No Turning Back

Chapter 61: Demystify the underground


Li Chongyang immediately went to the dean's office, and the assistant asked, "Hello, do you have an appointment?"

Li Chongyang laughed and said, "We don't need to make an appointment, police!"

The assistant was a little panicked and said, "Wait a moment, I'll talk about it."

Li Chongyang nodded, Xiao Quan'er and Li Chongyang stayed outside. The reception room was simply decorated, except for the hospital sign on the wall. There was no special decoration.

On the side of the coffee table, there are several books, all about immunization.

Li Chongyang watched Xiaoquan'er flipping through the books and asked, "Can you understand?"

"What do you say!"

Li Chongyang scratched his head and said nothing.

The assistant came over and said, "Please here, please."

Li Chongyang and Xiao Quan'er walked in together and saw Han Min sitting in front of the door.

Li Chongyang showed his credentials and said: "We are from the Criminal Police Brigade and would like to ask a few questions."

Han Min Yuanyuan showed a few sneer smiles on her face and said, "What do you want to ask?"

"I want to ask a question about your hospital building."

"Our hospital?" "I want to know how many floors your hospital has underground?"

"One floor!"

Li Chongyang motioned Xiaoquan'er to put the report on the table and said, "But at the beginning of the construction, the land you applied for was obviously two floors underground. So where did this floor go?"

Han Min's face changed a bit and said, "Since I asked, I'll tell the truth. We did build two underground floors, but it was naturally not open to store some equipment and medicines."

Li Chongyang nodded and said, "Can we go and see?"

Han Min hesitated: "Sure."

Li Chongyang and Xiao Quaner went down to the mysterious second underground floor under the leadership of Han Min. Han Min and his group went to the basement level, found the walking ladder, and went to the entrance of the basement level two together.

Han Min opened the iron door with the key, and it was dark inside, with no end in sight. It was like a long abyss that sucked everyone in.

Han Min stretched out his hand to turn on the switch, and the lights on this floor continued to light up, saying, "All dangerous and restricted medicines and equipment are stored here. Be careful not to damage them."

Li Chongyang chatted with Han Min and said, "These medicines are very expensive? How else can there be such a safe place?"

Han Min laughed and said, "How is it possible? It's just that these medicines can cause hallucinations or addiction. You must store them carefully."

"Oh, then who knows everything here?"

"Many doctors in our hospital know it, because although the supplies here are dangerous, they will still be used."

Xiao Huan'er checked the neighborhood and asked: "Do you have pnetbsp? Han Min thinks about it and said: "Yes, in the back. "

Xiao Huaner labored to push the top box open, found the pcp box, opened it, clicked the quantity, and asked: "Do you have inventory registration and usage records here?"

"Yes, it's at the door." Xiaoquan'er picked up the notebook, glanced around, and finally shook his head regretfully at Li Chongyang.

Li Chongyang and Xiao Quan'er looked at each room and found nothing unusual. They had to bid farewell to Han Min and said, "Excuse me, thank you for your cooperation."

Han Min enthusiastically sent Li Chongyang and Xiao Quan'er downstairs, and it was not until Li Chongyang and Xiao Quan'er drove away that Han Min returned to the building.

Li Chongyang looked at Xiao Quaner's face with confusion, and asked, "How about this basement?"

"It's not very good. From the point of view of the medicine, there is nothing wrong. But I always find it strange, but I can't tell."

Li Chongyang smiled and said, "Then don't worry, it may just be an illusion."

"No, I smelled blood."

"The smell of blood?"

"Yes, it's the smell of ferrous ions and the smell of hydrocarbons."

Li Chongyang said with a look of contempt: "I know that I am not good at chemistry, can I not talk about such a high-level topic?"

The small circle stretched his hand over the seat belt, buckled it, and said, "Who made it difficult for you to study?"

Li Chongyang smiled slyly and said, "Didn't this give you the doctorate degree?"

Xiao Huan'er smiled and said, "Virtue!"

Xu Jiuyan watched Guan Zheng napping on the table. She was about to put a blanket on Guan Zheng. Guan Zheng closed her eyes and said, "No, Yoko should be back."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Chongyang came in from outside, Xu Jiuyan put the blanket back and said, "You are a god, you know all of this? You don't really have a third eye, do you?"

Li Chongyang heard half of it, and asked curiously, "What is the third eye?"

"I mean, how come you know you are coming back before you enter the house."

Guan Zheng said, "No, I saw it."

Xu Jiuyan asked incredulously: "Did you see it?"

Guan Zheng continued to squint, pointed to the opposite mirror, and said, "When he just went upstairs, he could see it in the mirror."

Xu Jiuyan nodded and asked Li Chongyang, "How is the investigation?"

"There is nothing unusual, it's just a warehouse. The internal doctors know about it. We have all visited."

Guan Zheng tilted his head and said, "No, even the warehouse has no reason not to disclose it to the public. There must be something we don't know. How is the investigation of the medicine?"

Xiaoquan'er said: "*** is in the warehouse, and there is no problem with billing in and out."

Guan Nuo asked suspiciously, "But I can't see it from the database. How did this medicine come in? Smuggling? Or illegally?"

"If you ask about this kind of thing, he won't tell you, we can only check it ourselves."

Guan Nuo nodded, and Guan Zheng said, "Check the death record."

Guan Nuo asked, "Why do you check that? It's normal to have a dead person in the hospital."

"If you ask you to check it, you can check it, where does that say?"

Guan Nuo curled his lips and said, "Hey, where are you here. Huh?"

"What's the matter?" Xu Jiuyan asked.

Several people gathered around. In the past six months, the death toll in this psychiatric hospital accounted for 40% of the entire Nanyi City.

Not only that, most of the deceased died because of accidental death or organ failure. Xiao Juan'er looked at the staggering data and said, "I'm afraid this is really tricky."

"Mao Gu'er? What is Mao Gu'er? I only know evidence."

Xiaoquan'er said with some difficulty: "I'm afraid it's hard to find this. Looking at the time, the most recent one died a week ago. The body has been cremated, so even if there is anything, I can't find out."

Guan Zheng said: "Continue to check the hospital, don't forget, there is no basement level, there is a basement level."

"The ground floor is a mortuary!" Li Chongyang screamed.

"The morgue will also be checked, and no blind spots can be let go."

Xiao Huan'er sighed and said: "Look at how bad you are, go, sister will take you to the morgue." (End of this chapter)