No Turning Back

Chapter 54: Yellower than yellow


Xu Jiuyan looked at Guan Zheng's angular face with an idiot, and said, "Serious men are really the most handsome!"

Guan Zheng turned to smile like a rascal, and said, "Really?"

Xu Jiuyan turned her head and ignored the customs. . Z. OM

Old You shouted: "President, the car is coming soon, let's get out."


Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan retreated behind the protective railing together. After a while, they saw an old train roaring by.

Guan Zheng looked at the green protective railing, what did the murderer do? Why is there no clue left

Or, why put the body on the track

Why did it happen that no car passed by this day? Is it a coincidence, or is it premeditated

After a search, the group returned to the game with almost nothing.

Lao You came back empty-handed once, and Lao You was almost in a free state. Guan Zheng watched Lao You wandering around and said, "Don't be so idle, okay? Think about it with me anyway?"

"What do you think? I have to wait for Xiao Wan'er to give me clothes before I can work."

Guan Zheng silently ran into the pantry and began to make tea again.

Guan Nuo came in from the outside and said: "The identity of the deceased has been verified. The deceased was named Zhou Guoqing, a laid-off worker. He went to Nanyi City with his daughter a few years ago. In order to reduce the burden on his daughter, he worked as a sanitation worker in the Sanitation Department.

But there is a very interesting thing, Zhou Guoqing went to see a psychiatrist. "

Guan Zheng poured water into the cup and said, "The psychologist? Why do you see the psychologist?"

"It seems to have depression."

"Where are the family members? Are you here?"

"Don't mention it, his daughter is almost mad and has been looking for it for a long time, but the police haven't filed the case before forty-eight hours. The police said that his daughter basically stayed at the police station and was in a hurry to sleep and eat."

"Don't worry, tell her to come and claim the corpse."

Guan Zheng put the cup aside and said, "Xiao Jiu, go and have a look."

Xu Jiuyan stood up slowly and followed Guan Zheng straight to the reception room.

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan's malaise and said, "What's wrong? Malnourished?"

"I haven't eaten for two consecutive days, so I can only drink water." Xu Jiuyan was crying.

"what's the situation?"

"My house has stopped water and gas for two consecutive days. It is difficult to solve the problem of three meals. It is difficult to wash my face, and I can't get mineral water near my house."

Guan Zheng laughed and said, "You don't want to order takeaway?"

"If you don't bother to move, it's time to lose weight."

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan disgustingly, and said, "You can't reduce your figure any more, you are flat before and after, so what's the point?"

Xu Jiuyan gritted her teeth and said, "Can you stop being so yellow?" Guan

Zheng said with a wicked smile: "I am not yellow, I am golden."

"Don't be disgusting, can you?"

Li Chongyang knocked on the door and said, "President, the man has arrived."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Come in."

Zhou Xiaoning walked in with almond eyes. As soon as he entered the door, he grabbed Guan Zheng and asked, "Police officer, how did my father die? When can I see him?"

Guan Zheng helped Zhou Xiaoning onto the chair and said, "Don't worry, we will try our best. We want to know a few things with you."

"Well, you ask, as long as you can catch the murderer."

Guan Zheng asked suspiciously: "Why are you sure that your father was killed?"

Zhou Xiaoning touched her tears and said, "My father lives very well, he has no tendency to commit suicide."

Guan Zheng said: "But after our investigation, your father has depression."

"Impossible, my father is very normal."

Guan Zheng's doubts became more serious, and he asked, "Why did your father get lost?"

"I went home from the night shift yesterday morning. When I got home, my husband told me that my dad hadn't gone back all night. We were in a hurry and went to look for it. After looking for it for a long time, we didn't find it. We just had to wait."

"Does your father have any special memories of trains or railways?"

Zhou Xiaoning looked at Guan Zheng and Xu Jiuyan suspiciously, and asked, "Does this have anything to do with my dad's death?"

"Your father, we found out on the rails."

Zhou Xiaoning wiped away tears and said: "He was engaged in maintenance work in the railway department before, and he has been doing this all his life."

Guanzheng nodded and said, "Did your father avenge others?"

"Probably not, my father is very kind, he doesn't fight or grab, and there will be no enemies."

Guan Zheng pushed Xu Jiuyan's transcript to Zhou Xiaoning and said, "Please sign it."

Zhou Xiaoning tremblingly picked up the pen and wrote his name.

Guan Zheng said: "Your father, our forensic doctor, is still appraising it, and it will take some time to take it away."

"I know, please."

"It should be done."

Guan Zheng sent Zhou Xiaoning away, and went to the forensic room with Xu Jiuyan.

Guan Zheng asked: "How is it?"

Xiaoquan'er shook his head and said, "The situation is not optimistic, there is nothing to show."

"What's the meaning?"

Xiao Huan'er reached out and lifted the white cloth on the corpse. Guan Zheng couldn't believe it. There was no trauma on this corpse except for plaques.

Xiao Huan'er also admitted that this is the most complete corpse, not only because the corpse has no lack of tissue, but also there are no bruises or wounds on the corpse.

Xiao Huan'er said: "Except for my Y-shaped scalpel, the body did not have any wounds or even bruises.

I checked his organs and found no abnormalities. Cardiopulmonary function was normal. He didn't even have high blood pressure during his lifetime. There were only some food residues in his stomach. However, there were traces of a drug in the liver, but the ingredients were strange and it took time to identify. "

This also made Xiaoquan'er and Guanzheng very puzzled. Guan Zheng said: "Let's have the skull open!"

Xiao Huan'er nodded, picked up the shaver, and shaved the corpse's head clean.

Guan Zheng took Xu Jiuyan back a few steps and said, "This is safer."

Xiaohuan'er picked up the big chainsaw, and then opened the head of the deceased. The sound of the chainsaw was heard for a long time, and the bone debris splashed out and fell everywhere.

Xiao Huan'er took off the goggles and said, "This is our last hope."

"Don't worry, I will find out."

The small circle carefully took out the brain tissue, Guan Zheng also went around, looking at the pile of white cream.

Xu Jiuyan became more disgusting as she watched, Xiao Huan'er smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, do you want to touch it?" Xu Jiuyan shook her head quickly.

Xiaoquan'er said: "This is also human tissue anyhow, it's not as tender as fermented bean curd, so it's good to be fat."

Guan Zheng slapped Xiao Huan'er's hand and said, "Don't be sick for a long time."

"How can this be considered disgusting? It doesn't look like you." Xiaoquan'er glanced at Guan Zheng and said angrily.

Guan Zheng smiled and said, "Just your venomous tongue, you deserve to be unmarried."

"I don't want to marry, how nice it is to be single."

Listening to Guan Zheng and other women chatting and laughing, Xu Jiuyan was unhappy in her heart.

Guan Zheng naturally knew that Xu Jiuyan's thoughts should be taken care of, but some things were destined to go with the flow. (End of this chapter)