No Turning Back

Chapter 55: Brain stem silver needle


Guan Zheng used tweezers to pinch a silver needle in the brainstem and said, "This is the murder weapon."

Xu Jiuyan and Xiao Huan'er looked at the silver needle, a little weird.

Xu Jiuyan said: "Who did this? So precise?"

Guan Zheng stared at the silver needle and said, "Professionals."

"This silver needle has become our only evidence."

Guan Zheng nodded and said: "Check the traces on this silver needle first, check the source, and check the relationship with the deceased."


Old You sat in front of Guan Zheng without gain. Guan Zheng said, "You seem to be annoying."

"Well, it's really strange. If I'm busy, I'm not happy. If I'm not busy now, I'm still not happy."

"Then go check the deceased's belongings again."

Old You nodded and said, "Yes, I checked it four times and finally found a clue."

"That's not to say it quickly."

"I smelled alcohol on the clothes of the deceased."

Guan Zheng rolled his eyes and said, "If you have, it's right. He has a mental illness. He went to see a psychiatrist before he died."

Guan Zheng felt something instantly and said, "Xiao Jiu, go to the hospital."

Xu Jiuyan raised her head from the sketch and said, "Huh? Are you sick?"

"Did you listen to me?"

"No." Xu Jiuyan said somewhat confidently.

She said that, but Xu Jiuyan still put the pencil in her pocket and got into the car with Guan Zheng.

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan a little unhappy, and said, "Did you fall into the vinegar jar?"


Guan Zheng smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

"Aren't you an expert in criminal psychology, figure it out for yourself."

Guan Zheng said: "Xiaoquan'er is not my food."

Xu Jiuyan paused with her paintbrush, then a faint smile rose from the corner of her mouth, and she continued to trace the person under her pen.

Guan Zheng kept all the emotional changes of Xu Jiuyan in his heart and said: "Xiaoquan'er is my predecessor. We have known each other early, but there is still a difference between work and private life. My heart has been filled with people. No one can tolerate it anymore."

Xu Jiuyan still felt a little hypocritical after listening to Guan Zheng's words.

Guan Zheng looked at Xu Jiuyan's painting book and said, "What are you drawing? Show me."

"No!" Guan Zheng stretched out his hand for a long time, but didn't get it. Finally, in order to avoid the car from hitting the road teeth, he gave up.

Guan Zheng said, "When will you give me a picture?"

"You haven't taught me for a long time, how do I paint?"

Guan Zhengdao: "What do you want to learn?"

"Psychological portrait."

"This is a big project. When you have time, the most urgent thing is to find out the doctor."

Xu Jiuyan pouted her lips and whispered: "Perfunctory!"

Guan Zheng smiled and said nothing.

Guan Zheng stopped the car and entered the hospital with Xu Jiuyan.

This is the largest psychiatric hospital in the city, and most of the people here have defects in behavior and personality.

Guan Zheng stepped into the peculiar medical building and said to Xu Jiuyan behind him: "Don't talk nonsense here, everyone here is abnormal, and sometimes even the doctor can't believe it."

Xu Jiuyan heard goose bumps all over her body and said, "Really?"

"Really! The people here are not normal!"

Xu Jiuyan glanced at him and said nothing.

Guan Zheng followed the stairs and found Zhang Xiong's office. Guan Zheng didn't even knock on the door, and entered.

Zhang Xiong looked up blankly and said, "You...who are you looking for?"

Guan Zheng sat down and said, "Doctor, I think someone is going to kill me."

"Huh?" Xu Jiuyan screamed, obviously the script was not arranged like this.

Zhang Xiong looked at Xu Jiuyan, Xu Jiuyan frowned, pretending to be sad, and said, "Doctor, hurry up and take a look. He always says that someone wants to kill him, so I'm almost so worried."

Zhang Xiong calmed down and said, "Oh, then you should sit down first."

Guan Zheng sat down and said, "Can you cure my disease?"

Zhang Xiong smiled and said, "Of course, I will heal you. Tell me, what do you see?"

"I saw a man holding a sharp needle against my head, oh no, he was going to kill me!"

Guan Zheng's emotions became agitated, and she hid in Xu Jiuyan's arms in a panic.

Zhang Xiong was taken aback for a moment, then smiled happily, and said, "Calm down, you see, there are only three of us in this house. Who will hit you with an injection?"

Guan Zheng suddenly raised his arm, pointed at Zhang Xiong, and said, "It's you!"

Zhang Xiong gently pressed Guan Zheng's hand and said, "Looking at my eyes and touching my pulse, what do you feel?"

Guan Zheng suddenly became quiet, and Zhang Xiong went on to say: "Slowly close your eyes and you see a blue sky with a few clouds.

Under the clouds is a grassland, endless and green. There is a small room in the distance, you walk in, the decoration inside is very simple, the decorative patterns are very ethnic, and then you enter your room.

Your room is very clean. There is a photo on the corner of the table. You pick it up and look at it. Who is that person in the photo? "

Guan Zheng frowned and said, "It's the only family photo of me when I was a kid."

"Okay, then tell me now, who is going to kill you?"

"It's you!" Guan Zheng suddenly woke up, gasping for breath. Xu Jiuyan squatted down and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

"It seems to have had a dream."

Xu Jiuyan asked Zhang Xiong, "Is he okay?"

Zhang Xiong smiled and said, "It's okay, it's normal."

Xu Jiuyan nodded in relief. Zhang Xiong sat down at the table and said, "Your husband should be hypothetical."

"What is hypothesis?"

Xu Jiuyan asked with wide eyes.

Zhang Xiong said: "Hypothesis is a kind of mental illness. Just like your husband, he always feels that he has been hurt."

Xu Jiuyan asked anxiously, "Can it be cured?"

"It's okay, but you have to go here more and get more psychological counseling."

"Do you need some medicine or something?"

"Uh, several medicines are prescribed. Go get them."

Xu Jiuyan took the prescription sheet, carefully stuffed it into her pocket, and said, "Thank you doctor!"

Xu Jiuyan led Guan Zheng out of the hospital, Guan Zheng couldn't help yawning, and said, "Let Lao You test what this medicine is and what ingredients it contains, especially the hallucinogenic ingredients."

Xu Jiuyan grabbed the prescription sheet with a tissue and said, "There is Zhang Xiong's DNA on it. Let's check it out together."

Guan Zheng touched Xu Jiuyan's head and said, "Okay, IQ is higher again."

The two got into the car and Xu Jiuyan asked, "Why did you seem to fall asleep in Zhang Xiong's office just now? Really hypnotized?"

Guan Zheng said: "I just closed my eyes for a while and hypnotized it. Hypnosis is not good for me."

"Why? Didn't it mean that no one was spared?"

Guanzheng has begun to popularize science again: "Nothing is spared and it is not absolute. Hypnosis is only effective for unsuspecting people. Before we entered the house, we had already thought that Zhang Xiong might hypnotize, so we all Be wary." (End of this chapter)