-up personnel have rented an expensive desert vehicle along the river we traversed and reached the vicinity of the northern stupa of Lingtian City. "

"It turns out that the ancient city of Lingtian has always existed!" Guan Nuo was also surprised: "Didn't it mean that the ancient city has mysteriously disappeared?"

Peng Jia said: "Are you talking about haunting? The culture of the ancient city has indeed been lost, but it has always been there. When we found this, we also recovered the Lingtian culture."

Guan Zheng asked Peng Jiadi: "When did you find this place?"

Peng Jiadi recalled: "Ten years ago. When I disappeared ten years ago, I entered this place. I was surprised and very happy with your reaction. The group caught it."

Guan Zheng asked: "Then you didn't tell them the news?"

Peng Jia nodded and said, "I think they are looking for this in secret. Although they are buying and selling cultural relics on the surface, they always keep me. This shows that I am valuable to them, and I dare say that in this world Here, I am the only one who can find this ancient city."

"Then can this explain the disappearance of the ancient kingdom of heaven?" Guan Nuo asked curiously.

Peng Jia said: "It should be caused by migration. It refers to a lake that has been displaced many times in history. Lake Rormie is a typical migratory lake. Lake Rormie is the estuary lake of the Kongque River and the Tarim River. Two thousand. Over the years, there have been three obvious changes in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, and Roermi moved three times accordingly. A dam was built in Yuli County to cut off the flow of the Tarim River. Only the water from the Kongque River was injected into Lop Nur, while the Tarim River injected into the south of Roermi. Taitma Lake. In this way, the positions of the two lakes are relatively stable.” (End of this chapter)