No Turning Back

Chapter 485: Happiness is just right


Things kept reversing and reversing, and after tossing everyone for a while, the case was finally closed. At the press conference, the police solemnly handed over the Chuanguo Yuxi to the Cultural Relics Administration. The next step was to go to the museum.

A reporter asked Shi Jinyu: "Comrade Director, do you have any arrangements for your next work?"

Shi Jinyu nodded and said, "Me? The next step is to go home and enjoy the family happiness. The future belongs to these children."

The reporter asked again: "It is said that your detection rate is 100%, and your student Guanzheng also has a detection rate of 100%. Do you have any thoughts on this?"

Shi Jinyu looked at Guan Zheng and said, "Remember what I told you before, do I have something to tell you when the case is over?"

Guan Zheng nodded and said, "Remember."

"What I want to tell you is that you are my pride and the pride of the police. I am proud to work with such excellent criminal police as you." Shi Jinyu said, "This is what I want to say!"

When everything returns to normal, the group will leave Linchuan City. Tian Yuming and Tian Ye both came to see off. Guan Zheng smiled and said, "You two, it's really funny!"

Tian Yuming looked at the field and said, "I think so." Yu Shuhui hugged Guan Nuo, and said sincerely for the first time: "Thank you for the choice ten years ago. If I could turn back the clock, I will definitely not be like this. ."

"But I will be like this." Guan Nuo said, "I will never regret my decision."

The car of Guanzheng and his party disappeared little by little in the group of cars, and then even the last shadow disappeared.

Everyone eagerly pushed open the door of Nanyi City Public Security Bureau, and a breath of family rushed over.

Everyone ran to their seats and said with emotion: "It's great to go home."

Shi Jinyu smiled and said, "My children, our mission is over perfectly. As the director of the Nanyi City Public Security Bureau, I will give you the last order to take a one-week holiday and adjust your status. Did you understand?"

When everyone else was cheering and celebrating, Guan Zheng asked: "Teacher, are you really going to retire?"

Shi Jinyu nodded and said: "The upper hand approved it. By the end of this month, I will retire completely!" Shi Jinyu lay in Guan Zheng's ear and said, "Teacher, you have taken my place!" Shi Jinyu patted Guan Zheng on the shoulder: "Do it hard!"

Guan Zheng said: "I know that, are you really willing?"

"Who said to be willing? Of course not to bear it!"

Guan Zheng looked at Shi Jinyu's mysterious expression and said, "Can't you say what you want to say all at once?"

"No, this is a surprise!"

Cemetery of Martyrs in the Suburbs.

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan stood in front of Xu Ji's tombstone and looked at Xu Ji's face before finally relieved.

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Dad, you will forgive me. I have been married for almost two years before calling your dad. I didn't shame you today. Your case has been decrypted and the title of martyr has been added to you. You should also Feel at ease. Xiaojiu gives it to me, don’t worry, for the rest of her life, I will guard her like you, protect her with life, so that she will be as beautiful and happy as you expect."

Xu Jiuyan smiled and took Guan Zheng's arm and said, "Dad, don't worry, the man I chose must be the best in the world. Our family of three will definitely live a healthy and happy life."

Guan Zheng touched Xu Jiuyan's belly and said, "You have been so long, why is your belly so small? Is it because you were fat before, so you can't see it?"

"Dare you say I'm fat? Get out!"

Despite this, Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan are still holding hands together, walking on the sunny bluestone slab, happy and peaceful.

Xu Jiuyan's most annoying thing is that the Guanzheng mobile phone rang, but today is good news.

The two rushed to Nanyi University and rushed into Feng Yuan's office. Feng Yuan took the box on the table to Guan Zheng and said, "This is what you want most. The samples were finally out yesterday."

Guan Zheng looked at the small bottle in the box and said, "Is it a sample?"

Feng Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, it's still a sample. I have discussed this reagent with experts from Stanford University School of Medicine and experts from Harvard Medical School. It starts from the inside of the immune organs to increase the receptor function of the immune organs. It stimulates the function of immune cells and can repair the body's immune defenses, so I think it should still be tried." Guan Nuo is eager to try, not worrying about whether the medicine is mature. Guan Zheng cautiously punched the green cock into Guan Nuo's body and asked, "Do you feel it?"

"Yes, it hurts! You killed me with this needle!" Guan Nuo pouted and complained.

As expected, Zhongguannuo continued to have a high fever in the next few days, and the immune cells in the body proliferated rapidly and even became over-immune. But Feng Yuan calmed down and said to Guan Zheng: "This shows that it is effective. Overimmune is an allergic reaction. You will recover in a few days. Don't worry."

As Feng Yuan said, Guan Nuo quickly returned to normal, and the first time the whole body examination was completely normal.

Not only that, but the day when Guan Zheng moved into the office of the director did I know that Shi Jinyu was hired back to the Public Security Bureau as an expert consultant.

Everything is getting better and it becomes hopeful.

Guan Zheng sat on the chair, looked at the new police officers in the audience, and said: "According to the provisions of Article 6 of the People’s Police Law of the People’s Republic of China, the people’s police of public security organs perform the following duties in accordance with the division of responsibilities in accordance with the law: Prevention , Stop and investigate illegal and criminal activities; maintain social order, stop behaviors that endanger social order; maintain traffic safety and traffic order, deal with traffic accidents; organize and implement fire protection work, implement fire protection supervision; manage guns and ammunition, control knives and easy Inflammable, explosive, highly toxic, radioactive and other dangerous materials; manage special industries stipulated by laws and regulations; guard specific personnel stipulated by the state, guard important places and facilities; manage assemblies, parades, and demonstrations; manage household registration and nationality , Entry and exit affairs and foreigners’ residence and travel in China; maintaining public order in the border areas; criminals sentenced to control, detention, deprivation of political rights, and criminals who are executed outside prison. Supervise and inspect criminals who have been probated or released on parole; supervise and manage the security protection of computer information systems; guide and supervise the public security work of state agencies, social organizations, enterprises and institutions, and key construction projects, and guide public security committees and other mass organizations Public security prevention work; other duties stipulated by laws and regulations... ”

Liang Yien broke in and said excitedly: "I gave birth! It's a girl!"

Guan Zheng was taken aback, laughed, and said as he ran out: "My daughter, it's my daughter! The meeting is over, remember to go home with your family!" (End of this chapter)

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