No Turning Back

Chapter 53: The taste of home


Guan Zheng smiled and said, "It's good.

Lao You was full of surprise and accompanied You Jian to the medical examination. You Jian looked at his father and said, "You can't bear me?"


"I will be better in two years."

Lao You looked at You Jian's persistent face. He never knew that his son had such a strong desire to serve the country.

The two of them are rare to go to the restaurant, but they order a few home-cooked dishes, but they are full of home taste.

When the notice came down, Lao You almost burst into tears, but all this was within Guan Zheng's expectations.

On the day of departure, You Jian was carrying his luggage along the way. Everyone watched You Jian embark on a train that took him as little as two years, and as long as his life.

It wasn't until the old You got the medal of the outstanding soldier that You Jian sent back from the barracks that he realized that his son was not good at anything, including studying, but was good at everything except studying. Of course, this is something.

Guan Zheng watched the train moving, his heart was calm, but he had an unusual feeling. Guan Zheng couldn't tell what it was.

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng staying, and said, "What do you think?"

"I wonder if he can be a special soldier?"

Xu Jiuyan smiled and said, "You think too far, right? He just left."

"Do you think it's weird?"

"Did you say You Jian? No, it's a good boy!"

"No, it's not him, do you think this train station is weird?"

Xu Jiuyan looked at the bustling station and said, "No, you think too much, right?"

Old You smiled and said, "Girl, don't underestimate the feeling of Guanzheng. He feels very accurate. Whenever he finds the place strange, it shows that there is a murderer."

"Really? Open your eyes?"

Guan Zheng ignored Xu Jiuyan and continued to look around. While Guanzheng stayed, the phone rang.

Guan Zheng snorted in his heart, and answered the phone a little nervously, and said, "Hello?"

"Zhengye, there is a corpse 35 kilometers away from the freight railway on the Yilin line. Where are you?"

Guan Zheng said: "I'm at the train station, and quickly send someone to deliver the survey box."

Everyone's hearts tightened. Guan Zheng looked at everyone and said, "There is a case. A dead body was found 35 kilometers away from the Yi Lin line."

Guan Zheng immediately contacted the relevant agencies and rushed to the scene of the case through assistance.

Guan Zheng said to Xu Jiuyan as he ran on the train: "Contact the railway department immediately and no trains will be allowed to pass until we have surveyed the scene."


Xu Jiuyan immediately made the phone call. After a while, Guan Nuo replied: "It's already done. The latest train will not arrive in fifty minutes, so let's do it as soon as possible."

"We only have fifty minutes."

"Enough. We must take pictures as soon as possible and take as many photos as possible. The railway is an important transportation component of our country and cannot be blocked for a long time."


Guan Zheng had already used the fastest speed to negotiate with the railway department, only to find out there was a small hill there. Guan Zheng took Xu Jiuyan and climbed up in one breath.

The corpse followed the track, face up, showing no expression on his face. Old Youkuai's exhibit number plate was put up, and Yoko followed closely to take pictures.

In order to save time, Xiao Huan'er said: "I will perform a preliminary autopsy after the survey is over."

"Okay, first forensic survey."

Guan Zheng bent down and carefully looked at any traces on the rails, not letting go of any clues.

Lao You pointed to the clean and thorough railroad tracks and said, "This must not be the scene of the first case."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Yes, I think so, let's take a look again. We must quickly survey the scene. We can't destroy the economic lifeline of this country just because of one person."

Laoyou went around several times, but couldn’t find any traces. Guan Zheng’s heart raised up and said, “Don’t worry, although it’s remote, it’s different from the high-speed rail track. Anyone can get close. Check it out."

Old You patted Guan Zheng on the shoulder and said, "You are busy with this."

Guan Zheng did not speak, Yoko and Lao You lifted the body from the track and said, "Xiaohuan'er, this is up to you."

Xiao Huan'er nodded and said, "No problem."

While looking at the corpse, Xiao Huan'er came to the conclusion of the preliminary autopsy: "The deceased is male, aged forty to fifty years old."

Xiaohuan'er measured the length of the sole with a ruler and said, "The height is about 178 cm."

"The cornea becomes cloudy, the pupils can still see through, the jaw, neck, shoulders, elbows, thighs, knees, hands, fingers, feet, and toes are stiff, the plaques are fixed, the acupressure is difficult to fade, and the time of death is about 12 to 23 hours.

There is no way to determine the cause of death for the time being, because there were no wounds on the corpse, no traces of trauma, and no signs of poisoning could be distinguished from the face. "

Guanzheng nodded and said, "I see, then as soon as possible."

"Yoko, go to check the identity of the deceased immediately, Lao You, all the objects on the deceased must be transported back to the bureau intact, and any tiny traces on the body and clothing cannot be let go, because they may be part of an impossible crime. "

Xu Jiuyan raised her head and asked Guan Zheng: "Then what shall we do?"

"Go ask the living people what they saw!"

Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan went to the informant. The informant looked at Guan Zheng with blank eyes and said, "It's where I am."

"I know you found it. About when did you find the corpse there?"

"It was about half past six in the morning. Because there were no cars passing by this railway last night, I went to bed early.

I was planning to inspect the railway this morning. As soon as I left the house, I saw someone lying there. I was frightened, so I immediately called the police. "

"Is there anything unusual last night? For example, someone has been here, or something strange or sound."

"No impression."

Guan Zheng said: "If you think about it again, is there anything wrong, such as the line, this kind of thing."

"Really not."

"Did you know that there was no train on this railway last night?"

"That's right, there was a notice a long time ago, because the section ahead is to be repaired, so this section cannot be opened to traffic."

"Who else will come into contact with this matter?"

"The railway bureau, the maintenance department, and the railway station, the conductor may all know."

In this way, the scope of the murderer is widened.

Guan Zheng said, "Well, if you think of anything, please contact me at any time." Guan Zheng handed over his business card and left with Xu Jiuyan.

Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng's confusion and confusion, and asked, "Will this case be an unsolved case?"

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Is it an unsolved case after the investigation has started?"

"In legal terms, a case without evidence can only be postponed as a pending case."

"I won't. The case that goes through my hands must be investigated." (End of this chapter)